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By Luke Kay Rainbow
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In this clip fiom NBC's ."/01 with Kathie
Lee anu Boua, Kathie Lee waxes
enthusiastic about a bianu of vacuum
cleanei she just tiieu foi the fiist time.
Can you guess what bianu it is.

KATBIE LEE: Ny nephew was
visiting, my biothei Bave's son
}ason, fiom Canaua. So you know
what I uiu all weekenu long. I
helpeu him sell vacuum cleaneis.
B0BA: Bmm.
B0BA: Bow.
KATBIE LEE: Be left his job
uoing something else because
he'u founu this piouuct that was
so unbelievable anu he was
coming uown fiom Canaua to show it to people. Anu I'm thinking aliight, you know,
he's my nephew, I love the kiu, he's got two boys anu anothei baby on the way. I'm
gonna buy, I'll buy one of his vacuum cleaneis. Well he came to oui house. Anu you
know I take a lot of piiue in tiying to keep oui home veiy clean.Be suckeu moie
ciuu out of eveiy-I have nevei seen anything like it in my life!
B0BA: What was in theie.
KATBIE LEE: 0ui housekeepei who is just wonueiful was going, "N0! N0! I just
vacuumeu that!"
B0BA: What kinu of vacuum is this.
KATBIE LEE: I uon't know that I shoulu say because I'm not tiying to uo a.
B0BA: I neeu to know!
KATBIE LEE: But I got on the phone anu saiu not only am I buying one, I calleu all
my fiienus anu I saiu.
B0BA: What is it.. That's iuue, you can't just say it's a gieat vacuum anu then we
uon't even know what you'ie talking about.
KATBIE LEE: I'm not selling them.
B0BA: Yeah, but what is it.
.you'll have to watch the clip to finu out!

Want some hints. She goes on to gush about how theie aie "no bags" anu how it's
"all uone with watei so it's so goou foi the enviionment!" Sounu familiai.

"So iaiely uo you finu
something like that that
just blows you away."
Kathie Lee uiffoiu,

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