Test en Adulti

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Completai spaiile libere cu un singur cuvant care se potrivete n context. Reinei c dont, cant, didnt, etc. sunt considerate un singur cuvnt. V rugm s completai punctele 1-50 n 20 de minute, iar testul de WRITING n alte 10 minute. Acest test este relevant dac respectai timpul alocat i nu folosii materiale ajuttoare.

Example: 1. A: Are you Mr Brown? B: Yes, I am. 2. She didnt go to the concert because she felt ill.

A: Is this the right place for bus nr. 100? B: Yes, it is. John is from Hungary. He is Hungarian.

3 A: Do you smoke? B: No, I don*t_. 4 A: Where does he work? B: In a hospital. 5 6 7 8 9 Im sorry, I do not speak English very well. I didnt study in school. I am studying for an important exam at the moment. Its hotter today than yesterday. Did you speak to your manager yesterday? He was looking for you. They will visit us tomorrow morning.

10 A: When did he phone? B: Yesterday at around three. 11 How many times do they go swimming? Three times a week. 12 Are there any messages for me? 1/4 Bell Bucharest Necessary Steps

13 Can you finish your work by three? Ill do my best. 14 He wasn*t in when I rang so I left him a message. 15 Jane left the school at sixteen and became a waitress. 16 How much money did you pay for your new car? 17 They were listening to music when I came home. 18 - I tried to call James but he didnt answer. - I think you have to try again later. He may be busy. 19 Would you like a drink? Thank you. Youre very kind! 20 A: Who sent the first e-mail? B: My brother. 21 She decided to ..up her own business. 22 A: Can I have extension 315? B: Ill just _________ you through. 23 A: Im afraid hes not in at the moment. B: Could I leave a message? 24 A: Hows he like? B: He is a nice man. 25 Let me finish this first and Ill be with the e-mail straight away. 26 I have not finished the report yet. I need a couple more hours. 27 Havent you heard the news? I thought everyone knew. 28 There has been a visible improvement in the exchange euro against the dollar. 29 I cant put my mind with his nasty behavior anymore! 30 Have you ever been to Prague? 31 The price was exorbitant: 1000 euros! What a complete waste of money. 32 He told me that he is happy in his new department. 33 We spend less time travelling, if we worked from home. 2/4 Bell Bucharest Necessary Steps

34 He told me that he will see her the following week. 35 It has just agreed that the prototype will be tested next month. 36 This is a non-smoking area. Would you mind not smoke here, please? 37 Ikea, has recently entered the Russian market, remains a private company. 38 I tried to call you last night but I couldnt get find to you. 39 If he has not been so lazy, he could have become a great scholar! 40 He ___________ has never learnt to obey cannot be a good communicator. 41 Ok, everybody, lets get to business. 42 If I were you, I would tell him the truth straight away! 43 I know you expected my answer on Friday. Im sorry for the delay in getting back to you. 44 How long have you been studying the guitar? About 30 minutes and I think Im making progress. 45 Long time no ________. You havent changed a bit! 46 They never have spent so much time on the report. 47 The amount of red __________ was so time consuming that we decided to give up the application. 48 She is so shy that she never ever speaks. 49 I get along extremely well with my boss; we are on the same _side. 50 I dont have the organizers contact details. How can I get all of them?


Bell Bucharest Necessary Steps


V rugm s scriei cteva propoziii (10-20) despre dumneavoastr: educaie, loc de munc, familie, hobby-uri, prieteni dragi i alte lucruri care credei c v definesc. Hi! My name is Spirescu Georgeta Carmen.I degreed chemistry university since1992. I should like to improve my English skill. I lost my job in September.I worked in an international school. The policy of the school is to hire native speakers or fluent ones. I support myself working as homework tutor,for moment. I enjoy working with children. I am looking for another job, of course. I think to be teacher is a privilege. I am single.I dont have my own children.I am very friendly. Carmen


Bell Bucharest Necessary Steps

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