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Julian C.



2020 Sundale Avenue Cincinnati, Ohio 45239 Phone: 513.349.5704 Email: uliancc27!"

Professional Experience
Planned Parenthood, Cincinnati, Ohio Health Educator

September 200


#evelo$ and $%e&ent $%o'%am& and mate%ial& on a'enc" &e%vice& and &e(ualit" education. )e'ional Coo%dinato% Pe%&onal )e&$on&i*ilit" Education P%o'%am . +o%m Coalition& $e%tainin' to '%ant& and out%each activitie& . ,-. te&te% ,i%ed on a& the health educato% a/te% *ein' an inte%n and voluntee% Januar" 200 #June 200

Hamilton Count" Public Health, Cincinnati, Ohio Ser$ice %earnin& Office 'ntern

P%ima%" #ata collecto% /o% a&&e&&ment tool& dealin' 0ith Cente%& /o% #i&ea&e Cont%ol '%ant. Act a& a liai&on *et0een ,CP, and di//e%ent communit" '%ou$& and o%'ani1ation&. Pe%/o%med ta&2& vital to the dail" o$e%ation& o/ the ,ealth Education #ivi&ion .

Stein (art, Cincinnati, Ohio June 200)#June 20** Cashier and Customer Ser$ice +epresentati$e

E(ce$tional cu&tome% &e%vice %e$%e&entative and $%o*lem &olve%. S$ea%headed the %evival o/ the /all /a&hion &ho0 and acted a& it& &t"le coo%dinato%.

,ni$ersit" of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio -u&ust 20*2# Present 3a&te%& in ,ealth P%omotion and Education /ocu& in Communit" ,ealth Ce%ti/icate in Plant45a&ed 6ut%ition 7%aduate #ecem*e% o/ 2013 7PA 3.897 200.#200

,ni$ersit" of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio 5achelo% o/ Science, #ec 2009 3a o%: ,ealth Education and P%omotion: Em$ha&i&: Communit" ,ealth

/ational Commission for Health Education Credentialin& Ce%ti/ied ,ealth Education S$eciali&t October 200

S$eed" t"$i&t1 excellent oratorical and spea0in& s0ills1 teachin& and curriculum de$elopment experience1 the abilit" to assess session success throu&h the de$elopment and implementation of pre and post session e$aluations.

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