Remedies For Breach of Contract

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Remedies for Breach of Contract

Remedies are the measure or enforcement of right, which either of the parties can take it against the other party who has broken the contract. Following are the remedies Rescission of the Contract: When a contract is broken by either of the party, the innocent party can sue the other party for not performing. Damages for the loss suffered: Damages are the monetary compensation given to the injured party to bring him in the position where he would have been if contract had not broken. Specific Performance: In certain cases of breach of a contract, damages are not an adequate remedy. The court may, in such cases, direct the party in beach to carry out his promise according to the terms of the contract. Quatum meruit: Quantum meruit means as much as earned. A right to sue on a quantum meruit arises where a contract, partly performed by one party has discharged by the breach of the contract by the other party. Injunction: Where a party is in breach of a negative term of a contract (i.e., where he is doing something which he promised not to do), the court may, by issuing an order, restrain him from doing what he promised not to do.

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