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Required Science Content

You covered all required material and went above and beyond in enhancing and explaining the resource to further the classs understanding. You had an organized presentation that was rehearsed. You talked to the audience. You explained your thinking eloquently and answered questions with depth of knowledge. You displayed required information and were able to take your ideas uniquely to another level by creating a product that was organized to enhance the understanding of others. Writing, speaking and display sentences, spelling and vocabulary were accurate. Content vocabulary was used appropriately and often.

You covered all required material and could explain your thinking.

You had 80% or more of the required content.

You were missing a considerable amount of required information, explanations were incomplete.

Verbal Presentation

You practiced your presentation. Your attention was focused on the audience. You explained your thinking and answered questions.

You could explain the information you collected, but it was not fluid all the time. You answered questions but were lacking details.

You were not prepared to present, disorganized and it was clear you did not practice your presentation.


You displayed all required information in a neat and organized way that could be understood and read by others (writing was large, concise and relevant).

You displayed most required material and the work was readable (some pictures or parts of the display were unclear or not labeled).

Your display was not well organized, did not include required information and unclear.


Display had accurate sentences, spelling and proper use of vocabulary.

Display and presentation had a few errors in vocabulary, sentences and/or spelling.

Sentences, spelling and vocabulary use were not accurate.

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