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Through our research, we found that a prominent element of the female artists makeup in their music videos was

their lipstick. Therefore, we wanted to do the same, especially on the white background # in the studio location. We believed that prominent red lipstick would be e$tremely effective as the main standout feature of Lunas makeup in the music video. Through prior research we found the colour, red, to be most effective, especially in %iley &yrus 'Wrecking (all music video.

!s we decided that red lipstick would be the most effective and impactful on camera, we also believed it held the most relevant connotations. !s red is often used to symboli"e love, danger and anger # these are all emotions that are included in our music video. The emotion love # Luna and her boyfriend and !nger # as they are breaking up and their

We also felt that the eye makeup was very important as well, this is due to the fact that Lunas emotion as she lip-syncs the lyrics will be mainly conveyed through her eyes. Therefore we wanted to place emphasis and significance upon her eyes as the audiences focus and attention will be on her eyes. o we wanted to create as much emphasis on her eyes as possible.

For the makeup of our actress playing Luna, many other popgenre female artists inspired us. We did this because we wanted to stick to the popular genre characteristics. This included the appearance of the artist, so we placed significant emphasis on her appearance.

For the rest of Lunas makeup on her cheeks, we wanted to create a more natural look. This is in order to make Lunas lips and eyes more prominent as this was the main focus for the makeup of our actress.

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