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My Trips With Girlfriend

The Most unusual food, Ive eaten is cricket. I ate it when I traveled to Seattle. It was similar to Corn. Ive been to Cuzco three times. In my first trip I traveled with my friends ifteen years a!o. My third trip was on "#$$, in that time I traveled with my !irlfriend and her dau!hter. %e stayed four days, we visited to Machupichu by train then we climbed the &uayna 'ichu Mountain for around two hours. Two days later. %e have been to (re)uipa, I traveled with my !irlfriend. %e stayed three days and we visited to Colca Canyon and *ifferent Church. Two week later. %eve been to 'unta Cana, %e stayed + days in the hotel. %e ate all included meals , breakfast, lunch and dinner. %e have swum to sharks and dolphins. These places are very hot. I like 'unta Cana, because I didnt drivin! a car so I was rela-ed drinkin! and eatin! all day durin! my trip.

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