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German Language Cheat Sheet

If you ha&e a business trip or &a"ation planned to 5erlin or Germany learnin a fe! !ords : phrases before you o "an really help impro&e the ;uality of your trip9 Here are some German lan ua e basi"s to et you started9 If you need help !ith pronun"iation or any other aspe"t of the German lan ua e !hy not book an )nline German 3esson !ith our German tutors today<

Hello Goodbye Yes No Thank you I am sorry My name is Where are you from? I am from I like I don't like Do you speak En lish I don't understand Ho! mu"h is the beer? Hallo %uf Wiedersehen (a Nr =ielen Dank Es tut mir leid Mein Name ist Woher kommen $ie? I"h komme aus I"h ma I"h !ei> ni"ht !ie $pre"hen $ie En lis"h I"h kann ni"ht &ersthen Wie kostet das 5ier?

* + , . # / 0 1 2 +* ++ +, ++. +# +/ +0 +1 +2 ,* ,+ -* -+ .* #* /* +** +*+ #** +*** ,*** +M I Me You Them He $he null eins @!ei drei &ier fBnf se"hs sieben a"ht neun @ehn elf @!Dlf drei@ehn &ier@ehn fBnf@ehn se"h@ehn sieb@ehn a"ht@ehn neun@ehn @!an@i einund@!an@i dreissi einunddrei>i &ier@i fBnf@i se"h@i hundert hunderteins fBnfhundert eintausend @!eitausend eine Million

Time & Dates

What time is it? It is # o'"lo"k $e"onds Minutes Hours Mornin Midday %fternoon E&enin Today Yesterday Tommorro! Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 'riday $aturday $unday (anuary 'ebruary Mar"h %pril May (une (uly %u ust $eptember )"tober No&ember De"ember Wie spAt ist es? Es ist fBnf $ekunden Minuten $tunden Mor en +,9** Chr %m Na"hmitta 'Nabend Heute Gestern Mor en Monta Diensta Mitt!o"h Donnersta 'reita $amsta $onnta (anuar 'ebruar MAr@ %pril Mai (uni (uli %u ust $eptember )ktober No&ember De@ember

Where is Turn 3eft Turn 4i ht $trai ht ahead Wo ist 5ie en $ie 3inks 5ie en $ie re"hts ab Geradeaus

Other Helpful hrases

Help )pen 6losed $ell 5uy 'ood Drink Do"tor Hospital Ta7i %irport Men Women 6hildren Hilfe )ffene Ges"hlossen =erkauf ?aufen Essen Trinken %r@t ?rankenhaus Ta7i 'lu hafen MAnner 'rauen ?inder

I"h Mi"h $ie $ie Er $ie

Ho!? Who? What? When? Where? Why? Wie? Wer? Was? Wann? Wo? Warum?

Translations courtes! of "S #ing

8 ,*+- !!!9learnby"am9"om

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