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Elizabeth Hinds

10 Loomis St #202 Montpelier, VT 05602 elizabeth.hinds st!"i.ed! #21$% $$&'())) I am a student at the New England Culinary Institute seeking a six month internship in April to help strengthen my skills in a professional kitchen, and to learn and grow as a culinary professional. A career changer at the beginning of a new profession, I bring an established work ethic, a commitment for learning and a passion for the culinary arts. Education New England Culinary Institute, Montpelier, VT Associate of Occupational tudies ! Culinary Arts Augustana College, -o". /sland, /L "achelor of Arts. #a$or% &re!#edicine'"iochemistry (&A% ).*'+.* Work Experience Research Assistant : ,ni-ersity of Iowa, Iowa City, IA Sept 2011 ' Sept 201+ Aided in "iochemistry .epartment research that elucidated the causes of congenital heart defect in newborns, using /. lae-is frogs as biological models. 1e2eloped e3periments to anal0ze the e44e"ti2eness o4 5eneti" tools and material 1esi5ned and o2ersa6 e3periments in 4!n"tional 5eneti"s Mana5ed the lab in2entor0 and orderin5 /nstr!"ted st!dents in lab sa4et0 and proto"ol -esponsible 4or animal h!sbandr0 7onne"ted members o4 the lab thro!5h "lo!d'sharin5 to simpli40 data trans4er *"t 201+',resent Sept 200$' Ma0 2011

Retail Specialist 8 9a".0:a".ies ;i4ts and 7a4e, Monti"ello, /L 200+ < 2011 An independent retailer speciali0ing in one!of!a!kind gifts for the whole family. 1ackyNackies is also a (old Cup Certified caf2. =ssisted "!stomers 6ith orders, in>!iries, and spe"ial e2ents Skills Ser2Sa4e 7erti4ied 201+ ?no6led5e o4 "oo.in5 theor0 and 4ood s"ien"e. Table ser2i"e and introd!"tor0 6ine .no6led5e 7ompetent .ni4e s.ills and !se o4 .it"hen e>!ipment @nderstandin5 o4 introd!"tor0 ba.in5 methods. =ttention to detail, meti"!lo!s 6or. ethi" Mediated "onta"t bet6een o6ner and 2endors 7omm!ni"ated 6ith 2endors and representati2es to or5anize and establish mer"handise Trained ne6 sta44 in "!stomer ser2i"e and spe"ialt0 "o44ee ,repared mer"handise 4or spe"ial e2ents and orders Maintained point o4 sale s0stem

,ersonable and reliable.

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