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David Albano 18524 Old Trace Dr., Baton Rouge, LA 70817 Education: St.

Michael the Archangel High School, Baton Rouge, LA LSU Bachelor of Arts, Mass Communication Concentration: Political Communication

May 2012 May 2016 GPA: 4.0

Experience: RCIA Sponsor October-November 2013 - Companion to candidate entering the Catholic Church - Engaged in faith dialogue with candidate - Provided positive role model to candidate Group Leader, Tiger Awakening November 2013 - Helped lead church retreat put on by Christ the King at LSU - Facilitated discussion among those on retreat Counselor, Camp Abbey June 2013 - In charge of three different groups of eighth graders - Organized group activities, managed cabin, disciplinarian Student Worker, Department of Entomology Summer 2011-2013 - Assisted graduate researchers with agronomy experiments - Aided in collecting agricultural data President of the National Honor Society August 2011-May 2012 - Lead St. Michael chapter of academically recognized seniors - Tutored middle school children in math Member of Peer Ministry Core Team August 2011- May 2012 - Helped coordinate religious retreats for St. Michael students - Provided positive role model for St. Michael student body President of the junior class at St. Michael August 2010-May 2011 - Demonstrated leadership as representative of junior class Served on Diocesan Youth Board August 2010-May 2011 - Helped coordinate religious retreats for young adults for the Diocese of Baton Rouge Honors: Invited to join LSU chapter of Alpha Lambda Delta Invited to join LSU chapter of Gamma Beta Phi Invited to join National Society of Collegiate Scholars Mr. St. Michael High School LSU Academic Scholars Award 4-H Scholarship Invited to attend Youth Leadership Conference sponsored by the Military Order of the World Wars

2013 2013 2013 April 2013 2012 2012 March 2012

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