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Teena Sharma Ms.

Antonuik ENG-2D1 May 16, 2013 A Life Long Teaching

Sharma 1

Jesus taught us the Golden Rule which is Do others as you would have them do unto you. Do you think it would feel good if someone did not respect you or care about how you felt? Well, if the answer is no, how would you want to be treated? Respect is about how you feel about someone and how you treat them. The world is composed of special people who deserve to be treated with respect. In the novel, To Kill A Mockingbird, by Harper Lee, Jermey Finch-Jemand Jean Louise Finch-Scout- are siblings who learned about respect through the individuals who lived in Maycomb County, Alabama. Scout and Jem learned that one must have respect for individuals through the prejudice actions of certain individuals of Maycomb County; Atticuss teachings; and the uncovering of the many sides of various characters. Firstly, Scout and Jem learned that one must have respect for individuals through the prejudice actions of certain individuals of Maycomb County. Lula was a member of the First Purchase African M.E Church and her actions were prejudice towards Jem and Scout. To begin with, Lula made a racist comment about Jem and Scout when Calpurnia took them to her church on Sunday. This was revealed when Lula stated You aint got no business bringin white chillum here-they got their church, we got ourn. (Lee 119) Even though Calpurnia and Lula were from the same community, Calpurnia stood up for Jem and Scout. Next, the white community is prejudice against Mrs. Helen Robinson-Helen- because she could not get a job due to her husband, Mr. Tom Robinson-Tom- who was being accused for raping Mayella Ewell-

Sharma 2 white girl. Also, during the church service, Mr. Reverend Sykes the pastor at First Purchase M.E church and he said, The collection taken today and for the next three Sundays will go to Helenhis wife, to help her at home. (Lee 121) Later, Scout and Jem ask Calpurnia about why no one would hire Helen for a job. To this Calpurnia responded, Folks arent anxious to-to have anything to do with his family. (Lee 123) Scout and Jem thought about why people would not hire Helen because she did not rape anyone as it was her husband. Also, Mr Gilmer, the prosecutor during Toms trial portrayed a prejudice action towards Tom. During Toms trial, Mr. Gilmer asked Tom questions in a rude and disrespectful manner. This statement was revealed when Mr. Gilmer said: Robinson youre pretty good at busting up chiffarobes and kindling with one hand, arent you? Yes, suh, I reckon so. Strong enough to choke the breath out of a woman and sling her to the floor? (Lee 196) Clearly, Scout and Jem noticed how Mr. Gilmer was disrespectful to Tom while Atticus was being very polite when questioning Mayella Ewell nicely. In conclusion, throughout the various prejudice actions of certain individuals of Maycomb County, Scout and Jem learned that one must have respect for individuals. Secondly, Scout and Jem learned that one must have respect for individuals through Atticuss teachings. Firstly, Atticuss teachings taught Jem and Scout about how to understand others in their good or bad situations. During Toms Robinsons trial, Atticuss children wanted to know why people hated on him, and the reason to why he supported a coloured man. Atticus said to his kids You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view. (Lee 30) Jem and Scout took Atticuss teachings and realized that they should have

Sharma 3 though from other peoples perspective. Next, Atticuss advice on giving Arthur Boo Radley (Arthur) their neighbor, some personal space and privacy. This helped his kids learn how to respect him and others in society. Jem and Scout heard numerous rumors about Arthur from Mrs. Stephanie Crawford, the towns gossiper, which made them curious. Atticuss realized that his children tried to bring Arthur out and Atticuss said, Im going to tell you something and tell you one time: stop tormenting that man.If he wanted to come out, he would. (Lee 49) Scout and Jem stopped with their immature behavior and decided to listen to their father. Also, Atticuss teachings encouraged Scout and Jem to respect Mrs Dubose-an old lady who lived in their neighborhood. One afternoon, Jem and Scout walked by Mrs. Dubose and they heard her call Atticus a Ni*ger-lover, which antagonized Jem. One night, when Scout told her father what Mrs. Dubose called him, Atticus said, nigger-lover is just one of those terms that dont mean anything-like snot-nose. So dont let Mrs. Dubose get you down. She has enough troubles of her own. (Lee 108) Scout and Jem understood that these comments made by Mrs. Dubose did not affect Atticus. Thus, due to these comments they should not disrespect Mrs. Dubose. Hence, through Atticuss teachings, Scout and Jem learned that one must have respect for individuals. Last but not least, Scout and Jem learned that one must have respect for individuals through the uncovering of many sides of various characters. Firstly, Mrs. Dubose was an old lady who always yelled at Jem and Scout, but later on, revealed a new side to which she was, made them respect her. When Jem destroyed Mrs. Duboses plants, he was punished to read to her for a month. Later that month, Jem and Scout noticed the pain in which Mrs. Dubose went through, as she suffered from cancer. This statement was announced when Scout said:

Sharma 4 Something had happened to her. She lay on her back, with the quilts up her chin. Only her head and shoulders were visible. Her head moved slowly from side to side. From time to time she would open her mouth wide, and I could see tongue undulate faintly. Cords of saliva would collect on her lips; she would draw them in, then open her mouth again. Her mouth seemed to have a private existence of its own. It worked separate and apart from the rest of her, out and in like a clam hole at low tide. (Lee 107) Jem and Scout discovered that Mrs. Dubose consumed pain killers, which was the ideal reason for her uncontrollable anger. Furthermore, Scout and Jem did not understand why Mr. Dolphus Raymond (Dolphus) -an eccentric, white, wealthy man who was always drunk, but soon they realized this scenario as a drunkard was a lie. To start off with, Dolphus pretended to be drunk, in order to allow his community to believe that he was crazy enough to live with the black community. Dolphus revealed himself in front of the children, and advised them to not expose his secret. This was acknowledged when Dolphus said, You little folks wont tell on me now, will you? Itd ruin my reputation if you did. You mean all you drink in that sacks Coca-Cola? Just plain Coca-Cola? (Lee 200) Scout and Jem now had respect for Dolphus, as he lived a life, which consisted of lies. He participated in such an act in order to be happy. In addition to his happiness, he wanted the people of Maycomb County to let him live his life the way he wanted to, since he was always drunk. Moreover, in Jems and Scouts perspective Mr. Arthur Boo Radley (Arthur) was an abnormal person. When they walked home from the Halloween pageant, Arthur saved them from Mr. Bob Ewell, which changed their perspective. They were both

Sharma 5 amazed at how Arthur looked like a normal human being. Scout felt terrible about what she thought about Arthur and said: Neighbors bring food with death flowers with sickness and little things in between. Boo was our neighbor. He gave us two soap dolls, a broken watch and chain, a pair of goodluck pennies, and our lives. But neighbors give in return. We never put back into the tree what we took out of it: we had given him nothing, and it made me sad. (Lee 278) Jem and Scout recognized that their neighbor Arthur was truly caring and protected them. He also saved their lives from Mr. Bob Ewell, when he risked his own life. Therefore, the uncovering of the many sides of various characters, Scout and Jem learned that one must have respect for individuals. In conclusion, Scout and Jem learned that one must have respect for individuals. This was proven, through the prejudice acts of certain individuals of Maycomb County, Atticuss lessons, and the discovery of the numerous sides of various characters. Firstly, Scout and Jem witnessed many prejudice actions towards the white and black community. They eventually understood that despite someones race, age, or religion, everyone is entitled to respect. Next, Scout and Jem learned, from Atticuss teachings, of how to understand other peoples situation, by stepping into their shoes. Finally, Scout and Jem realized that each individual had a reason to act in such a way, where half of their identity was revealed to the community and gained the respect for that individual. All in all, Scout and Jem learned that one must have respect for the individuals. In the end, do you think Scout and Jem learned how to respect these individuals?

Sharma 6 Work Cited Lee, Harper. To Kill A Mockingbird. New York: J.B. Lippincott Company, 1960.

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