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Methodology Checklist 1: Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses

SIGN Study identification (Include author, title, year of publication, journal title, pages ) Guideline topic: Before completing this checklist, consider: 1. Is the paper a systematic review or meta-analysis? IF NO R ! "# $give reason %elow&. IF ' ( "ON#IN) . *. Is the paper relevant to key +,estion? -nalyse ,sing .I"O $.atient or .op,lation Intervention "omparison O,tcome&. IF NO R ! "# $give reason %elow&. IF ' ( complete the checklist. Reason /or re0ection: 1. .aper not a systematic review1meta-analysis +,estion Key Question No:

2 2
$please speci/y&:

*. .aper not relevant to key

3. Other reason

Checklist completed by:


In a well conducted systematic review 1.1 The study add esses an app op iate and clea ly focused !uestion. In this study this criterion is::
"ell co#e ed $de!uately add essed %oo ly add essed "ell co#e ed $de!uately add essed %oo ly add essed "ell co#e ed $de!uately add essed %oo ly add essed "ell co#e ed $de!uately add essed %oo ly add essed "ell co#e ed $de!uately add essed %oo ly add essed Not add essed Not epo ted Not applicable Not add essed Not epo ted Not applicable Not add essed Not epo ted Not applicable Not add essed Not epo ted Not applicable Not add essed Not epo ted Not applicable


$ desc iption of the methodolo'y used is included.


The lite atu e sea ch is sufficiently i'o ous to identify all the ele#ant studies.


Study !uality is assessed and taken into account.


The e a e enou'h simila ities bet+een the studies selected to make combinin' them easonable.

SECTION %: O"ER !! SSESSMENT O& T'E ST(#$ &.1 &.& ,o+ +ell +as the study done to minimise biasCode ++, +, or Notes) Summa ise the autho s conclusions. $dd any comments on you o+n assessment of the study. and the e/tent to +hich it ans+e s you !uestion.

4 (cottish Intercollegiate 5,idelines Network, 6arch *778

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