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lesson 2: Ethical objectives

1.- what is corporate social responsibility?

The responsibility that a business has towards all its stakeholders, not just to owners or shareholders, to deal with their needs fairly
2.- Describe the HER project? The HER project, is a project that helps the woman workers in Bangladesh that have little education, low levels of literacy, no knowledge of health, no knowledge of hygiene and they don't know how a womans body works. This project uses education as a key tool to work against these problems. This program aims not only to improve the health of the female workers but also give them knowledge to change their personal and working lives. 3.- Explain the benefits to Primark of its involvement in the HER project. The benefits of Primark involvement in the HER project is that they can have a healthier workforce which will increase productivity, the communication between the internal staff will be more effective, absenteeism and labour turnover could be reduced. Also it gets the company a good image because the customers will see that Primark cares about their workers. 4.- Evaluate whether firms should consider the needs of all their stakeholders, rather than concentrating only on the needs of the shareholders.

Firms should consider the needs of all their stakeholders because they are the ones to generate the money to the shareholders. But I think that firms should have a 50% interest on the stakeholders and 50% on the shareholders. In that way they could have the needs of the stakeholders and the shareholders in balance without affecting one side or the other.

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