Deutsche Bank 10,000 Award

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Thinking about life after graduation? Do you have an exciting new idea or simply want to establish yourself?

The Deutsche Bank Awards for Creative Enterprises offer support for final year students to develop a business or project plan for life after art school. A winning individual or group will receive 10,000 in start-up capital, along with business training and a mentor - helping them to reach their full potential.

AWaRD iN CREatiVE aND CuLtuRaL PRacticE

WHo caN appLY: KEY DatEs:
Final year students studying at: Birmingham Institute of Art and Design

Introductory talk on the Awards: Monday 25 November 2013 BIAD Lecture Theatre, The Parkside Building, B4 7AP 3.30pm Business planning workshop: Wednesday 22 January 2014 One-to-one sessions to support applications: Thursday 6 February 2014


For more information and to sign up, contact: E: T: 0121 331 5810


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