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The Vikings

1. The Vikings were from _______________________, Sweden, and Denmark.

2. Vikings used boats called ________________________.
3. Although Vikings were portrayed as warriors, they also were _________________,
___________________, __________________, and ____________________.
4. The Vikings used _______________ __________________ while sailing to determine
5. They also relied on the _________________ of the _____________ and mirgrating
whales to guide them while sailing.
6. Erik the Red sailed from __________________ and discovered a new land with
green pastures called _____________________.
7. Leif Eriksson was the son of ____________________________.
8. His crew turned south and discovered the forested land they called
9. The region of Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, and Brunswick was named
10. In 1960, ruins and remains were discovered that proved that the
_____________________ discovered American before Columbus did.

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