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S"mer a! s a##"rate a!d $ery d st"r% !g& It 'ro$es the #o"!tless efforts made %y those de#e tf"l s#r %es to h de the tr"e !at"re of S"mer a! (h #h (as !ot the la!g"age of the gods %"t s m'ly the art of de#e t) a tool of ma! '"lat o! to fool 'eo'le a!d ma*e them a##e't a false god as the "lt mate sym%ol of a"thor ty& The !$e!t o! of S"mer a! has !e$er %ee! a##e'ted %y the s# e!t f # #omm"! ty altho"gh there s 'le!ty of e$ de!#e of ts dar* !at"re&

nig (nik)
! g +,ITCH-& ! g +.LO/- 01e2! g) *"2! g3&

0see f"ll l st !g3 F"ll l st !g& Also4 ! 5& The !ame of the % t#h ! S"mer a! s e5" $ale!t to the !o"! +th !g-& ,"t (hy s that so6 ! g +,ITCH- 07894 ED IIIa) Old ,a%ylo! a!3 (r& ! g :female dog; l o!ess: A**& *al%at"; !<2t" +7!g

= d st !#t forms attested; #l #* to $ e( forms ta%le&

female dog (16x/100%)

> LEX?Old ,a%ylo! a!?N ''"r ! g O, N ''"r Ura @ =AA& LEX?Old ,a%ylo! a!?"!*!o(! ++! g-- B B +SAL-&UR B kaC+alCba-Ctum O, D r :O9ford: @88& "!*!o(!?Old ,a%ylo! a!?Tell Hammam etCT"r*ma! ++! g90UR3-- B ! C g B UR B kalCbaCtum St"d o H stor ae Arde!s) =DAC=A7 7E; ++! g90UR3-- B B B neCeCtum St"d o H stor ae Arde!s) =DAC=A7 7D&

> amar+yo"!g-LEX?Old ,a%ylo! a!?N ''"r ! g amarCra O, N ''"r Ura @ @FF&

A**& *al%at" :female dog) % t#h:; !<2t" :l o!ess:&

! 1C"r=Cl mm"G +CREATURE- +th !g C legs C fo"r- Ha th !g ( th fo"r legsI ! g +,ITCH1e2

! g) *"2! g +.LO/-

nig Homophones
! g B SAL&UR +,ITCH! g= B GAR +THING! g8 B U&UD&JID +FETUS! g9 B KE +,ARLEL! g9 B UR +DOG-

+Co"!try M Agr #"lt"res #*le See also 4 epinnu, arbu, laqtu Com'ar so! ( th other Sem t # la!g"ages 4 Ara% # 4 m !gal NOPQ R Ss #*leT .rotoCSem t #4 U!gl 7) Um ?aC!galC = Afroas at # etymology4 Afroas at # etymology Mea! !g4 to rea' 7) s #*le = A**ad a!4 niggallu, ningallu Vs #*leV O,) OA o! 0CAD n, =7@; AH() EDE; a##& to %oth so"r#es) a S"m& loa!(ord) (h #h s !ot so ! $ e( of the #om'arat $e data; W*mingal-63

He%re(4 maggl 2 0HAL) XGX3 Y"da # Arama #4 maggl = 0HAL) XGX3 Syr a! Arama #4 maggalt = 0HAL) XGX3 Ma!da # Arama #4 manglia VsythesV 0DM) =GE3 Ara% #4 nl Vfa"#her 0les #eZreZales3) la%o"rer 0la terre3V 0,elot 7A=A) DFE3) minal- Vfa"# lle de mo sso!!e"rV 0,J =) 7=FD3 Notes4 All W*mi/a-ngal- Vs #*leV) a! !str"me!tal !o"! der $ed from the $er% *ngl Vto rea'V * ! +SICJLE- 07GF94 Old A**ad a!) Ur III) Old ,a%ylo! a!3 (r& "r"d* !; g !; * !90[ KE&JIN[3; "r"dKU&JIN :s #*le: A**& ! ggall" +7+=+@+G"r"d

* ! 0"r"da* !3

g! * !90[KE&JIN[3

KU&JIN 0"r"daKU&JIN3

8 d st !#t forms attested; #l #* to $ e( forms ta%le&

sickle (140x/100%)
> LEX?Old ,a%ylo! a!?N ''"r "r"dsag77 O, N ''"r Ura = X7G; "r"dsag77 a2C1ar O, N ''"r Ura = X7Xa& ELA?Old A**ad a!?G rs" l"=Cd!a!!a "r"da* !C2e@ ge!C!a DAS FD@ 77; 70ge2=\#3 "r"d"* ! ITT =) F@FXF 7; @0"\#3 "r"d"* ! ITT =) F@FXF @; =0"3 E0d 23 "r"d"* g= ]eCra RTC FAA =; "r"d"* g= 2"Ca g GCa RTC FAA @; =0"\#3 "r"d"* !^ STTI FAG 7; @0"\#3 "r"d"* ! STTI FAG @& ELA?Ur III?Drehem 70ge2=3 G0"3 E0d 23 "r"da* ! s"m"! 70"3 X0d 23 g !=Cta Jyoto =G 7; E0d 23 "r"da* ! M_N 7@) E== 7& ELA?Ur III?G rs" l"=Cd!a!!a "r"da* !C2e@ ge!C!a DAS 78A 7=; D0d 23 "r"da* ! e!s = ITT @) FX=FA 7; 70d 23 "r"da* ! ITT @) FX=7= X& ELA?Ur III?N ''"r 70"3 "r"da* ! 7?@0d 23 maC!aCta NATN G8A 7; 70d 23 "r"da* ! NATN XDE 7& ELA?Ur III?Umma =0ge2=3 X0"3 @0d 23 "r"da* ! MCS 7) @E) ,M 7FXGX= @; X0ge2=3 =0"3 E0d 23 "r"da* ! MCS 7) @E) ,M 7FXGX= 8; G0d 23 ge22" "r"da* ! M_N F=) @X= 7& ELA?Ur III?Ur X0d 23 "r"da* ! UET @) F=AX =; 70d 23 "r"da* ! s"m"! UET @) F@7= =; =0"3 "r"da* ! s"m"! UET @) F@7E =; +9- "r"da* ! UET @) F@7A =; =0ge2=3 X0d 23 "r"da* ! UET @) F@=@ 7; 70ge2"3 =0ge2=3 70"3 =0d 23 "r"da* ! UET @) FE=7 =; ge22" "r"da* !C% =0ge2=3 G0"3 UET @) FEEG =& "!*!o(!?Ur III?Drehem +9- "r"da* ! Ale''o GAG 7; =0"3 X0d 23 "r"da* ! Ale''o GA8 X& "!*!o(!?Ur III?G rs" 70ge2"3 @0ge2=3 "r"da* ! SAT 7) @XX G; 70ge2"3 80ge2=3 =0"3 "r"da * ! SAT 7) @X8 =; ge22" "r"da* ! * dECa TCTI =) F@=AX =& "!*!o(!?Ur III?Umma 70"3 @0d 23 "r"da* ! Georg #a 7&@&7 @; @0ge2=3 =0"3 X0d 23 "r"da* ! 70"3 =0d 23 g !=C+ta- SNAT @FF G; 70"3 80d 23 "r"da* ! 70"3 X0d 23 g !=Cta SNAT @FF D& "!*!o(!?Old ,a%ylo! a!?"!*!o(! 70d 23 2a@Ct"*" s * g ! TL, X) FX 7& > gal+% g-LEX?Old ,a%ylo! a!?N ''"r "r"dsag77 gal O, N ''"r Ura = X7X& A**& ! ggall" :s #*le:& +7AAG- M& C $ l) FarmerVs I!str"#t o!s AF& +7ADAC7AAF- Y& ,a"er) AfO @8C@E DX&

See ETCSL4 g"r7FBs #*le; 2"Cg"r7FBty'e of s #*le& /e #a! see that from the #om'o"!d KE&JIN B A**& ! ggall" that the deogram KE +,ARLEL- re#e $ed the 'ho!et # $al"e ! g9 B KE +,ARLELThe story does!`t e!d there4 The S"mer a! deogram ! g +th !g- der $ed from a #ho''ed A**ad a! (ord A**& ! gC gall" :s #*le:&

! g) *"2! g +.LO/-

The deogram ! g +'lo(- re#e $ed ts 'ho!et #al $al"e %e#a"se of the sema!t # aff l at o! of the s #le a!d the 'lo(& ,"t the !ame +% t#h- re#e $ed ts !ame from the #om'o"!d ! 1C"r=Cl mm"G +CREATURE+th !g C legs C fo"r- Ha th !g ( th fo"r legsI So the !ame Ha th !g ( th fo"r legsI %e#ame a"st a th !g B % t#h ! S"mer a!& /e !eed a do]e! ta%lets) se$eral #ho''ed (ords from A**ad a! a!d S"mer a! to #reate the !ame for the female dog ! the art f # al la!g"age& Is!`t that oddb H"ma!s domest #ated the dog tho"sa!ds of years %efore they !$e!ted the (r t !g system& They d d!`t ha$e to (a t for the te#h!ology of the ta%lets to !ame the male dog a!d the female dog al *e& That mea!s S"mer a! (as a! art f # al to!g"e !e$er s'o*e! %y the ma!&

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