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Pensions paid after the war

Posted on 6 September 2010 - 05:51pm

Print I REFER to "Veterans families seek compensation" (Letters Sept !"# $apt %an &odman of t'e (t' )attalion of t'e Straits Settlements Vol*nteer +orce ((SSV+" or ,alacca Vol*nteer $orps (,V$" s*cceeded in obtainin- pensions for all t'e (SSV+ .eterans or t'eir beneficiaries after t'e /ar# &'e )ritis' 0ecords 1ffice onl2 records 123 4*rasian Vol*nteer soldiers from ,alacca /'o ser.ed in (SSV+ d*rin- t'e /ar and b2 ri-'t t'e2 or t'eir beneficiaries s'o*ld 'a.e recei.ed pensions# )ear in mind t'at t'e pensions /ere paltr2 and /o*ld onl2 'a.e been paid *ntil 5*- !0 1356 as from 5*- !1 1356 t'e pensioners or t'eir beneficiaries ceased to be )ritis' s*b7ects and t'e contin*ed pa2ment of t'e pensions became a matter for t'e +ederation of ,ala2a -o.ernment# $ompensation to t'e families of t'e /ar dead /as paid a fe/ 2ears after t'e /ar b*t t'e families 'ad to pro.e t'e2 /ere related to t'e .ol*nteers /'o died in t'e /ar# 8it' re-ards a cenotap' t'ere is alread2 a ,V$ 8899 memorial tablet at t'e Stadt'*2s facin- t'e %*tc' s:*are /'ic' /as erected b2 $apt &odman /it' 'elp from m2 -rand-fat'er /'o /as t'en /it' t'e ,alacca &'ere are 11 4*rasians listed on t'e memorial# 1n t'e second S*nda2 of ;o.ember e.er2 2ear a remembrance /as 'eld in front of t'e ,V$ memorial tablet *ntil t'e late 1360s# &'e ,ala2an Vol*nteers <ro*p 'opes to re.i.e t'e ceremon2# 4mail if 2o* /o*ld like to be in.ol.ed or if 2o* /is' to kno/ more abo*t t'is pro7ect# Andrew Hwang Malayan Volunteers Group Kuala Lumpur

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