Confusion Over Portuguese Identity

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Confusion over Portuguese identity

Posted on 28 December 2007 - 10:54pm

The Portuguese Settlement residents are unhapp that outsiders identi! them as "ristang and not Portuguese# The "ristang label is also used to describe their culture$ traditions and cuisine# %&en the &illage is called the "ristang &illage# The 'ord "ristang$ in Portuguese$ means (hristian and it re!ers to a person)s religion$ not ethnicit # *ost residents$ including singing legend +oel ,eli-$ 75$ regarded as !ather o! *ala sian Portuguese (ulture$ !irml maintain that the residents in the 72- ear-old &illage should be properl identi!ied as *ala sian Portuguese# The Portuguese at the Settlement$ 'hom . ha&e researched !or some 25 ears$ are descendents o! Portuguese 'arriors 'ho con/uered *alacca in 1511 and mostl intermarried 'ith locals# The $ li0e their !ore!athers$ are *ala sian born and ha&e no contact 'ith their ancestors) countr $ Portugal$ e-cept$ !or cultural &isits or as tourists# The residents sa that there are man reasons 'h the should be addressed as *ala sian Portuguese# Their *ala sian birth certi!icate identi!ies them as Portuguese# The spea0 eight percent o! the 11th centur original Portuguese language and practise the Portuguese culture besides maintaining the Portuguese songs$ dances$ !esti&als and traditions# The communit 'as recognised as Portuguese 'hen the go&ernment o!!ered the 2manah Saham +asional onl to those practising the Portuguese culture# The mo&e meant that the *ala sian Portuguese# 'ere gi&en o!!icial recognition !or the !irst time as

3o' the 'ord "ristang came to be used 'idel b others is unclear but it doing great damage to the Portuguese residents) identit # The strongl !eel that the 'rong usage o! the "ristang 'ord should stop immediatel # 3o' can it be done4 Perhaps$ a con!erence in&ol&ing &arious Portuguese leaders and other interested groups$ including the 5egedor)s panel and *alacca Portuguese-%urasian 2ssociation$ can be organised to promote the residents) proper identit and image# The Portuguese should also !orm a +ational *ala sian Portuguese (ouncil 'hich could act as the sole &oice and o!!icial bod to deal 'ith issues a!!ecting them#

S.T. Rajagopal Kuala Lumpur

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