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SCIENCE Power Point Presentation on

Desirable and Undesirable chan es

By Group F

!hat is desirable chan e " E#a$ples !hat is Undesirable chan e " E#a$ples % &'

By Group F

What is desirable change?

(he chan es which are use)ul to us called as desirable chan e*

It is type o) chan e brou ht by nature or $an producin

use)ul results*

(hese chan es are desired to occur that is we li+e the$ to happen*

By Group F

Example of desirable change

Chan in o) season is use)ul and li+eable by all
Sprin Su$$er 'utu$n !inter

By Group F

Example of desirable change

Chan in Desert to beauti)ul city (rans)or$ation o) Dubai ,--. to /.,0

201 3

By Group F

What is undesirable change?

(he chan es which are not use)ul and har$)ul to us

is called undesirable chan e*

(hese chan es are not desired to occur*

(hese chan es are not e#pected or Unwanted*

By Group F

Example of Undesirable changes

Flood ** (ype o) undesirable natural e1ent and e))ect o) stor$ and rain * It disturbs people and causes reat loss*

By Group F

Example of Undesirable change

Spoilin o) )ruits !hen the )ruit ets rotten2 Foul s$ell co$es o)) and causes $any diseases due to har$)ul $icro or anis$*

By Group F

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By Group F

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