General Engineer Matrix

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Competency Matrix for General Petroleum Engineering SPE Task Force on Minimal Competency

GENERAL KNOWLEDGE/SKILL* TASK Understand and use petroleum engineering terminology. Identify and use relevant industry and company design standards. Maintain regulatory compliance. MINIMUM COMPETENCE BREADTH Understand general terminology of all sub-disciplines. Identify what design standards exist in all sub-disciplines. Identify what regulatory bodies have jurisdiction and where to find documentation of the applicable regulations. Understand the essential rules relevant to the work project. Identify what technical software and informational databases exist in all sub-disciplines. MINIMUM COMPETENCE DEPTH Understand terminology specific to the sub-discipline. Understand and use conventional design standards specific to the subdiscipline. Complete necessary regulatory compliance permitting and reporting specific to the sub-discipline. ABOVE MINIMUM COMPETENCE Understand terminology in areas of expertise. Help create design standards as well as apply standards to nonconventional applications. Work with regulators on rule changes and exceptions.

Identify and use technical software and informational databases.

Understand and use conventional technical software and informational databases specific to the subdiscipline. Apply project management skills to projects within sub-discipline. Understand and apply geoscience principles within sub-discipline.

Use project management skills .

Understand and apply geoscience principles.

Understand the elements of project management (costing, scheduling, contracting, logistics, etc.). Understand geoscience principles (e.g., fracture gradients, well bore stability, pore pressure prediction).

Help create technical software and informational databases as well as apply technical software and informational databases to nonconventional applications. Apply project management skills in larger projects and across subdisciplines. Apply geoscience principles across sub-disciplines.

GENERAL KNOWLEDGE/SKILL TASK Perform decision and risk analysis and contingency planning. Monitor operations and optimize performance. MINIMUM COMPETENCE BREADTH Understand decision and risk analysis concepts and the value of contingency planning. Understand basic monitoring/optimization techniques. Carry out directed well optimization plans or programs. Understand basic economic principles (PV analysis, lease vs. purchase, etc.). Understand the purposes and value of a multi-disciplinary/cultural approach to a project. Demonstrate the ethical code of behavior for the general practice of engineering. Maintain membership in technical and professional societies and pursue professional license/certification. MINIMUM COMPETENCE DEPTH Conduct risk assessments within subdiscipline and prepare contingency plans to manage risks. Perform conventional operations monitoring and engineering design specific to a sub-discipline and make optimization recommendations. Perform economic evaluations of projects within the sub-discipline. Perform all the conventional duties of the sub-discipline team member. Demonstrate ethical behavior in subdiscipline. Participate actively in technical and professional societies and obtain professional license/certification. ABOVE MINIMUM COMPETENCE Conduct risk assessments across subdisciplines for a project and prepare contingency plans. Perform operations monitoring in areas of expertise or across subdisciplines and make recommendations to optimize system performance. Perform economic evaluations across sub-disciplines or in specialty areas within a sub-discipline. Lead a multi-disciplinary/cultural team and be able to perform the duties of two or more sub-disciplines. Demonstrate ethical behavior and Provide leadership in ethical behavior across disciplines. Encourage others in industry to join and actively participate in technical and professional societies and to become licensed or certified.

Evaluate economics of project.

Participate in a multidisciplinary/cultural team. Perform duties in ethical manner.

Promote engineering professionalism.

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