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15/11/2013 08:50:00

Janet: This is Janet. Henry: Hi Janet, this is Henry from WJB.

Janet: Henry! Its so oo! to hear from yo"! Im sorry I havent gotten around to answering your email #"st yet, Ive had a lot on my plate. Henry: $h yeah% This isnt a &a! time, is it% Janet: 'o, its fine, I (an (hat for a )itt)e. *o" mentione! in yo"r emai) yo" +ante! to meet a&o"t a ne+ mar,etin (am-ai n, I! )o.e to meet an! bounce some ideas off you. Henry: How about we meet for lunch, say this Th"rs!ay at 12% We (o")! o to /te-hanies on 'e+&"ry, my treat. Janet: /orry Henry, I (ant ma,e it. Im really tied up here !"rin the !ay. Toms team ,in! of dropped the ball )ast 0"arter +ith this -ro#e(t so +ere helping them play catch up. This is the thir! time this has ha--ene!. J"st &et+een yo" an! me, I thin, theyre oin to show him the door. /o I (ant ma,e Th"rs!ay for )"n(h &"t Im free for dinner. 1ets say aro"n! 2% Henry: That so"n!s reat. I)) ma,e reser.ation. Janet: 3reat. /ee yo" then, ta,e (are, &ye4&ye.

15/11/2013 08:50:00

15/11/2013 08:50:00

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