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Contact: Kathy Sheehan, Democratic Candidate for Albany City Treasurer

Telephone Number: 518/441-6122

e-mail/website:  / 

Decade’s Old Deficiencies Still Exist in Barnette’s Office

August 7, 2009 -- Today State Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli released his audit of Albany’s “No-
Fine” parking tickets.

Among his findings, the Comptroller found significant deficiencies in the City’s process for can-
celing outstanding parking tickets. The failure of the Treasurer’s Office to institute written con-
trols “invites abuse of the City’s enforcement process and can result in unnecessary loss of ticket
revenue,” according to the audit.

“This finding is particularly troubling in light of the fact that the State Comptroller told Treasurer
Betty Barnette, in 1997 to adopt a comprehensive written policy addressing parking ticket can-
cellation. Had the Treasurer acted on this 12 years ago, much of the criticism in today’s audit
may have been avoided”, said Kathy Sheehan, Democratic candidate for City Treasurer.

Barnette, has been in office for 18 years. She continues to deny that she knew about “No-Fine”
tickets, even though the Common Council found that “No-Fine” tickets were issued to her

According to the audit, tens of thousands of tickets were canceled. Of those examined by the
auditors, more than half had no stated reason for the cancellation. The State Comptroller also
found that controls over the city’s information technology systems, part of which fall under the
Treasurer’s responsibilities, “were so lacking that neither DiNapoli’s auditors nor the city could
be sure that city parking ticket data was complete and accurate.”

According to Sheehan, “The lack of written policies and management controls leave the city
open to continued abuse. With the city facing a rising deficit, we simply cannot afford this risk.
City taxpayers have a right to expect competence and accountability in their elected officials.
Throughout my career I have demonstrated my ability to develop and implement regulatory
policy for employees and financial systems. I will provide that same accountability to the resid-
ents of Albany as their City Treasurer.”


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