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DIFFERENTIAL PROTECTION FOR GENERATORS Differential Relaying is generally is used to provide phase and earth fault protection of Generator

windings. Differential Relaying will detect 3 phase faults, Phase-to-Phase faults, double phase to ground faults and some single phase to ground faults depending upon how the Generator is grounded. Differential Relaying will not detect turn to turn faults in the same phase since there is no difference in the current entering and leaving the Phase winding. Differential Relaying will not detect stator ground faults on high impedance grounded Generators. The high impedance normally limits the fault current to levels considerably below the practical sensitivity of the differential relaying. The scheme of connections are as shown in ig !"a# and ig !"b#. The arrangement in ig !"b# to be used when the individual phases of the generator are not brought out at the $eutral end. CT s for Differential Protection % The &T s on either side of the Generator shall be of the same Ratio. The &Ts shall be of low reactance, and shall be of class P' accuracy. They shall have the specified (nee Point voltage " )* + #.and shall have the same magneti,ation characteristic .

Knee point Voltage

The *nee point is a point on the -.citing current )s -.citing )oltage characteristic curve. "fig

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