Material Handling

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Material Handling

Chapter 5 Logistics Management Vinod V Sople Chapter 14 Logistical Management Bowersox, Closs Chapter 11 A Logistics Approach to SCM Coyle, Langley, Gi son, !o"ac#, Bardi


$e%inition &ole 'rinciples ( )ecti"es *mportance Acti"ities Co"ered + ,-nctions 'er%ormed $-ring Materials .andling Material .andling /0-ipment with selection criteria Material .andling Methods Material .andling System $esign 1 ( )ecti"es 2 'rinciple 3ypes o% Material .andling /0-ipment 1 A $esign 'erspecti"e Criteria + ,actors %or Selection o% Material .andling /0-ipment

Material Handling

Material handling re%ers to acti"ities, e0-ipment, and proced-res related to the mo"ing, storing, protecting and controlling o% materials in a system 3he act o% loading, -nloading and mo"ing goods within a system -sing mechani4ed e0-ipments 3he art 2 science o% mo"ing, pac#ing and storing o% s- stances in any %orm

Material handling in a wareho-se is restricted to -niti4ed %orm which re0-ires smaller si4e e0-ipment ,or -l# material handling at transport nodes s-ch as shipyards, ports, railway terminals, airports, di%%erent types o% e0-ipments are -sed

... Material Handling

A good material handling system can enhance the speed and throughput o% the material thro-gh the s-pply chain 5hether mo"ement is mechanical, man-al or oth, the #ey %actor in material handling is efficiency 3here are %o-r dimensions to material handling Movement

*n"ol"es con"eyance o% goods into, o-t o% 2 within storage %acilities 3hese mo"ements sho-ld e e%%icient

... Material Handling


*s the time ta#en to ready goods %or order %illing Lesser the time it ta#es to %ill the order 2 mo"e goods to shipping area, lower the order cycle time 2 higher the c-stomer ser"ice le"els Material handling e0-ipment design sho-ld ass-re that correct 0-antity is mo"ed Space in a wareho-se is %ixed Material handling e0-ipment m-st ens-re e%%icient -sage o% %loor 2 c- e space



!"#ectives of Material Handling

3he primary o )ecti"es o% material handling are $ncrease effective capacity of %are&ouse

5areho-se managers m-st %oc-s on c- e space not )-st %loor space Minimi4e aisle space witho-t narrowing aisle to impede mo"ement in the wareho-se 3ype o% material handling e0-ipment will a%%ect the aisle width

Minimi'e aisle space

... !"#ectives of Material Handling

)educe product &andling

*deally in a wareho-se there sho-ld e no mo"ement o% goods 'ractically this is not possi le, hence the n-m er o% times goods are handled m-st e red-ced *n a wareho-se, goods are -nloaded, mo"ed to storage, pic#ed %or order selection, mo"ed to order %illing area, pac#aged, readied %or dispatch and %inally loaded onto transport "ehicles ,or all o% the a o"e acti"ities goods ha"e to e mo"ed se"eral times Additionally d-e to o"ercrowding in the wareho-se, goods may e #ept in a temporary location and then mo"ed later By nat-re itsel%, material handling does not add value to goods Material handling, only adds to the cost as material handling e0-ipment is expensi"e as well as cons-mes time .ence material handling sho-ld minimi4e n-m er o% mo"ements and allow goods to mo"e rapidly and e%%iciently thro-gh the wareho-se

... !"#ectives of Material Handling

Develop effective %or+ing conditions

5or# conditions sho-ld e sa%e and sho-ld ens-re personnel are not exposed to dangers or in)-ries /"en tho-gh the material handling e0-ipment is mechani4ed or semia-tomatic, maxim-m man-al e%%ort is in"ol"ed in order6pic#ing .ence an en"ironment o% moti"ation sho-ld e created Short6distance 2 repetiti"e mo"ements that tend to get monotono-s sho-ld e a"oided .ea"y la or sho-ld e a"oided Mechani4ation sho-ld e adopted as %ar as possi le

)educe movements involving &eavy la"or

... !"#ectives of Material Handling

$mprove logistics service

Material handling impro"es e%%iciency o% the entire logistics system y responding 0-ic#ly and e%%ecti"ely to c-stomer or plant re0-irements Material handling plays a #ey role in creating time 2 place -tilities 3h-s material handling plays a #ey role in o-t o-nd logistics (%ten organi4ations p-t e%%orts in red-cing transportation time o"erloo#ing material handling which pro"ides ample scope %or impro"ing c-stomer ser"ice /%%ecti"e material handling can contri -te to cost minimi4ation y increasing prod-cti"ity 7"i4 %aster thro-ghp-t8 Cost minimi4ation also happens thro-gh e%%icient space -tili4ation

)educe cost

)ole of Material Handling in /ogistics

*n a wareho-se material handling operations are per%ormed at the %ollowing stages

9nloading the material %rom incoming transport "ehicles Mo"ing the -nloaded material to the assigned place in the wareho-se Li%ting the material %rom its storage place d-ring order6pic#ing Mo"ing the material %or order %illing and pac#aging Loading the pac#ages, oxes or cartons on to transport "ehicles

/%%iciency o% material handling e0-ipment adds to per%ormance le"el o% the wareho-se *nternal mo"ement has a direct earing on the order pic#ing and order %-l%illment cycle By -sing newer technologies, man-al la or can e red-ced

0ctivities 1 2unctions 3erformed "y Material Handling

3he three handling acti"ities per%ormed in a wareho-se are

)eceiving $n4storage &andling

Transfer Selection

S&ipping 3he %irst handling acti"ity re0-ired is -nloading goods %rom the transport "ehicle *n most wareho-ses, -nloading is man-al Generally, one or two people -nload a shipment 3he prod-ct is hand6stac#ed on pallets to %orm a -nit load %or mo"ement e%%iciency


... 0ctivities 1 2unctions 3erformed "y Material Handling $n4storage &andling

*n6storage handling consists o% all mo"ement within a wareho-se %acility 3he two types o% in6storage handling are Transfer

3here are at least two and sometimes three transfer movements re0-ired within a typical wareho-se ,ollowing prod-ct receipt, goods are trans%erred to their alloted storage positions within the wareho-se or order selection 5hen an order is recei"ed, goods are pic#ed, mo"ed to order6%illing area A%ter pac#aging the shipment is mo"ed to the shipping area

... 0ctivities 1 2unctions 3erformed "y Material Handling

$n4storage &andling Selection

3he selection process gro-ps materials, parts, and prod-cts into c-stomer orders (ne section o% the wareho-se is esta lished as a selection area to minimi4e tra"el distance 3he primary %oc-s %or wareho-se a-tomation is the selection process *n a comp-teri4ed control system, the selection process is coordinated y a comp-ter

S&ipping 1 Dispatc&ing

Consists o% chec#ing and loading orders onto transportation "ehicles As in recei"ing, shipping is man-ally per%ormed in most systems Shipping with -nit loads is ecoming increasingly pop-lar eca-se considera le time can e sa"ed in "ehicle loading

3rinciples of Material Handling

3lanning principle All material handling sho-ld e the res-lt o% a deli erate plan where the needs, per%ormance o )ecti"es and %-nctional speci%ication o% the proposed methods are completely de%ined at the o-tset

Standardi'ation principle Material handling methods, e0-ipment, controls and so%tware sho-ld e as standardi4ed as possi le

5or+ principle Material handling wor# sho-ld e minimi4ed witho-t sacri%icing prod-cti"ity or the le"el o% ser"ice re0-ired o% the operation

6rgonomic principle .-man capa ilities and limitations m-st e recogni4ed 2 respected in the design o% material handling tas#s 2 e0-ipment to ens-re sa%e and e%%ecti"e operations -4

... 3rinciples of Material Handling

7nit /oad principle 9nit loads shall e appropriately si4ed and con%ig-red in a way which achie"es the material %low and in"entory o )ecti"es at each stage in the s-pply chain

Space 7tili'ation principle /%%ecti"e and e%%icient -se m-st e made o% all a"aila le space

System principle Material mo"ement and storage acti"ities sho-ld e %-lly integrated to %orm a coordinated, operational system which spans recei"ing, inspection, storage, prod-ction, assem ly, pac#aging, -niti4ing, order selection, shipping, transportation and the handling o% ret-rns

... 3rinciples of Material Handling

0utomation principle Material handling operations sho-ld e mechani4ed and+or a-tomated where %easi le to impro"e operational e%%iciency, increase responsi"eness, impro"e consistency and predicta ility, decrease operating costs and to eliminate repetiti"e or potentially -nsa%e man-al la or

6nvironmental principle /n"ironmental impact and energy cons-mption sho-ld e considered as criteria when designing or selecting alternati"e e0-ipment and material handling systems

/ife cycle cost principle A thoro-gh economic analysis sho-ld acco-nt %or the entire li%e cycle o% all material handling e0-ipment and res-lting systems

Material Handling 68uipment Material handling e0-ipment are classi%ied as %ollows

Manual Mec&ani'ed Semiautomatic 9uided information 0utomatic


... Material Handling 68uipment


3he cheapest and the most common method o% material mo"ement -sed in wareho-sing Approach is la or6intensi"e, slow and cannot handle large "ol-mes Go"erned y h-man limitations hence

Cannot handle too many repetiti"e motions *s prone to strain in)-ries .igher error rates

*n de"eloped co-ntries man-al la or is scarce and expensi"e hence man-al handling is disco-raged *n de"eloping co-ntries man-al la or is cheap and easily a"aila le -*

... Material Handling 68uipment


Mechani4ed systems in"ol"e a wide range o% handling e0-ipment *ncl-de a wide "ariety o% handling e0-ipment, most commonly -sed are

5&eeled trolleys 2or+lift truc+ 3allet truc+ Tractor4trailer devices Conveyors Cranes Carousels

... Material Handling 68uipment

Mec&ani'ed 5&eeled trolleys

A:A hand cart or hand tr-c# Simplest mechani4ed handling e0-ipment is a trolley on wheels /%%icient %or handling small "ol-mes o"er short distances Can e p-shed or dragged 5heeled trolleys %all in two asic categories "i4 two wheeled and %o-r wheeled 3wo wheeled trolleys are simplest and can e easily mane-"ered in narrow spaces 5eights -p to ;;< #ilos and can e mo"ed y a single person with goods on the two6wheel trolley

... Material Handling 68uipment

Mec&ani'ed ... 5&eeled trolleys

4 wheeled trolleys come in h-ndreds o% shapes and si4es and are widely -sed ,o-r wheel6hand6held trolley is called as plat%orm tr-c# capa le o% mo"ing goods hori4ontally ,o-r wheeled trolleys are s-ited %or short distances ,or higher "ol-mes and longer distances, electric attery or diesel engine operated trolleys are pre%erred


... Material Handling 68uipment

Mec&ani'ed 3allet :ac+

A:A pallet tr-c# or p-mp tr-c# A tool -sed to li%t and mo"e pallets 3he %ront wheels are mo-nted inside the end o% the %or#s, and as the hydra-lic )ac# is raised, the %or#s are separated "ertically %rom the %ront wheels, %orcing the load -pward -ntil it clears the %loor 3he pallet is only li%ted to aro-nd = inches eno-gh to clear the %loor %or s- se0-ent tra"el


... Material Handling 68uipment

Mec&ani'ed 2or+lift Truc+

3he greatest single inno"ation in material handling since 5orld 5ar ** which is responsi le %or s-pporting the concept o% -niti4ation o% load *ntrod-ction o% pallets as -nit load %or material handling and storage was mainly possi le d-e to %or#li%ts Most commonly -sed %or mo"ements o% -nit loads s-ch as pallets and master cartons


... Material Handling 68uipment

Mec&ani'ed ... 2or+lift Truc+ 0dvantages

As the %or#li%t tra"els, pic#ing -p and dropping o%% loads is possi le A ility to mo"e larger loads o"er longer distances A ility to mo"e load "ertically in the "ertical storage system A ility to mo"e load "ertically 2 hori4ontally %or exact positioning o% load &elia le and easy to operate

3wo6way entry pallets can e li%ted y the %or#li%t %rom two opposite sides ,o-r6way entry pallets can e li%ted y the %or#li%t %rom all sides ,or#li%ts are -s-ally attery operated A"aila le in a "ariety o% models and capacities depending on applications

... Material Handling 68uipment

Mec&ani'ed To%lines Are -sed %or contin-o-s mo"ement o% material ,o-r wheeled trailers are in contin-o-s motion Consists o% a n-m er o% trailers which mo"e across the wareho-se %or 'lacing material to the material storage area 'ic#ing %rom the storage area Mo"ing to order %illing and pac#aging area Mo"ing to dispatch area 3owlines may e either %loor or o"erhead mo-nted $-ring order selection process, material is pic#ed y the order selector is placed on the trailer which is mo"ed %-rther to the pac#aging and dispatch sections C-stom designed %or a partic-lar application $o not ha"e the %lexi ility o% load mo"ement 25

... Material Handling 68uipment

Mec&ani'ed Conveyors

Con"eyors are a common type o% mechani4ed handling e0-ipment that mo"es materials %rom one location to another Con"eyors are especially -se%-l in applications in"ol"ing the contin-o-s mo"ement o% material o"er long distances /liminate handling e%ore and a%ter each process Can e easily e0-ipped with a-tomatic control de"ices %or sorting and weighing Most common applications are aggage handling at airports, coal handling at thermal power stations *n large a-tomated wareho-ses where large n-m er o% pac#ages are handled %or sorting and %reight consolidation, con"eyors with ar6coding systems are -sed 2

... Material Handling 68uipment

Mec&ani'ed ... Conveyors

Most common types o% con"eyors

5&eel Conveyor )oller Conveyor ;elt Conveyor C&ain Conveyor


... Material Handling 68uipment

Mec&ani'ed Carousels

Are commonly -sed in order pic#ing systems *n"ol"es ho-sing a n-m er o% ins on an o"al trac# Bins mo"e on the trac# A in containing a partic-lar item can e ro-ght to the order selector Caro-sel systems red-ces storage space and manpower in"ol"ed in order pic#ing process 3o increase prod-cti"ity, caro-sels are integrated with comp-ters

... Material Handling 68uipment

Mec&ani'ed !ver&ead Cranes

Are -sed %or mo"ing "ery hea"y items o"er a short distance *tems s-ch as steel plates, ars, coils, t- es or machinery components can e e%%iciently handled with o"erhead cranes 3he mo"ing and li%ting e0-ipment is %ixed on the girders o% the -ilding roo% Li%ting mechanism called saddle or hoist mo"es on a rail


... Material Handling 68uipment

Mec&ani'ed Stac+er Cranes

/lectric power cranes that operate on %ixed ase and rails at the top and ase o% each aisle 9sed %or li%ting loads o% a o-t ; tonnes -pto height o% => %eet !ot economical %or li%ting to heights elow ?> %eet !ormally -sed in large wareho-ses where a large n-m er o% pallets ha"e to e li%ted and stac#ed A typical installation may ho-se more than 1>> pallets per aisle

... Material Handling 68uipment


.igh %ixed cost, low "aria le cost with low %lexi ility (%ten s-pplement mechani4ed e0-ipment 3hese are mechani4ed handling e0-ipment where6in some handling acti"ity is per%ormed a-tomatically Commonly -sed are Sorting Systems &o otics A-tomated g-ided "ehicles 7AGV8

... Material Handling 68uipment

Semiautomatic Sorting device 1 Sortation System

9s-ally -sed with powered con"eyors 3he sorting de"ice sorts material passing on the con"eyor ased on the sorting code 9s-ally optical ar code readers are -sed 3he sensor reads the code and di"erts material in the re0-ired section e@g@ sorted material may e di"erted to pac#aging direction *ncreases system acc-racy, speed, and eliminates man-al la or

... Material Handling 68uipment

Semiautomatic )o"otics

.-man li#e electronic machine which per%orms some pre6 programmed %-nctions 9s-ally -sed in conditions which are harm%-l to h-mans Can e -sed in extreme temperat-re conditions s-ch as cold storage or deep %ree4ers Some -l# and container loading+-nloading %acilities are completely ro otic e@g@ the 3ort of ;ris"ane in A-eensland, A-stralia 7see "ideo8 33

Video lin# 7;B5C min@8 httpB++www@yo-t- e@com+watchD"E(A.oC*6*AMA

... Material Handling 68uipment

Semiautomatic 0utomatic 9uided <e&icle System =09<S>

A mechani4ed material handling e0-ipment witho-t an operator Consists o% %o-r parts 1 "ehicle %or mo"ement, pic#-p and drop o%% locations, g-idance systems and comp-ter ased control Vehicle mo"es on a %ixed magnetic or optical path Vehicle co"ers the pic#-p and drop stations and reaches its destination witho-t any help Systems operate at the speed o% 15>6;5> %eet per min-te which is slower than a %or#li%t tr-c# which operates at ?>>65>> %eet per min-te


... Material Handling 68uipment

$nformation 9uided Systems

*n"ol"es -sage o% mechani4ed e0-ipment %itted with some electronics which pro"ides some a-tomation 3a#es ad"antage o% controls o% a-tomated handling with %lexi ility o% mechani4ed systems Moderate %ixed and "aria le cost with high %lexi ility and -tili4ation (%%ers selected ene%its o% a-tomation witho-t s- stantial capital in"estment Main draw ac# is acco-nta ility regarding wor# assignment e@g@ mechani4ed systems -ilt6in with &, wireless + 5i6,i e@g@ ,or#li%t tr-c#s %itted with &,*$ scanners and data collection terminals 35

Video lin# 7>B4F min@8 httpB++www@yo-t- e@com+watchD"E>4V%G wx1"s

... Material Handling 68uipment


C-stom -ilt material handling systems &e0-ire hea"y in"estments .-man error is minimi4ed Ad"antages are speed and acc-racy which enhance the prod-cti"ity o% the system $isad"antages are the complexities, in"estments and loss o% %lexi ility A-tomated material handling systems are always de"eloped along with storage systems speci%ic to the re0-irements Systems is connected to a comp-ter %or programming the e0-ipment operations and material pic#-p ro-te

Criteria 1 2actors for Selection of Material Handling 68uipment

'hysical str-ct-re o% the %acility will o%ten dictate the type o% material handling e0-ipment that can e -sed /0-ipment selection e0-ation 5&at ? 5&ere ? 5&en @ 68uipment Specification

5hat EH type o% material o% material handled 2 material handling characteristics si4e, shape, stowa ility 5here EH e"erything in"ol"ed in ro-ting the material thro-gho-t the %acility, incl-des type o% mo"ement, length o% mo"ement, limitation o% the mo"ement, -ilding limitations, mo ility re0-irements, trans%er re0-irements and associated in6transit operations 5hen EH material m-st get to the right place at the right time

... Criteria 1 2actors for Selection of Material Handling 68uipment

,actors -s-ally ta#en into consideration %or selection o% material handling e0-ipment incl-de the %ollowing 0dapta"ility 3he load carrying and mo"ement characteristics o% the e0-ipment sho-ld %it the materials handling pro lem 2leAi"ility 5here possi le the e0-ipment sho-ld ha"e %lexi ility to handle more than one class o% material and in di%%erent si4es /oad capacity /0-ipment selected sho-ld ha"e great eno-gh load6carrying characteristics to do the )o e%%ecti"ely, yet sho-ld not e too large and res-lt in excessi"e operating costs 3o%er /no-gh power sho-ld e a"aila le to allow the e0-ipment to do its )o Speed Speed o% mo"ement o% material, within the limits o% the wareho-se and sa%ety sho-ld e considered 3*

... Criteria 1 2actors for Selection of Material Handling 68uipment

Safety /0-ipment sho-ld not e sa%e and sho-ld not ca-se any in)-ries to personnel operating the e0-ipment or wor#ing in the wareho-se Space re8uirements 3he space re0-ired to install or operate materials handling e0-ipment is an important %actor in its selection Supervision re8uired As applied to e0-ipment selection, this re%ers to the degree o% a-tomation designed into the e0-ipment 6ase of maintenance /0-ipment selected sho-ld e easily maintained at reasona le cost 6nvironment /0-ipment selected m-st con%orm to any en"ironment reg-lations Cost 3he consideration o% the cost o% the e0-ipment is an o "io-s %actor in its selection 3,

*ntrod-ction Logistics Management 1 Sople 'g <= $e%inition httpB++www@ielm@-st@h#+d%ac-lty+a)ay+co-rses+ieem51?+M.+M.sys@html A Logistics approach to SCM 1 Coyle 'g ?4; ( )ecti"e o% M@ ., A Logistics approach to SCM 1 Coyle 'g ?4; 'rinciples o% M@ .@ httpB++www@mhia@org+downloads+ind-strygro-ps+cicmhe+g-idelines+1>Iprinciples@pd% $%stypes o% M@ .@ httpB++www@1;?r%@com+photoI5F45=FCImen6carry6 ox6on6 ac#6isolated6?d6image@html httpB++www@1;?r%@com+photoI<F1>4=FIman6carry6white6 ox6isolated6?d6image@html httpB++www@1;?r%@com+photoI<1=??F1Iman6holding6?d6card oard6 oxes6with6la els6%ragile@html httpB++www@expresso@de+en6g +man6transport6e0-ipm+%o-r6wheel6carts+details+DidE1>>< httpB++www@getprice@com@a-+=C5mm6.and6'allet6Jac#6GpncI5>>66?5?5?<1<@htm httpB++mhedcm@ logspot@com+;>>CI>1I>1Iarchi"e@html httpB++www@amitli%ttr-c#s@com+prod-cts@html httpB++%or#li%t?@com+;>11+>=+;F+tr-c#6%or#li%t+ httpB++www@diytrade@com+china+4+prod-cts+4F>?4<;+%or#li%tItr-c#@html httpB++www@google@com+imgresD 0E atteryKoperatedKhandKcart2hlEen2 iwE1;<;2 ihE<152g "E;2t mEisch2t nidE&MCA,JG%VJGL,MB2imgre%-rlEhttpB++www@ china0-alityshoes@com+sale+;ItonsIhandIpalletItr-c#6111CC1;??=F>>;41>>>>6 prod-ct@html2docidE*g41c*I CyeSgM2wE?1;2hE;>12eiEw=!43p.#/c(CrAe )-mdCw24oomE1 httpB++www@pacline@com+;>I1Iphotos@php httpB++www@ryson@com+slat@htm httpB++www@indiamart@com+ya-se%%a rication+prod-cts@html httpB++www@google@com+imgresD 0Es#ateKwheelKcon"eyor2hlEen2g "E;2 iwE1;<;2 ihE<152t mEisch2t nidEA;o5M;JB'5omgMB2imgre%-rlEhttpB++www@directi nd-stry@com+prod+owens6con"eyor6company+gra"ity6s#ate6wheel6con"eyors6141F56 4><F4?@html2docidE1x)3Vxroc!1"eM2wE54?2hE?C<2eiE5<p43t-tGdCyrAe="';$Cw24oomE12iactErc2d-rE1?CC2pageE12t nhE1=?2t nwE;?>2startE>2ndspE152"edE1tB4;F,rB;,sB>2txEC12tyE<C 4.

... )eferences
Criteria %or selection o% M@ .@ Logistics 1 Bloom erg 'g 1C< httpB++disco"ery@ its6pilani@ac@in+dlpd+co-rses+co-rsecontent+co-rseMaterial+mm4g511+M(ML1;@pd% 3ypes o% Material .andling /0-ipment 1 A $esign 'erspecti"e Logistics approach to SCM 1 Coyle 'g ?=> Acti"ities Co"ered + ,-nctions 'er%ormed $-ring Materials .andling Logistical Management 6 Bowersox 'resentation *mage httpB++www;@co @ilst-@ed-+)ecox+LogisticsM;>CoyleM;>''+ch>F@ppt httpB++www@1;?r%@com+photoI==C=>??I?d6people6piling6-p6 oxes6isolated6o"er6a6white6 ac#gro-nd@html httpB++www@1;?r%@com+photoI?F?F;45Iman6with6tr-c#6?d@html httpB++-s@1;?r%@com+4>>wm+4>>+4>>+michaeld +michaeld 1>>F+michaeld 1>>F>>>51+<CF<F=;6cartoon6 person6mo"ing6trans%erring6data6c- es6 oxes6in6a6red6wheel arrow@)pg httpB++-s@1;?r%@com+4>>wm+4>>+4>>+maxxy-stas+maxxy-stas11>5+maxxy-stas11>5>>>F;+F54?=?F6 concept-al6image6o%6teamwor#6men6with6 oxes6?d@)pg httpB++-s@1;?r%@com+4>>wm+4>>+4>>+4el%it+4el%it11>?+4el%it11>?>>>41+F>F5;516two6wor#ers6-nload6 container6isolated6on6white6 ac#gro-nd@)pg httpB++-s@1;?r%@com+4>>wm+4>>+4>>+andro%roll+andro%roll>C>1+andro%roll>C>1>>>4;+;??11C;6loaders6 ear6the6card oard6 ox@)pg httpB++-s@1;?r%@com+4>>wm+4>>+4>>+andro%roll+andro%roll>C>1+andro%roll>C>1>>>FF+;??11>46wor#er6on6 the6li%t6loader@)pg


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