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Q & A Session 2

Pathology - Dr.Puru 1) Could you briefly explain the following : angiodysplasia , volvulus , ischaemic bowel syndrome , intussusception and diverticulosis ? 2) What is the difference between dystrophic calcification and metastatic calcification? 3) There are quite a number of GI pathological conditions which are not discussed/taught in our lecture notes. Are they significant to know or the ones in our lecture notes are sufficient for us to master at this stage?

Parasitology - Dr.Stephen / Dr.Patricia 1) What are the specific tests used to identify each of the parasites except for microscopic analysis? 2) Is it a must to remember each and every life cycle of the GI parasites? Pharmacology - Dr.Biswadeep Das 1) Is it a requirement to know all the drugs? As well as their mechanisms? 2) (Regarding the lecture on Drugs for GI infections) What is the best way to remember the dosage of the drugs for both adults and children?

Community Medicine - Dr.Vera 1) What are the important things we must know as a medical student from yesterdays lecture on Food Poisoning ?

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