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Project Scheduling and Tracking

Software Engineering

Comments on Lateness

What should we do when management demands that we make a deadline that is impossible?

Basic Principles
Software project scheduling is an activity that distributes estimated effort across the planned project duration by allocating the effort to specific software engineering tasks. Macroscopic schedule- identifies all major software engineering activities and the product functions to which they are applied.

basic principles guide software project scheduling:



!nterdependenc" Time allocation #ffort $alidation %efined responsibilities %efined outcomes %efined milestones

T&# '#L(T!)*S&!P B#T+##* P#)PL# (*% #,,)'T

Example four software engineers ! "### $%&'year (but when placed in a team ) potential communication paths (assume the team productivity *"# $%&'year +herefore, team productivity is( *#,###--*"#.)/012,"## $%&'year! 3."4

(in * months remaining, * additional people are added in team in which the communication paths escalates to 15. (productivity input of the new staff 25#.*01)2# $%& +eam productivity( *#,###61)2#--*"#.15/012,12# $%&'year

#mpirical 'elationship
E = L3/( P3t4 ) where E =effort expended(person-years) t = time duration in years

&onsider 7 real-time software project estimated at 88,### $%&, 1* person-years of effort. '' 3!" person-years!

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