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Windshield Survey Cadillac, MI Jessica L. Schultz Ferris State University


Windshield Survey Cadillac, MI A windshield survey is an observation of a community while driving a car or riding public transportation to collect data for a community assessment (Harkness & DeMarco, 2012, p. 175). I am completing a windshield survey of the City of Cadillac, Michigan; Wexford County. My survey begins on entrance to the city limits at the intersection of East Division St. and Crosby St. and goes through town to Lake Cadillac. East Division turns into Cass St and ends at Lake Cadillac. Community and Community Health Community is defined as a unified body of individuals, or a group of people who live in the same area (such as a city, town, or neighborhood) (Merriam-Webster, 2013). Communities can be large or small and can consist of many different cultures. The community of Cadillac or Wexford County consists of 10,355 people according to the 2010 census (Department, 2013). Community based nursing is defined as minor acute and chronic care that is comprehensive, coordinated, and delivered where people work, live, or attend school. Community based nursing is an extension of illness care provided to clients and their families outside of the acute care setting (Harkness & DeMarco, 2012, p. 8). Community based nursing is individualized to the specific community and views it as a whole. Care is provided to the community and portions of the population are given care when they normally may not have the means to receive it in an acute care setting. Community based nursing reaches all ages and can


deliver care to individual people, families, and community groups with a focus on promoting, preserving, protecting, and maintaining health (Harkness & DeMarco, 2012, p. 9). Harkness and DeMarco describe community based nursing, public health nursing, community health nursing, and community oriented nursing. All of which share similarities as it is the nurses role to educate portions of or the entire community as well as provide care to them and improve the overall health of the community. The differences just consist of who the focus is on. Whether it be on individual people, the whole community, or whole populations. When the nurse can focus on the entire population rather than just the individual that is called Public Health Nursing. Public health nursing (PHN) involves working with communities and populations as equal partners, and focusing on primary prevention and health promotion (Kulbok, 2012, para. 1). More can be accomplished towards the greater good of the entire population when your focus is on the entire population rather than the individuals. Four aspects of this community that could affect the health of the population are cigarette smoking, smoke stacks of local factories causing air pollution, the parks and walking pathways that provide a means for improving health, and multiple churches and doctors offices providing a means for improving physical, mental, and spiritual health of the population. (See Appendix A) Healthy People 2020 Health Indicator Nutrition physical activity, and obesity as well as tobacco are two very prevalent and obvious health indicators directed towards Cadillac. Appendix A reviews the culture and differences between the populations visible in the day compared to the population visible in the evenings.


During the day many people are in the parks and paths walking, jogging, biking, fishing, and playing. In the evenings many people sit outside of bars and smoke cigarettes. Tobacco use is the single most preventable cause of disease, disability, and death in the United States, yet more deaths are caused each year by tobacco use than by all deaths from human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), illegal drug use, alcohol use, motor vehicle injuries, suicides, and murders combined (Services, 2013, para. 1). According to Healthy People 2020 cigarette smoking costs our medical system $193 billion dollars and second hand smoke costs another $10 billion. The Nurses Role The Role of the nurse is to evaluate the risks of the community and determine the strengths and weaknesses of the community. The nurse should then build on and educate the community on the strengths and evaluate ways to change the weaknesses for the better. The nurse should know details of public transportation options as transportation can be a barrier when people are seeking medical care. The nurses role should always involve taking steps to improve the overall good of the community. Health Risks for Cadillac, MI Health risks noted above and in Appendix A can be compared to the Healthy People 2020 health indicators. People in the community are at risk for diseases associated with cigarette smoking like lung disease, heart disease, cancers, and tooth decay. Health risks could also be associated with the factories based on the emissions as well as the emissions released from the many vehicles driving on the roads. The health risks may be greater for those members of the community who are employed at the factories.



Department, T. C. (2013). Courthouse Hill Historic District. Retrieved from City of Cadillac Michigan: Harkness, G. A., & DeMarco, R. F. (2012). Community and Public Helath Nursing, Evidence for practice. Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer Health/ Lippicott Williams & Wilkins. Kulbok, P.A., Thatcher, E., Park, E., Meszaros, P.S. (May 31, 2012) Evolving Public Health Nursing Roles: Focus on Community Participatory Health Promotion and Prevention. OJIN: The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing Vol. 17, No. 2, Manuscript 1. Retrieved from ableofContents/Vol-17-2012/No2-May-2012/Evolving-Public-Health-NursingRoles.html Merriam-Webster. (2013). "Community". Retrieved from Merriam-Webster: Services, U. D. (2013, September 25). Tobacco. Retrieved from Healthy People 2020:


Appendix A
Housing and Zoning
The housing architecture ranges from new construction to old historical. Few homes have not been kept up well. This area of homes is known as The Courthouse Hill Historical District and the majority of old homes have been well maintained and are in good shape. Just outside of the district you can see where some of the homes are deteriorating and new construction has been established. One historic home is featured in an issue of Better Homes and Gardens Magazine. Primarily residential, nearly 70% of the contributing structures in the Courthouse Hill Historic District were built prior to 1910 and are mostly wood frame, singlefamily homes. Many are larger, Victorian-style residences built by the lumber barons and prominent businessmen that helped establish Cadillac in the 1870s(Department, 2013. para. 4). Many homes have central air conditioning units hooked up on their property. The plumbing is modern and the city provides recycling and trash pickup. The City has issued an ordinance to maintain the historic district as original as possible. Strict rules were set in place for homeowners when it comes to how they maintain their property and add or remove construction. Privacy and chain linked fences are only allowed in back yards so they are out of view from the main roads. A complete list of the rules and regulations can be found at

People are always riding bikes and walking/running the bike paths. There are always people on bikes and rollerblades. Many people own motorized scooters, motorcycles, cars, trucks, vans, SUVs, there are many Volkswagen beetles as well as an occasional classic car. Car shows are hosted at Culvers restaurant every Thursday in the summer and people drive their classic cars into and throughout town. There is a bus system in Cadillac as well. The dial a ride has frequent stops and will pick people up in and out of the city limits with a phone call request. Some of the trollies look identical to the one featured in the television show Mr. Rodgers Neighborhood. See Appendix C. The schools use a bussing system to get their students to and from school as well. The cross walks and very foot traffic friendly. Every cross/walk on the main street has a button to push and a countdown timer. The city has nicely groomed and maintained sidewalks. Many of them have signs pointing in direction of recreational walking paths. In the winter the city plows many of the sidewalks as well. Public transportation is available daily. I have seen the city dial a ride bus drive out as far as 25 miles from town to my place of employment, Caberfae Peaks. As mentioned previously you can enter and exit the expressway from this area. Many use it to get to and from the North, South, East, and West sides of town, There are 5 on and off ramps

Race and Ethnicity

All language is displayed in English and the residents are primarily Caucasian. I only saw one person who was African American


total. 131 South is used frequently by people heading to Big Rapids and Grand Rapids. 131 North is used frequently to get to Traverse City.

Open Space
Some yards are quite large and have rooms for gardens and childrens play areas. Other homes are so close to one another that you could shake hands with your neighbor while standing inside and reaching out your windows. Many homes have garages and out buildings behind the home as the side yard is not large enough for construction. All the homes have nicely maintained green lawns. Many homes have flower gardens and flowers planted in planters on and around their home. There is no open space here until you drive down to the lake. Right before you reach the lake you will get to the city park where there are picnic tables, park benches, bike paths, walking paths, dog walks, and a current art display. The art display has been in the park two years now and consists of statues. These statues are scattered around town but the bulk of them are in the city park. See Appendix B. There is a pavilion right in the park where music is played frequently and farmers markets are held. Right on the waters edge behind the pavilion is a fishing dock and near that is a boat launch. There is a paved walkway that circles the entire lake and is lit by light posts all the way around. There are two public restrooms, one on either side of the park. Flower gardens are planted throughout. There is also a train displayed in the park the Shay Locomotive. One of the first steam locomotives. This train allowed for easy transport of lumber up and down steep terrain throughout all four seasons. It changed the lumber industry in Cadillac, Michigan.

Service Centers
There are two doctors offices on entering the city. Many more are scattered throughout town. The hospital is nearby and the big blue and white hospital sign is located just after East Division St. turns into Cass St. Looking out at the businesses on main street you can see a workout facility, a Midas car care center, and Attorney offices. On your way into town you pass by 2 doctors offices, 3 churches, and end at the park that is almost always in use.

Religion and Politics

The 3 churches on entrance into town are Christian Reformed, Methodist, and Seventh Day Adventist. The restaurants on this side of town are all American cuisine. There are Chinese restaurants on the North and South Ends of town as well as a new Asian Buffet being built. I see no political signs or posters. There are no picketers or political party affiliations present.

There are neighborhood watch signs in town scattered about as well as signs welcoming people to the historic district. While beginning our journey on East Division we cross over US 131 north and south ramps for the expressway. The central area of our boundary does have a name, which I mentioned above, The

Stores and Street People

There are boutiques, hair salons, antique stores, a candy shop, a toy store, a movie theatre, and multiple banks and atms, the party store, and a family fare grocery store visible from the corner of Mitchell St and Cass St. People walk, ride bikes, take

Health and Morbidity

I see no signs of disease or or chronic conditions. I see risk factors associated with smoking but no actual diseased people. The nearest hospital is less than a mile away and signs direct people to the hospital. The two doctors offices that are located


Courthouse Hill Historical District. Signs are displayed on each street throughout the district. The properties on this route consist of a 3 churches, few homes newly built or old and run down, a bulk of the historical homes, 2 doctors offices, a party store, a movie theatre, a couple of restaurants, a couple of banks, the commission on aging, a restaurant founded to provide work for people with down syndrome (the after 26 project), and the park followed by the lake. You can see the smoke stacks of a couple of factories from here but none are in the immediate area. The hospital sign points towards the hospital. the buss and drive to these shopping locations. Street People: While traveling in the day as mentioned before the people look and act differently than the people walking around in the evenings. The people in the day are exercising, shopping, working, traveling, and playing. Mothers are walking infants in strollers or pulling them in cabs behind bikes. Many people walk their dogs as well. You can see a lot of people you may assume to be on welfare or state assistance programs scattered throughout town on occasion. Mostly at night. Stray animals are not seen at all. Wexford county animal shelter controls strays well. They dress of the people in town is similar. You can spot a business man or woman from a shopping civilian or a person out walking for exercise. Though, many business employees are dressing more casual. Some wear suit coats with clean blue jeans. At night people visit the movie theatre or frequent the bars. The people frequenting the bars spend a lot of time smoking in front of the buildings. here are a short walk from the center of town. Alcoholism is a risk factor and present in the evenings as many people are frequenting the bars. Many people associate the gay community with AIDS/HIV, and other STIs. There is a gay bar loacated on main street though no apparently gay citizens are walking around in the day. Drag Queens may frequent the night.

Commons The park is always filled with people eating lunch, playing with their kids, fishing, roller blading, biking, skate boarding, walking, running, and just sitting and enjoying the view. Many homeless people frequent the area as well. Many people living in poverty rummage the trash cans. You rarely see the people but they come occasionally. The area is frequented by a couple that I remember seeing since I was a child. A brother and sister combo walk the streets of Cadillac every day with their shopping cart and load up on area treasures. You can see this couple walking almost daily through different areas of the city though, they frequent this portion of town. I dont know their story, but rumor is

Signs of Decay
Few houses show signs of decay. I would say this area is on the way up. There is no visible trash. The parks have trash cans that are emptied by the city. There are no abandoned cars and the homes must be maintained in a certain manner in this area. The few houses that do show signs of decay are just before the Courthouse Hill Historical District. There is one business located in the same plaza as the party store that was once a Prevos Super Market. It is closed down now and the parking lot is the only part of the property that needs visible work. There are a couple of historical homes for sale with signs posted in the yards.

There are no outdoor televisions or billboards in this area of town. There are antennas and satellite dishes on the properties and homes in the area. The magazines and newspapers people read are the Cadillac Evening News, New York Times, Better Homes and Gardens, and Time Magazine. There are pornographic magazines at the gas stations.

WINDSHIELD SURVEY CADILLAC, MI they are not homeless. There is also an older gentleman who rides his bike in the area and picks up pop bottles. I actually save my bottles in the back of my vehicle and give them to him when I see him. He once told me he saves the bottles for his grandchildren and is helping to put them through college. G&D is the party store on the corner of Cass and Mitchell St that many people frequent. The store is known for their delicious pizza and reasonable prices. A large slice of fresh pepperoni pizza is $1, and the specialty pizza price is $1.50. They have used the owners grandmothers recipe for years. The parking lot is always packed full during lunch hour and young kids are usually hanging out in front of the building. While standing on the corner of Cass St. and Mitchell St., before crossing to get to the park, you can look to your left and to your right and see the movie theatre, bars, boutiques, candy shops, restaurants, a toy store, a gospel book store, a new gay bar, flower shops, pharmacies, and cameras pointed in every direction. There are no apparent territorial boundaries but you can notice a difference in night and day traffic. During the day there are business men and women, shoppers, kids coming and going to school, tourists, and the occasional homeless person. At night the bars light up with many shabby looking customers. Most stand outside of the bars and speak very loudly while smoking cigarettes. The men usually look to be in dirty old clothes and the women are usually in dirty/stained clothes that look to be a couple sizes too small. The women hang their bellies (no matter how large or small) and breasts out of their clothing. I have seen mini shorts and skirts in the middle of snowstorms. There is a dynamic difference in the people on

WINDSHIELD SURVEY CADILLAC, MI the streets in the day compared to night. Many every day citizens frequent the movie theatre at night so one block has a blend of cultures and customers. Ive walked my dog through the bar crows at night and have never had a problem in the area, though, I hear a lot of fights break out there. On Wednesdays and Sundays the 3 church lawns and parking lots at the beginning of E. Division St. are packed with people and vehicles.




Appendix B One of the traveling art statues in the park



Appendix C



Picture of a Mr. Rodgers type buss in front and a typically dial a ride bus (Cadillac Wexford Transit Authority) in the rear. Picture taken at the Cadillac Meijer Store.

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