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HEALTHY FOOD RECIPES RUBRIC Students name:____________________Level: 7 _________

C#$te#$as In0%#mat$% n anal.s$s +#%u( 2%#3$n4 P%%# &' (%$nt) Not understand how to get the information Not participation in the activities Repeated meals, use of unhealthy food Not fluent, difficult to understand Not concerned a"out eating healthy food O* &! (%$nts) Understand the information with difficulties Not very active +%%d &, (%$nts) Understand the information Good team work, active participation ell organized and varied healthy menus Good fluency Quite concerned and interested in eating healthy food -e#. +%%d &/ (%$nts) Understand the information perfectly Excellent group working and participation ! pecfect healthy and varied menu, no meals repeated #ery fluent expression #ery concerned a"out eating healthy food Se01evaluat$%n &'1" (%$nts) Ind$v$dual evaluat$%n &'1" (%$nts) +#%u( evaluat$%n &'1" (%$nts)

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Quite well organized menus Quite understanda"le Not so much concerned a"out eating healthy food

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