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Topic sentence:

A:eat food variable and drink plenty of water 1. Meat is an excellent source of iron 2. Chicken is a rich source of niacin
3. vegetables are important for several reasons 4.drink plenty of water has many advantages

B: going to gym regularly and taking a vitamin pills 1.going to gym has mental and physiological effects that benefit you emotionally 2.sometimes some people need to take vitamin pills and

C: smile and don't be angry all the time and think positively 1. Smiling decreases stress and anxiety 2. Smiling strengthens your immune system 3. Optimism Can Improve Your Immunity D: brush your teeth every day and dont forget you breakfast 1. Brush your teeth can protect your teeth from curiosity and accord to The American Journal of Medicine found that regular brushing decreases the chance of stroke. 2. The advantages of eat breakfast E:make medical checkup every three months
1. We should know that medical checkup very important because many small and critical diseases and disorders can be prevented or controlled if they're caught early.

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