Daily Lesson Plan Imperialism Test and Review of Wwi Causes

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Texas A&M UniversityCommerce

Teacher: James W. Gilbreath Mentor: Mrs. Paula Ballew Overall Goal of Lesson: Subject: US History Campus/District: GHS

Daily Lesson Plan Form

Grade Level: 11 Date: November 15th

Students will complete a test over the imperial era; then be reviewed over some key elements of it. Students will complete a worksheet titled Classifying Causes of WWI. Students will be lectured over the American Homefront during WWI. Instructional Objectives: Students will have to analyze, and be examined over, the key events of the American Imperialism era, including the building of the Panama Canal, American involvement in China with the Open Door Policy and Boxer Rebellion, and the policies of the Progressive Presidents when it came to Latin America. Students will work to evaluate the causes of WWI, and determine which were the specific causes that led the US to enter the war. Students will be lectured and take notes over the American homefront during WWI, including topics such as the Lever Food and Fuel Act, the creation of the Railroad Administration, and the Great Influenza of 1918. Texas Essential Knowledge & Skills (TEKS) & ELPS: (typed out completely) 113.41. (c)(4) (A) explain why significant events, policies, and individuals such as the Spanish-American War, U.S. expansionism, Henry Cabot Lodge, Alfred Thayer Mahan, Theodore Roosevelt, Sanford B. Dole, and missionaries moved the United States into the position of a world power; (B) evaluate American expansionism, including acquisitions such as Guam, Hawaii, the Philippines, and Puerto Rico; (C) identify the causes of World War I and reasons for U.S. entry; Food Administration Food Admin. Grain Corp. War Industries Board Railroad Administration Selective Service Act of 1917 Espionage Act f 1917 Sedition Act of 1918 Schenck v. United States Great Influenza of 1918 Key Vocabulary: 1917 Lever Food and Fuel Act

Higher Order Questions: Student Activities: (Keep in mind the following: Scaffolding, Independent or Cooperative activities, Groupings,
Reading, Writing, Listening, Hands-On/Minds-On, Connections to previous knowledge, etc)

Students will be evaluated over the American imperial expansion era via a test. Students will do a cooperative activity in the Classifying Causes of WWI graphic organizer. Students will listen to a lecture over the American homefront during WWI, and take notes. Modifications/ELL Strategies: -Student #1(1st period): provide transcribing for tests -Student #2 (1st period): extra time for completing assignments, short instructions, teacher check for understanding copy of class notes if requested by the student -Student #3 (3rd Period): check for understanding and ask student to repeat, allow up to 50% extended time for tests -Student #4 (3rd period): avoid penalizing for spelling errors and reversals, allow student more time to think, read directions or instructions to student, provide study guides/test reviews, provide a copy of lecture notes, accept work dictated to parent or tutor, read test to student, allow up to 50% extended time for tests, adjust written work assignments, evaluate oral performance more than written -Student #5 (3rd period): avoid penalizing for spelling errors and reversals, read test to student, provide transcribing for tests -Student #6 (8th period): allow extra trips to water fountain or student to have water bottle, allow extra trips to restroom, allow eating whenever and wherever necessary, allow eating lunch at an appropriate time, escort student to nurse, reschedule tests (without penalty) if student is affected by high or low Anticipatory Activity for Lesson:

blood glucose at time of regular testing, allow extra time for graded and nongraded classroom activities if needed due to missing class for medical appointments, glucose testing, or periods Time Allotted Teacher Input/Lesson Activity: The teacher will show videos about Alfred Thayer Mahan and the Spanish-American War. ~40 minutes http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pMWOx2ZB3qU http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IU5l4yQCpMM The teacher will give a lecture accompanied by a PowerPoint presentation and video over the American homefront during WWI. Modeling:

Guided Practice: Independent Practice: ~50 minutes Students will take a test over the American Imperialism Era. Students will complete the Classifying Causes of WWI graphic organizer. (co-op) Students will have 10 minutes to study for the test. Lesson Closure: Assessment Methods/Strategies: Resources (supplies, equipment, software, etc.):


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