You Were Born To Create

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You Were Born To Create

Creativity is knowing how to hide your sources -Alber Einstein The creative or the entrepreneur, knows how to skillfully observe and find stimulus for his work. They pro-actively look for inspiration, all the time. Increasingly, the need for creativity is becoming more of a necessity in a knowledge economy. In a world where knowledge is more valued, and on a rapid increase. There is one nation where you do not need to go through any security checks, wait in long queues, gain citizenship, or have a visa and passport for. That is the nation of imagination. You can

visit there anytime, as many times as you please. It is the artists secret weapon. Unseen, it may be, yet it can be a vital driving force behind genius. You do not have to pay to purchase property in your own mind. Too many times we do not use our thoughts to create a vision of where we want to be. The school system can teach that imagination is vain, futile, but it is one of the most important tools for productivity. As a business person, you will see just how much of your day to day activities demand and rely on some kind of creativity, clear and deep thought, and intuition. The pace of change is just too quick to not be flexible, agile and quick. That is what creativity is about: the ability to adapt to circumstances, changing customer behaviors, new competition, changing market demands, and disruptive technology. There is so much for the modern day business person to consider, there is too much to handle without creative thinking. This is the type of thinking which takes you outside of the confinements of business as usual. When industries are changing at least every 3-5 years, and new industries are being built overnight, you must be creative. Since primitive ages. When we were cavemen, when the first person discovered the wheel or fire, man has adapted to change. Each distinctive era or time of change is a new age. We happen to live in one where people are obsessed with how knowledge rules. With that said, only the creative will know how to make best use of knowledge. Only the creative kind of man will make it on top. Author: Leslie Poku Follow him on Twitter: @LesliePoku

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