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3rd of September, 2013 Writing Formal and informal letters Task 3. Complete each of the letters Letter . !

i"ing ad"ice to m# friend That last point is certainly something for you to bear in mind when you go make sure you take enough money to pay for the admission. I also strongly recommend you to buy another guidebook. The one the tour operator provides is pretty bad. It hasn't got much information and it doesn't even include a map nor information about places to eat. This makes me remember Lucia's face when we saw the bill! She turned white! So remember to check in the guidebook where you can find pricey restaurants, or ask the guide. therwise if I were you I'd go to !c"onald's# no italian food is served but you won't spend your budget for e$tra%costs on the first day! &nyway, we had a good time so don't worry, I am sure you'll have a good time too. 'e made a complaint so, who knows, maybeTimson's will have some of these problems sorted out by the time you get to Italy. (lease write as soon as you come back to let me know how was it. )ind regards !itch Letter $. %aking recommendations to Timson&s As a result of my experience, I would like to make a number of recommendations for future tours. *irstly, I consider that possible alternatives to unforeseen events such as the bus breakdown or the guide getting sick, etc., should be planned in advance. Therefore, in case any of these incidents occurred the company would be ready to implement a solution inmediately, avoiding cancellations and delays or, at least, limiting them. Secondly, please allow me to remark that the advertisement of the tour was not sufficiently e$plicit. It might be understood, for e$ample, that admission fees to monuments in ancient +ome are included in the total cost of the trip, and they are not. *inally I observe that though the guidebook covered most of the monuments it lacked other relevant information. I suggest to complete it with more accurate descriptions, restaurant information ,including prices-, entry fees to monuments and a map. I sincerely hope that the aforementioned recommendations will help you to improve your service for future tourists. .ours faithfully !iguel &. /01e2

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