Legion Glaive SUPER-HEAVY SPECIAL WEAPONS TANK .............................. 625 POINTS

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Armour BS Front Side Rear Glaive 4 14 13 12 SP 4

Unit Composition 1 Glaive Unit Type Super-heavy vehicle (Tank)

Wargear Turret-mounted Volkite Carronade Two sponson-mounted quad lascannon Hull-mounted twin-linked heavy bolter Searchlight Smoke launchers

Options A Glaive may exchange its quad lascannon sponsons for: --Laser destroyer sponsons.............................................Free A Glaive may exchange its hull-mounted twin-linked heavy bolters for: --Twin-linked heavy amers. ...........................................Free A Glaive may take any of the following: --Hunter-killer missile...........................................+10 points --Armoured Ceramite. ..........................................+25 points

Volkite Carronade Range Str Volkite Carronade 48" 8

AP 2

Special Ordnance 1, Heavy Beam, Deagrate, Haywire, Primary Weapon

Units struck receive a number of hits equal to the number of their models caught in the path of the beam; casualties are removed from affected units using the normal rules for removing casualties. If the beam strikes a Super-heavy vehicle, Gargantuan Creature or large intact building/fortication (bastion sized or larger) the attack is blocked and its line of effect will go no further. The blocking target will however suffer 1+D3 separate hits at the weapons prole, rather than just 1.

Heavy Beam: When the weapon is red, draw a line from the end of the gun barrel up to the listed range of the weapon and 1" wide. The initial target for the weapon (the rst model in the beams path) must be an enemy model. All models (friend and enemy) caught in the beam area (excepting the ring tank) suffer a hit with the listed prole of the weapon, except Zooming Flyers and Swooping Monstrous/Gargantuan Creatures that cannot be affected or targeted.

A Legion Glaive Super-heavy Special Weapons Tank is a Lords of War choice for a Space Marine Crusade Legion Army.

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