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Rivadeneira 1

English Name: Ruth Amelia Rivadeneira Beltrn Date: October 1th 2013 Theme: Same Sex Marriage (Persuasive Essay)

Gay marriage should be legalized. Even though this is difficult to accept for some people the pursuit of happiness is a right that everybody has. Just being human gives you this right. Moreover not being discriminated against is a pillar to build a happy authentic life.

When two people decide to get marry it is because they love each other so much that they want to be together forever. Despite of the fact they can be two people from the same sex, it keeps being the same deep love that makes them want to share their lives. Gay Marriage as straight marriage has the same purpose. That is to make a legal union in front of friends, family, and society, declaring their love and commitment to each other. All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights (United Nations, The universal Declaration of Human Rights art.1, 2013). Even thought some Governments deny the approval of gay marriage, it is still a violation of the first article in the Human rights declaration.

Marriage is a serious committed relationship. Even though many people have the idea that gay people have a messy life stile. The fact that they are fighting to legalize gay marriage proves them wrong. This kind of way of thinking is a hard way of discrimination as it is all the prejudices and preconceptions gay people have to still suffer. Nobody deserves to be discriminated against. There must be no need to hide despite of the critical discriminatory society. Everybody should be proud of who they are.

Rivadeneira 2

Love above everything is the most pure feeling that can exist and is a fact that it happens between men and women, or men and men, or women and women. So this can be submitted to any kind of discrimination against, prohibitions or anything that can damage it. We should think that we all are humans and have the right to be happy and fight for it. Dont you think we all deserve it?

Bibliography :United Nations, Universal Rights declaration, 2013 article 1

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