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Name:_____________ November 15th 21st, 2013

9amil" )i$s: !%&' !%&' !%&'( )al* #ith "our %hild ever" da"
about s%hool and thin&s &oin& on around the house ,$rin*le some interestin& #ords into the %onversation, and build on #ords "ou7ve tal*ed about in the $ast Nove)*er" +irthday": 5nthon" and -s (re"er++

November 21st: Creat 5meri%an )ea%h2Bn November 25th229th: )han*s&ivin& Dolida" NE ,3DEE6 *No home#or* over )han*s&ivin& <rea*+

S,e--in. $ord": fli$, fla&, %lo%*, %li$, blo%*, bla%*, #ant, sno#, toda", three /ha--en.e 0ord: s%hool

Friday/Saturday/Sunday Nov. 15th, 16th, 17th , 2013 * Read for 20 minutes to an adult !ou ma" read a 09790 stor", ne#s$a$er arti%le or a ma&a'ine arti%le *Project: (is&uise a )ur*e"+ *,unshine -ath++ Monday Nov. 1 th , 2013 * Read for 20 minutes to an adult *.se ea%h s$ellin& #ord in a senten%e /use atta%hed lined $a$er0 !ue"day Nov. 1#th , 2013 * Read for 20 minutes to an adult * -ath: )o$i% 121 * -ath: )o$i% 122 $edne"day Nov. 20th, 2013 *Read for 20 minutes to an adult *3om$rehension and 4uestion 2 5unt 6ee7s 8ets

*5nother &reat #ee* at :indsor 8re$arator" 5%adem"++ seusslandin& #eebl" %om

1eadin.: )his #ee*, #e moved onto #ee* ; of .nit 2 :e s$o*e about $ro$er nouns and ho# the" must al#a"s have %a$ital letters, li*e: <en, 9lorida, 5m" and .nited ,tates )his #ee* #e also revie#ed the letter =.u> and its ?u? sound :e blended #ords #ith the ut, 2u&, 2un sounds :e added the #ords: under, sho#, ma*e, three, $ut @ #ant to our &ro#in& #ord famil" Math: :e #ra$$ed u$ )o$i% 5 and moved onto )o$i% 1: 5ddition 9a%ts to 1A+ Science: Bn ,%ien%e this #ee*, #e s$o*e about ro%*s and minerals+ :e s$o*e about ho# #e %an observe ro%*s b" noti%in& their different $ro$erties :e also had fun ma*in& our o#n $et ro%*s+ .sin& a ma&nif" &lass, #e observed some ro%*s -athias brou&ht in and some %ool minerals -s (re"er brou&ht ba%* from her tri$ to (inosaur :orld+ Socia- Studie": )his #ee* #e s$o*e about 8il&rims :e also s$o*e about the relationshi$ bet#een the Native 5meri%ans and the 8il&rims

!hur"day Nov. 21"t , 2013 * Return home#or*+ 8arent si&nature: _______________________

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