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We all have the best skills Entre Pares # 2

Unit Plan Format

Unit Author Names and Last Names Institution Educative Name Educative Institution Position Other datas of the Educative Institution Unit Description Unit Title

Francia del Carmen Fonseca Acosta C.E.B.G. de Cerro Iglesia Comarca Ngbe Bugle Corregimiento de Cerro Iglesia, Distrito de Nole Dwima

Health, nutrition, and ood.

Unit Summary Health food is food considered to be beneficial to health ways that go beyond a normal healthy diet required for human nutrition. Foods considered "healthy" may be natural foods, organic foods, whole foods, and sometimes. Such products dietary supplements sold in health food stores or in the health/organic sections of supermarkets.

Curricular Area or Assignatures

!or"sho# $ %. Level an 7 A Health& and nutriti'e ood.

(eading, !riting, )#ea"ing and *istening.


Approximate Time Needed

+ wee" or session o ,- minutes or each one
Unit Fun amentals "ontents



Nutritional habits Food grou#s Causes and Conse.uences bad nutrition. o a

(esearching about health& and unhealth& ood. Classi &ing health& ood and /un" ood.

)howing interest For #racticing health& nutritional habits. 0aluing #racticing health& nutritional habits. Being conscious about causes and conse.uences o a bad nutrition.


Professor Francia del Carmen Fonseca Acosta.

Nov. 20 !

We all have the best skills Entre Pares # 2

earning !b"ecti#es

Identi & and summari1e nutritional habits using a wide range o #rint and non2#rint te3ts b&.

0alue and di use the im#ortance o health& habits to achie'e #ersonal wellbeing. $chie#ements %ndicators Create a collage about health& ood and /un" ood using realia or #icture. Elaborate a health& reci#e a##l&ing his4her #re'ious "nowledge about the to#ic.
'ey(s )uestions relate Essential )uestion Unit )uestion to Units( Plan How do we hold health&5

!h& is so im#ortant to get a health& ood in our bod&5 How can we get the best Food in our bod&5

"ontent )uestion

Professor Francia del Carmen Fonseca Acosta.

Nov. 20 !

We all have the best skills Entre Pares # 2

&#aluation 'lan &#aluation (ronogram

*e+ore the Pro,ect (s Development

During the Projects Development

9er orm a collage with health& and bad Food #ictures. Elaborate a reci#e with a nutritional health& ood in the "itchen o the Basic )chool.

A+ter the Pro,ect(s Development has been Accomplishe

!arm u# 6 7he

hot Food or Fruit8

Do an auto e'aluation about the collage.

9re#are an orall& a health& reci#e selected. :7eam grou#s;. 9er orm a Health& Food (eci#e (ubric.

&#aluation Summary

E'aluation Diagnostic A

Formati'e B

9rocess and 9ur#ose 7he students #artici#ate in a d&namic o 6Hot Fruit or Food8 to amiliar with the good and bad oods that our organism must consume. 7he& need to #ass the ood hand b& hand, i the student sta&s with the ood on hand when the #ro essor sa&s< sto#, the student lost and lea'e o the game. A ter listen to the s#ecial #eo#le s#ea"ing about=. 7he& must be able to #er orm a math with di erent #ictures about on the noteboo". Also, the& #er orm a collage

Professor Francia del Carmen Fonseca Acosta.

Nov. 20 !

We all have the best skills Entre Pares # 2

)umati'e C

with good and /un" health& ood. >sing maga1ines, news#a#er and cardboard and some big #ictures that the& bring. 7hen, the& #re#are a #late o good health& ood with all necessar& ingredients to hold our #ower ul and strong organism.

)nit *etails 're#ious Habilities+ Students must be able to listen to special people in the content, to hold healthy, and understand what they want to transmit to them through a speech to apply it with the different strategies. Collage 9re#aration o Food Dialogues Grou#wor" 'rocedure

Aciti'it& $ +

)tarting< 7he students #resent a warm u# 6the hot ood and ruit8 where the& ha'e to #ass a ruit :could be an a##le, orange, banana and so on; hand b& hand with their classmates in a circle inside the classroom, the student who sta&s with the ruit on her4his hand when the 9ro essor sa&s sto# 6*?)78. He or she has to lea'e o the d&namic.

Acti'it& $ @ De'elo#ing< 7he 9ro essor e3#lains a little bit the to#ic about=. 7he& ha'e to do a match with di erent "inds o Food on chart with #ictures. 9er orm a Collage with health& and bad ood on a cardboard in grou# o , students. Bring ingredients or the #re#aration o a health& ood. 9re#are a health& ood with the ingredients that the& will bring.

Professor Francia del Carmen Fonseca Acosta. Nov. 20 !

We all have the best skills Entre Pares # 2

Acti'it& $ , Closing< E'aluate the Collage. E'aluate and 9resent the #late o health& ood that the& #re#are in ront o the classmates. E3#lain the im#ortance to eat health& nutritional oods.
Stu ents -ith special nee s $o en.lish speakin. Stu ents Too Smart Stu ents /aterials an

-*oesn.t apply/

-*oesn.t apply/ -*oesn.t apply/

resources +or the Unit

Technolo.y 0 1ar -are "Needed e#ui$ment% Camara Com$uter"s% &i'ital Camara &(& $la)er Internet access Technolo.y 0 So+t-are "Needed% -ase of datas.*$readsheet /ra$hic Or'ani0ers e1mail Pro'ram C&1,O2 Enc)clo$edia
Print /aterials Supplies

Laser &isc Printer Pla) *)stem *canner +elevision

(C, (ideo Camara (ideo Conference E#ui$ments Others

Ima'e Editors 3e4 -ro5ser 2ultimedia 9hotoco#ies.

3e4 Pa'e &evelo$ment +e6t 3ord Processor Other

Natural Food o the area, Aaga1ines, news#a#ers, blenders

&nternet %esources

htt#<44www.&outube.com4watch5'B-1mEC@!sg%> htt#<44en.wi"i#edia.org4wi"i4HealthD ood htt#<44www.&outube.com4watch5'B/Ea/'sr%A-o

In'ited #eo#le o 7he Health& Center rom Cerro Iglesia.

#ther %esources

Professor Francia del Carmen Fonseca Acosta.

Nov. 20 !

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