Career Research Guide Worksheet2013 Doc Alysha

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Name: Alysha Price

Career Research Guide Worksheet

Make sure you have completed the career exploration and have a good idea of the career that interests you!

Your job title (be specific): Chef ob o!er!ie"#What they do (Pro!ide a para$raph descriptio% of the job& What "ould a typical day o% the job look like'): (efore you become a chef you %eed at least four years of schooli%$ a%d also $et a part time job so you ca% "ork o% the skills& After the )st year of schooli%$ you ca% $et you appre%ticeship a%d after the * you ca% $et your bachelor+s de$ree& ,t "ould be a% early mor%i%$ a%d -uite fast just depe%ds o% "here you "a%t to $o i% the Culi%ary pro$ram& .ost day+s "ill be !ery fast passed a%d to keep o% top of stuff&

Worki%$ co%ditio%s (/ours you ca% e0pect to "ork' Risk of i%juries' 1ime of day#time of year' ,%doors#outdoors' Clothi%$ re-uired' 2tc3): Worki%$ co%ditio%s of a chef is to be careful o% "hat you+re doi%$ accide%ts ca% happe% at a%y time& You "ould be e0pect to "ork 4 or more hours depe%di%$ o% the place you+re "orki%$ i%& Risks are cutti%$ a fi%$er5 pulli%$ your back flitti%$ somethi%$& .ostly "ould be i%door "orki%$ a%d clothi%$ "ould be a chef coat5 black pa%ts5 black shoes5 a%d a hair %et or a chef hat&

6alary ("hat "a$e ca% you e0pect to ear%'): A day+s pay ca% be a%y"here 7)*&8* to 799&*: per hour&

;uture outlook ("ill this job be i% dema%d i% the future' Why#"hy %ot'): Yes because it+s somethi%$ that ,+!e al"ays "a%ted to do si%ce , "as little& ,t+s the thi%$ that , lo!e a%d al"ays "ill lo!e doi%$&

Post-Secondary Institute/Training Program #1

Culi%ary Arts
Location and name of program: (Where the school is located& What is the %ame of the pro$ram' Also tell us "hy this school appeals to you) <ka%o$a% Colla$e i% =elo"%a& ,t appeals to me because it+s "here , li!e a%d just easier to $o some"here that is close to you a%d that has the pro$ram you "a%t to take&

Cost: (first year AN> total cost of pro$ram5 i%cludi%$ tuitio%5 books5 a%d supplies) ,f pla%%i%$ o% atte%di%$ a major u%i!ersity: """&you&ubc&ca to calculate a% appro0imate cost ,f pla%%i%$ o% atte%di%$ a colle$e: """&oka%a$a%&bc&ca#tuitio% to calculate a% appro0imate cost ;or the )st year it "ould cost 9?5::: Pre-requisites of program: (courses you %eed to be taki%$ i% hi$h school i% order to $et i%5 re-uired GPA) Cooks trai%i%$ "ould be recomme%ded a%d some ki%d of restaura%t back rou%d&

What are @ related occupatio%s you could take if this o%e did%+t "ork out for you ("hat "ould you do if you do%+t e%d up doi%$ this career a%d "hy'): ,f a chef did%+t "ork out , "ould "a%t to become a Professio%al Cook5 Pastry Arts5 a%d (usi%ess 6tudies Certificate&

A%d most importa%tly3 Why are you i%terested i% this career' (/o" lo%$ ha!e you bee% i%terested i% it' What led you to "a%ti%$ this job' /o" does it suit#fit your perso%ality5 i%terests5 characteristics5 stre%$ths5 etc3'): ,t+s somethi%$ that ,+!e al"ays "a%ted to do a%d ha!e do%e si%ce , "as !ery you%$& ,+!e bee% i%terested i% cooki%$ for a lo%$ time a%d "hat led me to this job is5 it+s somethi%$ that , lo!e to death a%d al"ays "a%ted to do after , $rad&

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