Insolvensi Notis Pelantikan - Borang 70

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618250 K
FORM 70 Companies Act, 1965 Section 280 (1) NOT C! OF A""O NTM!NT AN# S T$AT ON OF OFF C! OR % &$ #ATOR (' N# N()$") *+ T,! CO$RT (Nama Syarikat) To the Registrar of Companies -We, for on eha!f of the Offi"ia! Re"ei#er Ma!aysia $%C No (s) &ere y gi#e noti"e that'( (a) ,as%+,e y an or)er of the &igh Co*rt ma)e on the ,ere%appointe) !i-*i)ator (s) + pro#isiona! !i-*i)ator (s) of ( ) (Nama Syarikat). an) +$

+my-o*r offi"e is sit*ate) at Pe/a at Pega,ai Penerima, Ca,angan

0ate) this

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+ Strike o*t ,hi"he#er is inapp!i"a !e

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