2013 Resume

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Jennifer Palermo Jenaroundtown@aol.com 3018 N. Lavergne Ave. Chicago, l !0!

"1 #$$3% &8&'"0&8 home $$3%(01'(818 cell Experience: Januar) &013'*re+ent ,i+enhower PL.arwood .eight+, L Library Associate: Catalogue/chec0'in 1oo0+ A++i+t *atron+ 2rite felt +torie+/ma0e felt *iece+ Create Jac0+ #felt *u33le+ u+ed in +tor) time% 4a0e *athfinder+ Create di+*la)+

Library Page: 5rgani3e +helve+ 6ort and *ut awa) 1oo0+ Education: -ominican 7niver+it) 4a+ter8+ of 6cience in Li1rar) and nformation 6cience #Jan. &01"% Northea+tern llinoi+ 7niver+it) 9achelor8+ of ,ducation in 6econdar) ,ducation and ,ngli+h #4arch &00$% Skills: Proficient in ,ngli+h #1oth written and +*o0en% Proficient in 4icro+oft 5ffice :amiliar with -ewe) -ecimal 6)+tem, 4illennium and 62AN +)+tem+

References: availa1le u*on re;ue+t

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