The Beatles Story: Propuesta A Septiembre

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Pruebas de acceso a enseanzas universitarias oficiales de grado (Bachillerato L.O.E.

IDIOM E!"# $%E#O& Ingl's. ()**+()*(

No se permite el uso del diccionario ni de ningn otro material didctico. Las preguntas debern ser respondidas en ingls. Duracin de la prueba: 1 hora y 30 minutos. sta ho!a no se entrega. "ay #ue responder todos los blo#ues de la propuesta elegida$ % o &.

P#OP,E-" -e.tie/bre

"0E BE "LE- -"O#1

'he story begins in Li(erpool$ an nglish to)n )hich )as hea(ily bombed during the *econd +orld +ar. 'he )ar and its conse#uences )ere terrible ,or the Li(erpudlians. 'here )as rationing and there )as po(erty. 'his dar- and di,,icult atmosphere a,,ected e(eryone. "o)e(er$ it spa)ned a generation that )as ready to create a ne) era. %nd this became possible than-s to the )ar babies$ )ar babies li-e .ohn$ /aul$ 0eorge and 1ingo. .ohn )as the cle(er$ sarcastic one. 2rom the age o, 3$ he )as raised by %unt 4ary$ or 4imi$ as she )as -no)n$ but he used to stay )ith his sister and his mother at the )ee-ends and school holidays. .ust be,ore his eighteenth birthday$ his mother )as run o(er by a car$ and she died instantly. /aul )as the ,riendly one. /aul5s dad had once led a local !a66 band. /aul5s mother died o, cancer in 1783. 'he ,act that .ohn and /aul5s mothers had both died created a ,irm bond bet)een them. 1ingo )as the ,unny one. "e had not spent much time at school because o, (arious illnesses. "e spent some o, his teenage years in hospital and )hile he )as con(alescing$ he learnt ho) to play drums and 1ingo the Drummer )as born. 0eorge )as the shy one. "e )as a couple o, years younger than the others$ but by the time he met /aul$ )hen he )as only 18$ he had already been in t)o bands. 'hey )ere all sharp and ,unny and )hen they became 'he &eatles$ the )orld had ne(er seen anything li-e them be,ore. %dapted ,rom The Beatles Story Official Souvenir Guide

2,E-"IO$I. #E DI$3 4OMP#E0E$-IO$. (( POI$"-) ().5 .oints for each correct ans6er) %dd '19 or 2%L* and co.7 the evidence ,rom the te:t to support your ans)er. $O /ar8s are given for onl7 true or false.
1. /eople ,rom Li(erpool ,ound it hard to sur(i(e during the )ar. ;. .ohn spent most o, his childhood )ith his aunt. 3. 1ingo did not use to go to school (ery o,ten$ as he )as learning to play drums. <. 0eorge )as a rather tal-ati(e guy.

II. LE!I4O$ + P0O$E"I4- (( POI$"-)&

. LE!I4O$. (* POI$") ().(5 .oints for each correct ans6er) 2ind )ords or phrases in the te:t that mean the same as these gi(en. 1. se(erely. ;. brought up. 3. lin-$ ,riendship. <. due to.

Pruebas de acceso a enseanzas universitarias oficiales de grado (Bachillerato L.O.E.)

IDIOM E!"# $%E#O& Ingl's. ()**+()*(

No se permite el uso del diccionario ni de ningn otro material didctico. Las preguntas debern ser respondidas en ingls. Duracin de la prueba: 1 hora y 30 minutos. sta ho!a no se entrega. "ay #ue responder todos los blo#ues de la propuesta elegida$ % o &.

B. P0O$E"I4-. (* POI$") ().(5 .oints for each correct ans6er) 1. =s the >?ed@ pronounced AtA$ AdA or AdA in >bombed@B C0.;8D ;. +rite a )ord ,rom the te:t that includes the same sound as >beginsE A6A. C0.;8D 3. +rite a )ord ,rom the te:t that includes the same sound as >bet)eenE Ai:A. C0.;8D <. "o) is the >th@ pronounced in >than-s@$ AFA or AGAB C0.;8D

III. ,-E O9 E$3LI-0. (: POI$"-) ().5 for each correct ans6er)

1e)rite the ,ollo)ing sentences starting )ith the )ords gi(en: 1. Hesterday = met a beauti,ul girl. "er ,ather )as born in .amaica. Hesterday = met IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII.. 4y son is not as ,unny as my brother. 4y brother is IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII. +e paid the rent because my sister lent us some money. =, .IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII.. >+hy didn5t you go to school yesterdayB@ 'he teacher as-ed me. 'he teacher as-ed me II..IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII.. *omeone stole my )atch at the airport. 4y )atch IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII.. +rite the correct #uestion ,or the underlined )ords. IIIIIIII.IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII..B .ohn bought a teddy bear )hen he )as in Ne) Hor-.






I;. 4OMPO-I"IO$. (: POI$"-)

+rite a composition o, bet)een 100 and 1;8 )ords on the ,ollo)ing topic: <ould 7ou li8e to be a .o. star= <h7= <h7 not=

Pruebas de acceso a enseanzas universitarias oficiales de grado (Bachillerato L.O.E.)

IDIOM E!"# $%E#O& Ingl's. ()**+()*(

No se permite el uso del diccionario ni de ningn otro material didctico. Las preguntas debern ser respondidas en ingls. Duracin de la prueba: 1 hora y 30 minutos. sta ho!a no se entrega. "ay #ue responder todos los blo#ues de la propuesta elegida$ % o &.

P#OP,E-" B -e.tie/bre
"0E L0 MB#
'he name %lhambra comes ,rom an %rabic )ord )hich means Ered castleE$ perhaps because o, the color o, the to)ers and )alls that surround the hill o, La *abica. &ut there is another more poetic (ersion: the 4oslem analysts say that the re,lections o, the light o, torches ga(e the )alls o, the construction their particular coloration. 'here is no re,erence to the %lhambra as a residence o, -ings until the 13th century. 'he ,irst -ings o, 0ranada$ the Jirites$ had their castles and palaces on the hill o, the %lbaicin$ and nothing remains o, them. 'he Nasrites )ere probably the emirs )ho built the %lhambra$ starting in 1;3K. 'he %lhambra became a Lhristian court in 1<7; )hen the Latholic 4onarchs C2erdinand and =sabelD con#uered the city o, 0ranada. Later$ (arious structures inside the %lhambra )ere built ,or important citi6ens$ a church and a 2ranciscan monastery. During the 1Kth century$ the %lhambra )as almost abandoned and its salons )ere con(erted into ta(erns. NapoleonMs troops mined the to)ers and ble) up part o, them. ')o o, them$ the 'orre de *iete *uelos and the 'orre de %gua )ere le,t in ruins. %nd so the incredible neglect continued$ until 1KN0 )hen the %lhambra )as declared a national monument. *ince that date and up to no)$ the %lhambra has been protected and preser(ed ,or the pleasure and admiration o, all. %dapted ,rom http:AA)))

2,E-"IO$I. #E DI$3 4OMP#E0E$-IO$. (( POI$"-) ().5 .oints for each correct ans6er)
%dd '19 or 2%L* and co.7 the evidence ,rom the te:t to support your ans)er. $O /ar8s are given for onl7 true or false. 1. ;. 3. <. 'he -ings li(ed in the %lhambra until the 13 century. Hou can (isit the Jirites5 castles on the hill o, the %lbaicin. th 'he %lhambra )as abandoned be,ore the 1K century. 'he %lhambra has been restored so that it can be (isited by e(erybody.

II. LE!I4O$ + P0O$E"I4- (( POI$"-)&

. LE!I4O$. (* POI$") ().(5 .oints for each correct ans6er) 2ind )ords or phrases in the te:t that mean the same as these gi(en. 1. imaginati(e ;. inhabitants o, a to)n or city 3. body o, soldiers <. the remains o, a building B. P0O$E"I4-. (* POI$") ().(5 .oints for each correct ans6er) 1. ;. 3. +rite t)o )ords ,rom the te:t that includes the same sound as >name@ AeA C0$8D +rite one )ord ,rom the te:t that includes the same sound as >more@ A:A C0$;8D =s the >?s@ pronounced (oiced A6A or (oiceless AsA in >)alls@B C0$;8D

Pruebas de acceso a enseanzas universitarias oficiales de grado (Bachillerato L.O.E.)

IDIOM E!"# $%E#O& Ingl's. ()**+()*(

No se permite el uso del diccionario ni de ningn otro material didctico. Las preguntas debern ser respondidas en ingls. Duracin de la prueba: 1 hora y 30 minutos. sta ho!a no se entrega. "ay #ue responder todos los blo#ues de la propuesta elegida$ % o &.

III. ,-E O9 E$3LI-0. (: POI$"-) ().5 for each correct ans6er)

1e)rite the ,ollo)ing sentences starting )ith the )ords gi(en: 1. *he turned on the radio$ then she had a cup o, tea. %,ter IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII.. +e )on5t go to the ,orest i, the )eather doesn5t impro(e. 9nless IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII.. /erhaps he )ill get a pri6e. "e IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII =t5s a pity = didn5t see her yesterday. = )ish IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII.... = don5t earn as much as my sister does. 4y sister IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII.. 'he dresses )ere so cheap that = bought t)o. 'hey )ere IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII..






I;. 4OM PO-I"IO$. (: POI$"-)

+rite a composition o, bet)een 100 and 1;8 )ords on the ,ollo)ing topic: <rite about the best >ourne7 7ou have ever /ade (/onu/ents 7ou visited? .laces 7ou 6ent to? etc.)

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