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Corrective Action Report

NC Internal Audit Audit No R17/IA/SEPT ate: 2!"#"201$

epartment : %ar&etin' ( sale


NC - Customer Complaint Complaint No: nil Customer Name: Nil T+pe o, Complaint: Nil

NC NO: IA/SEP/02 ISO Clause No:-Auditor : Ram&i Auditee : )o*n

Non conformance details: Customer dissatis,ied a-out t*e re.uest ,or /an/ellation Re,: 0ttp/po:$01!$ and /autioned to de-ar ,rom sendin' en.uires ,or a period o, t2o mont*s"

Auditor / %(S %ana'er isposition action: Re'ret letter 2as send to /ustomer and manu,a/tures produ/tion statement *as -een su-mitted" Same en.uir+ resend to ot*er suppliers ,or /*e/&in' a3aila-ilit+ o, produ/t " Auditee Si'nature Root cause: %anu,a/tures4s Produ/ts are out o, produ/tion ran'e" Auditee Si'nature: Corrective Action Re.uested ,or order /an/ellation and apolo'i5ed" Auditee Si'nature : !erification of Action ta"en: 6it* re,eren/e to pur/*ase order re,: 0ttp/po:$01!$ *as /an/elled on #"10"201$ and a/&no2led'ed -+ ,a7" Auditor Si'nature #"10"201$ #ffectiveness of Implementation: Customer accepted t$e manufacturer statement are continued' %R ate:

and furt$er ne% en&uires

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