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English essay

Dominick Jarrn When I was 17 we had a trip to Europe with all my classmates. We spent almost 30 days traveling around Europe in one bus. We share lots of stories and good times. For me it was a unique experience that will always be in my memory. The story I want to tell was about a dinner that I had during our visit in Paris. After visiting Italy, Germany and Austria our next stop was France and we went direct to Paris. For us it was an intimidating city not only because we didnt know the native tongue but also because we had to spend three days in a luxurious hotel in a ugly neighborhood. However nothing seem to bother us because being there was such an incredible experience. And the fact that we were with our friends made it even better. Any way the first day in Paris was a bad one because there was no breakfast at the hotel. Apparently that hotel didnt serve any so we had to eat some salty cookies with tea that we found in the hotel room. After that we had to go to the train station to take a train to the center of the city so we could begin our adventure. The first thing we did was o go to the soul (center) of Paris. We were discontent because of the problem we had but ready to go out in a tour, and so we did. We were in the tour until eleven am because we had planned to go to Louvre Museum. Sadly the entire group wasted 30 minutes because our interpreter, the guide, couldnt find the tickets, but he finally found them, so we entered. After we had a tour in the museum the teacher decided that it was time to eat and he gave us free time and space to do it. That means that we had the power of choosing the restaurant we wanted. Most chose Mc Donalds or Burger King, we didnt want to be part of the mainstream so I and some friends decided to go to a place known as the Barrio Latino we got lost in the streets, and after walking long distances we saw a restaurant and we entered because we were all starving so we all assimilated that it was impossible to get there, after we entered we saw it was a creperie and we ate. It was the most delicious food we all had during all the trip because it was traditional French food(except for escargot or onion soup).

After all the bad luck we had during all day at least we had a good meal, this has shown me that it doesnt matter how bad your day is at the end you can get lucky and that little luck could make you deal with every problem you have.

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