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(Eggmuhl, 21 April 1809 (Day 1))

FRENCH / ALLIED Army (III Corps) - Aggression: 4
III Corps (French) (Davout)
1 x CP (Davout) @ 15AP, 1 x Light Infantry @ 5AP, 5 x Bayonets @ 4AP
Austrian Army IV Korps Aggression: 3
1 x CP (Rosenberg) @ 15AP 5 x Bayonets @ 4 AP, 1 x Smoothbore Field Artillery @
(Austrians with Aggression 3 as they were on the strategic offensive in the campaign,
and aggressive in this battle on Day 1. Probably slightly less than 2,000 men per infantry

(Eggmuhl, 22 April 1809 (Day 2))

FRENCH / ALLIED Army (III Corps) - Aggression: 4
III Corps (French) (Davout)
1 x CP (Davout) @ 15AP, 2 x Light Infantry @ 5AP, 8 x Bayonets @ 4AP, 2 x Light
Cavalry (Hussars, Chasseurs a Cheval) @ 5AP, 1 x Smoothbore Field Artillery @ 8 AP.
VII (Bavarian) Corps (Lefebvre)
1 x Subordinate CP (Lefebvre) @ 15AP, 10 x Bayonets @ 4AP, 2 x Light Cavalry @ 5AP,
2 x Smoothbore Field Artillery @ 8 AP.
Austrian Army IV Korps Aggression: 3
1 x CP (Rosenberg) @ 15AP 2 x Inferior Light Infantry (Grenzer) @ 4AP, 8 x Bayonets
@ 4 AP, 3 x Light Cavalry (Hussars, Chevauleger) @ 5 AP, 2 x Smoothbore Field
Artillery @ 8AP, 1 x Smoothbore Heavy Artillery @ 12AP
(Less than 2,000 infantry per element, but numbers needed to represent the distribution
of the forces. Should the French have Davout as Army commander and extra CP for III

(Alteglofsheim 23rd April 1809)

FRENCH / ALLIED Army - Aggression: 4
1 x CP (Nansouty/ St Sulpice) @ 15AP, 8 x Cuirassier @ 6AP, 2 x Light Cavalry
(Bavarian: Hussars, Chasseurs a Cheval, Chevauleger) @ 5AP, 1 x Smoothbore Horse
Artillery @ 16 AP.
AUSTRIAN ARMY Aggression: 1
1 x CP (Rosenberg) @ 15AP 2 x Cuirassier @ 6AP, 3 x Light Cavalry (Hussars and
Chevaulegers) @ 5 AP, 1 x Infantry @ 4AP

(May be a case for at least one more Cuirassier element as 6,500 Austrian cavalry in 5
Regiments. Map suggest that Cuirassier were larger then Hussar Regiments.)

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