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FCI Management Trainee (General/Depot) Exam Paper 1. Who of the following ro!ght the "i#h $ing%om of P!n&a !

n%er %ire't (riti)h r!le * an offi'ial pro'lamation+ (,) -or% .a)ting) (() -or% Cornwalli) (C) -or% Minto (D) -or% Dalho!)ie ,n). (D) /. In%ia i) 'omparati0el* not ri'h in whi'h one of the following mineral) 'ompare% to the other three+ (,) (a!xite (() Copper (C) Iron (D) Mangane)e ,n). (() 1. ,mong the following2 whi'h one ha) re'or%e% the highe)t pop!lation growth rate %!ring 13314/551+ (,) ,r!na'hal Pra%e)h (() Manip!r (C) 6agalan% (D) "i##im ,n). (C) 7. In whi'h one of the following region) %oe) the In%!) ri0er originate+ (,) -a%%a#h (() -aha!l (C) 6epal (D) Ti et ,n). (,) 8. What i) the term !)e% to %enote the temperat!re at whi'h the water 0apo!r pre)ent in the atmo)phere i) )!ffi'ient to )at!rate+ (,) Con%en)ation point (() Dew point (C) "! limation point (D) "at!ration point ,n). (D) 9. The earth:) refle'ti0it* of )olar ra%iation2 terme% al e%o2 i) highe)t in whi'h one of the following+ (,) Croplan% (() Fore)t area (C) "an% %e)ert (D) "now area ,n). (D) ;. Who of the following wrote the oo# Pre'ept) of <e)!)+ (,) =a&a =ammohan =o* (() De0en%ranath Tagore (C) I)hwar'han%ra >i%*a)agar

(D) $e)ha Chan%ra "en ,n). (,) ?. Who for the fir)t time )aw a'teria thro!gh a mi'ro)'ope ma%e * him)elf+ (,) ,nton 0an -ee!wenhoe# (() -o!i) Pa)te!r (C) =o ert .oo#e (D) =o ert >ir'how ,n). (,) 3. Whi'h of the following 'ontain en@*me) for 'ell!lar re)piration+ (,) Di't*o)ome) (() En%opla)mi' reti'!la (C) -*)o)ome) (D) Mito'hon%ria ,n). (D) 15. To whi'h of the following t*pe) of animal) are "alaman%er) 'lo)el* relate% + (,) Dolphin) an% Whale) (() Frog) an% Toa%) (C) Prawn) an% Cra ) (D) "eal) an% Walr!)e) ,n). (() 11. Whi'h one of the following )tatement) i) 'orre't+ , )ee% i) a ripene% A (,) o0ar* (() flower (C) g*noe'i!m (D) o0!le ,n). (D) 1/. .i)tori'al materiali)m i) a tenet of whi'h one of the following politi'al theorie) + (,) Capitali)m (() -i erali)m (C) Fa)'i)m (D) Marxi)m ,n). (D) 11. What i) B-oo# Ea)t Poli'*: often in the new)+ (,) Go0ernment of In%ia:) initiati0e for the infra)tr!'t!ral %e0elopment in the 6orth Ea)tern "tate) (() In%ia:) )ear'h for oil an% ga) in it) Ea)tern )horeline (C) In%ia:) 'olla oration with )ome Ea)t ,)ian 'o!ntrie) in the exploration of oil an% ga) (D) In%ia:) 'ontin!ing p!r)!it of 'lo)e relation) with "o!th4Ea)t ,)ian 'o!ntrie) ,n). (D) 17. Who of the following p! li)he% a famo!) pamphlet #nown a) B=ight of Ma)): an% !rge% the people in Englan%2 ,meri'a an% Fran'e to fight for their li ert* + (,) Thoma) <effer)on (() Thoma) Paine (C) <ohn -o'#e (D) <ean <a'C!e) =o!))ea!

,n). (() 18. Who of the following in0ente% the 'otton gin that )eparate) the )ee%) from 'otton three h!n%re% time) fa)ter than * han%+ (,) Eli Whitne* (() George "tephen)on (C) M',%am (D) <ame) Watt ,n). (,) 19. Who)e %!t* i) it to re'ommen% to the Pre)i%ent of In%ia on the i))!e of the %i)tri !tion an% allo'ation of the net pro'ee%) of taxe) in the 'ontext of Centre "tate fi)'al relation) + (,) Planning Commi))ion (() 6ational De0elopment Co!n'il (C) Dnion Mini)tr* of Finan'e (D) Finan'e Commi))ion ,n). (D) 1;. In the Dnion Go0ernment2 !n%er who)e 'harge i) the Ca inet "e'retariat+ (,) The Mini)ter of Parliamentar* ,ffair) (() The Pre)i%ent of In%ia (C) The Prime Mini)ter of In%ia (D) The Dnion .ome Mini)ter ,n). (C) 1?. Whi'h Fi0e4Eear Plan ha% an o &e'ti0e of F=api% In%!)triali@ation with parti'!lar empha)i) on %e0elopment of a)i' an% hea0* in%!)trie)G+ (,) Fir)t (C) Thir% (() "e'on% (D) Fo!rth ,n). (() 13. Whi'h one of the following i) the 'orre't 'hronologi'al or%er of the gi0en r!ler) of an'ient In%ia+ (,) ,)ho#a A $ani)h#a A Milin%a (() Milin%a A ,)ho#a A $ani)h#a (C) ,)ho#a A Milin%a A $ani)h#a (D) Milin%a A $ani)h#a A ,)ho#a ,n). (C) /5. Whi'h one of the following i) not a %i)ea)e 'a!)e% * 0ir!)+ (,) (ir%4fl! (() Chi'#enpox (C) Cholera (D) Deng!e ,n). (C) /1. In term) of the e0ol!tion of organi)m)2 whi'h one among the following i) the mo)t a%0an'e%+ (,) (at (C) "har#

(() Pigeon (D) >!lt!re ,n). (,) //. Whi'h one of the following i) not a geneti' %i)or%er+ (,) Colo!r lin%ne)) (() Down:) )*n%rome (C) .emophilia (D) Herophthalmia ,n). (D) /1. Whi'h one of the following i) an en@*me+ (,) Ga)trin (() $eratin (C) Tr*p)in (D) >a)opre))in ,n). (C) /7. In h!man o%*2 whi'h one of the following )e'rete) hormone) a) well a) %ige)ti0e en@*me) + (,) Ie)ophag!) (() Pan'rea) (C) "pleen (D) -arge inte)tine ,n). (() /8. In the h!man o%*2 whi'h of the following )tore / )tore) extra loo% for relea)e when )hortage) o''!r+ (,) -i0er (() Pan'rea) (C) "pleen (D) -*mph no%e) ,n). (C) /9. , !llet tra0elling hori@ontall* hit) a lo'# #ept at re)t on a hori@ontal )!rfa'e an% get) em e%%e% into it2 the two together then mo0e with a !niform 0elo'it*. Whi'h one of the following 'on)er0ation law) hol%)+ (,) Con)er0ation of ang!lar moment!m (() Con)er0ation of #ineti' energ* (C) Con)er0ation of linear moment!m (D) Con)er0ation of 0elo'it* ,n). (C) /;. Whi'h one of the following i) 'orre't+ , negati0el* 'harge% gla)) ro% ha) alwa*)A (,) le)) ele'tron) than proton) (() le)) ele'tron) than ne!tron) (C) le)) proton) than ele'tron) (D) le)) ne!tron) than proton) ,n). (C) /?. Who among the following wa) )ent * -or% .ar%ing:) to "o!th ,fri'a to plea% the 'a!)e of In%ian) le% * the *o!ng Gan%hi+

(,) (. G. Tila# (() G. $. Go#hale (C) M. G. =ana%e (D) Motilal 6ehr! ,n). (() /3. Whi'h one of the following i) not a '!rrent of 6orth ,tlanti' I'ean+ (,) Fal#lan% C!rrent (() Canar* C!rrent (C) -a ra%or C!rrent (D) G!lf "tream ,n). (,) 15. Whi'h one of the following "tate) %oe) not )hare o!n%ar* with <har#han% + (,) Chatti)garh (() Ma%h*a Pra%e)h (C) Iri))a (D) Dttar Pra%e)h ,n). (() 11. Thro!gh whi'h "tate) %oe) >am)a%hara ri0er flow+ (,) ,n%hra Pra%e)h an% Chatti)garh onl* (() Chatti)garh an% Iri))a onl* (C) ,n%hra Pra%e)h an% Iri))a onl* (D) ,n%hra Pra%e)h2 Chatti)garh an% Iri))a ,n). (C) 1/. Who)e entr* into In%ia re)!lte% in the intro%!'tion of mai@e 'rop in In%ia+ (,) D!t'h (() Engli)h (C) Fren'h (D) Port!g!e)e ,n). (D) 11. The effort) of who of the following le% to the F,ge of Con)ent ,'t2 1?31G+ (,) =a in%ranath Tagore (() M. G. =ana%e (C) "!ren%ra 6ath (anner&ee (D) M!l ari ,n). (D) 17. What wa) the name of the part* forme% * "! ha) Chan%ra (o)e after lea0ing In%ian 6ational Congre))+ (,) Congre)) "o'iali)t Part* (() Forwar% (lo' (C) In%ian 6ational Conferen'e (D) "wara& Part* ,n). (() 18. ,mong the following who wa) a prominent lea%er of $hilafat Mo0ement+ (,) <awaharlal 6ehr! (() Mahatma Gan%hi (C) =a&en%ra Pra)a%

(D) >alla h hai Patel ,n). (() 19. Who wa) the ar'hite't of the BDrain Theor*: an% the a!thor of the oo# Po0ert* an% Dn4(riti)h =!le in In%ia+ (,) Da%a hai 6aoro&i (() Gopal $ri)hna Go#hale (C) , !l $alam ,@a% (D) =ame)h Chan%ra D!tt ,n). (,) 1;. The Ci0il Di)o e%ien'e Mo0ement )tarte% with whi'h of the following+ (,) 6o4tax 'ampaign in (ar%oli %i)tri't (() Demon)tration of ,#ali "i#h) at 6a ha (C) Demon)tration again)t the "imon Commi))ion (D) Dan%i Mar'h ,n). (D) 1?. The mo)t a !n%ant ga) in the atmo)phere i)A (,) Ix*gen (() 6itrogen (C) .*%rogen (D) Car on %ioxi%e ,n). (() 13. Whi'h %an'e form are (ir&! Mahara& an% Gopi $ri)hna renowne% for+ (,) $atha# (() Chha! (C) $atha#ali (D) I%i))i ,n). (,) 751. Whi'h i) the offi'ial lang!age of the Dnion Territor* of -a#)ha%weep+ (,) Tamil (() Marathi (C) Mala*alam (D) $on#ani ,n). (C) 71. Who i) #nown a) the BFather of In%ia:) mi))ile programme:+ (,) ,.P.<. , %!l $alam (() =. "anthanam (C) =a&a =amanna (D) .omi (ha ha ,n). (,) 7/. The irth%a* of whi'h )port)per)on i) 'ele rate% a) 6ational "port) Da*+ (,) "!nil Ga0a)#ar (() PT. D)ha (C) Pra#a)h Pa%!#one (D) Dh*an Chan% ,n). (D)

71. Who among the following hol%) a re'or% of the fa)te)t 155 te)t wi'#et) ta#en * an In%ian owler+ (,) Erapalli Pra)anna (() (hagawat Chan%ra)e#har (C) (i)han "ingh (e%i (D) $apil De0 ,n). (D) 77 In whi'h 'it* were the fir)t ,)ian Game) hel%+ (,) (ang#o# (() $!ala -!mp!r (C) 6ew Delhi (D) Mo)'ow ,n). (C) 78. The Fir)t Fi0e Eear Plan 'o0ere% the perio%A (,) 1381489 (() 138/48; (C) 137;48/ (D) 1385488 ,n). (,) 79. The rea%th of the railwa* roa% ga!ge i) approximatel*A (,) 1.9;m (() 1.11m (C) /.55m (D) 1.?1m ,n). (,) 7;. Mo%!lation !)e% in a G"M mo ile phone i)A (,) P"$ (() (P"$ (C) M"$ (D) GM"$ ,n). (D) 7?. The light in opti'al fi re 'a le propagate) %!e toA (,) =efra'tion (() Diffra'tion (C) Total internal refle'tion (D) Interferen'e ,n). (C) 73. When a T> re'ei0er i) )wit'he% n2 the pi't!re 'ome) late2 Wh* + (,) >i%eo an%wi%th i) large (() >i%eo )ignal ta#e) longer to arri0e (C) Ele'tron emi))ion ta#e) time (D) ,ll of the a o0e. ,n). (C) 85. "ei)mograph i) !)e% in the )t!%* ofA (,) Moon (() EarthC!a#e

(C) Floo%) (D) Ti%e) ,n). (()

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