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The Anointing In Every Book Of The Bible

The yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing. (Isaiah 10:27) But the anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you. (1 John 2:27) The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me because the Lord hath anointed me. (Isaiah 61:1)

In GENESIS, the Anointing is the Abrahams Visitations, Jacobs Ladder & Josephs Dreams. In EXODUS, the Anointing is Moses Rod that split the Red Sea, The Pillar of Fire by Night, and the Glory Cloud by Day . In LEVITICUS, the Anointing is the Consecration Oil Poured on the Priests. In NUMBERS, the Anointing is Aarons Rod that Budded. In DEUTERONOMY, the Anointing is Manna raining down from Heaven. In JOSHUA, the Anointing is the Steps that Parted the Jordan River and the Trumpet Blast that toppled Jerichos Walls. In JUDGES, the Anointing is Samsons Hair, Samsons Jawbone of a Donkey and Gideons Fleece. In RUTH, the Anointing is Boazs Favor. In 1 SAMUEL, the Anointing is Samuels Horn of Oil, Davids Sweet Psalms, and Davids Five Smooth Stones. In 2 SAMUEL, the Anointing is the Touch of God transferred from Mentor to Protg. In 1 KINGS, the Anointing is Elijahs Mantle. In 2 KINGS, the Anointing is the Elishas Double Portion and the Power that Floated the Axehead . In 1 CHRONICLES, the Anointing is a release of Tons and Tons of Gold & Silver for the work of God. In 2 CHRONICLES, the Anointing is the Glory of the Lord filling the Gods House at its completion. In EZRA, the Anointing is the Prompting to rebuild Gods Temple and City. In NEHEMIAH, the Anointing is the Courage to Finish the Work. In ESTHER, the Anointing is the Scepter of Favor extended to her by the king. In JOB, the Anointing is twice as much as he had before. In PSALMS, the Anointing is the Oil of Joy to praise the Lord. In PROVERBS, the Anointing is Transferred down from Parents and Transferred between Friends. In ECCLESIASTES, the Anointing makes Everything Beautiful in its Time . In SONG OF SOLOMON, the Anointing is Love that cannot be Quenched. In ISAIAH, the Anointing is the Coal of Fire that Touched his Lips. In JEREMIAH, the Anointing is the Fire Shut Up In My Bones. In LAMENTATIONS, the Anointing is New Every Morning. In EZEKIEL, the Anointing is Visions from God. In DANIEL, the Anointing is Dreams from God. In HOSEA, the Anointing is the Drawing of Backsliders Back Home to the Lord. In JOEL, the Anointing is the Spirit of God poured upon all flesh, both servants and handmaidens. In AMOS, the Anointing is the power of Agreement to walk together. In OBADIAH, the Anointing is the Fire and the Flame that burns in the house of God. In JONAH, the Anointing is the Grace to Repent. In MICAH, the Anointing is the But as for me, I am filled with power, with the Spirit of the LORD. In NAHUM, the Anointing is the Book of Vision. In HABBAKUK, the Anointing is the Defining and Writing of The Vision. In ZEPHANIAH, the Anointing is the Restoration of the Fortunes of Gods People. In HAGGAI, the Anointing is the Urgency to Build Gods House. In ZECHARIAH, the Anointing is the Oil Flowing from the Golden Lampstand into Gods Leaders. In MALACHI, the Anointing is Correcting Divorce and Failure to Tithe. In MATTHEW, the Anointing is the Star that hovered over the Wise Men and led them to Christ. In MARK the Anointing is the power to Go Ye as well as the laying on of hands to heal the sick and cast out devils. In LUKE the Anointing is the Spirit of The Lord that is upon me to preach, heal, deliver, open, comfort, gladden. In JOHN the Anointing is Jesus unveiling of the Spirit of Truth, the Comforter. In ACTS, the Anointing is Tongues of Fire, Trances, Peters Shadow and Pauls Aprons that healed the sick. In ROMANS the Anointing is Power that grafts us into The Vine and Grace beyond our fondest imaginations. In 1 CORINTHIANS the Anointing is the Nine Manifestation Gifts of the Spirit. In 2 CORINTHIANS the Anointing is ability to Endure Hardships for the Cause of Christ. In GALATIANS, the Anointing is the Working of Miracles through faith alone. In EPHESIANS, the Anointing is the Five Fold Ministry of Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor and Teacher. In PHILIPPIANS, the Anointing is the exaltation of the Name that is above every name. In COLOSSIANS, the Anointing is what made all things and holds all things together. In 1 THESSALONIANS, the Anointing catches away the church in the rapture. In 2 THESSALONIANS, the Anointing is Gods Control over the end times. In 1 TIMOTHY, the Anointing is the Giftedness given to you through Prophecy and the Laying On of Hands of the Leaders. In 2 TIMOTHY, the Anointing is the Spirit of Power, Love and a Sound Mind. In TITUS, the Anointing is the Blessed Hope of His Glorious Appearing. In PHILEMON, the Anointing is Sharing of Your Faith. In HEBREWS, the Anointing is what made Jesus the Great High Priest, the Intercessor, the Mediator, and the Head. In JAMES, the Anointing is the Prayer of Faith that Heals the Sick. In 1 PETER, the Anointing is the Skill to Feed and Lead the Flock of God. In 2 PETER, the Anointing is patience until the Lord comes. In 1 JOHN, the Anointing is the Unction Inside the Believer to know all things. In 2 JOHN the Anointing is the power to Walk in the Truth. In 3 JOHN the Anointing Prospers and Heals. In JUDE, the Anointing is the power that showed Enoch the Lords second coming Millenniums in advance. In REVELATION, the Anointing is what brings Jesus Back Again.
@ 2004 Dr. Dan, DCMI

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