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Garlic Pull-Apart Rolls Recipe source: Suhaina Makes 8 mini rolls Ingredients: Plain Flour - 1.

5 cups Warm Water- 1/2 cup + 1 tbsp Yeast - 1/2 tbsp Salt - 1tsp Sugar - 1 tbsp Olive Oil - 1 tbsp + 1 tsp For Garlic Spread: Salte butter! at room temperature - " tbsp #ince garlic - 2 tbsp $%oppe corian er leaves - 2 tbsp How I Made It: 1. #i& 'lour! (east! )arm )ater! salt an sugar toget%er until (ou get a smoot%! slig%tl( stic* oug%.

2. + oil to (our 'ingertips an *nea until t%e oug% springs bac* )%en (ou press )it% (our 'ingers - about ,-5 mins.

-. Wrap in cling 'ilm an allo) to ouble b( *eeping in a )arm place 'or about ,5 mins. #ean)%ile! ma*e t%e garlic sprea b( simp( mi&ing all t%e ingre ients.

,. .rease a ba*ing pan or loa' tin )it% olive oil. / use m( P(re& loa' pan )%ic% )as t%e per'ect si0e 'or 1 mini garlic rolls. 5. 2noc* o)n t%e air in t%e oug% an e3ual portions. ivi e t%e oug% into t)o

". 4rans'er one portion o' t%e oug% to a 'loure sur'ace an roll gentl( into a roug% rectangle o' 1/25 t%ic*ness. +ppl( more 'lour sparingl( i' stic*(. 6. Sprea about 2 tbsp o' garlic sprea on one si e.

1. 7oll 'rom one en gentl( an 'irml(.

8. $ut into %al' an t%en eac% %al' again into t)o %alves to get , e3ual portions.

19. :o) place t%e rolls )it% t%e cut si e up in t%e grease pan. 7epeat t%e same proce ure 'or t%e remaining oug%. 11. Sprea a little mil* on t%e rolls an a t%e remaining garlic sprea on top. / am sure sesame see s as Su%aina %as a e )ill ma*e t%e 'lavour even better but / i n;t %ave an(.

12. +llo) to rise 'or anot%er 29 minutes. /n t%e mean time pre%eat t%e oven to 119$ / -65F. 1-. <a*e 'or about -9 mins until t%e top is gol en bro)n. #( P(re& glass pan usuall( ta*es longer to ba*e in! so mine too* about -5 mins to ba*e =ust rig%t.

4%ese are reall( reall( so't an %ave an ama0ing 'lavour. Serve 'res% an %ot>

Suhaina's Notes: 1. 4%e amount o' )ater epen s on t%e t(pe o' 'lour (ou are using. ?se (our =u gment to get a slig%tl( stic*( oug% t%at be%aves )%en (ou appl( oil. 2. 4%e amount o' (east can be re uce i' (ou on;t li*e t%e 'lavour o' (east too muc% in (our brea s. You can a =ust 1 tsp an let it ouble over a couple o' %ours! slo)l(.

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