Apple and Coconut Cake Recipe

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Apple and Coconut Cake Recipe

Ingredients: 3 medium apples grated (with skin) 1 whole egg 2 tsp ground cinnamon tsp ground nutmeg 1 pinch sea salt 1 tsp vanilla essence tsp coconut essence 1 t sp natural sweetener 2 t sp light coconut milk 2 tsp aking powder !"g protein rich cereal 2 t sp sachi inchi protein powder 1 t sp coconut #lour 1 t sp chia seeds Method: 1$ %reheat &our oven to 1'" degree Celsius$ 2$ (i) all the ingredients well e)cept the #inal *+ until the mi)ture is sticking together and appears ,uite wet$ 3$ Add the #inal * ingredients and mi) to com ine *$ -ine a read. aking tra& with aking paper and #ill with &our high #i re apple cake mi)ture$ !$ -et it ake #or an one hour$ /$ Remove #rom the oven once a skewer comes out clean when placed through the middle o# the cake$ 0$ -et the cake sit #or an hour to cool$ '$ 1lice into ! serves and en2o& it plain+ or top it with a vanilla ricotta mi)$

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