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Cosmic circuit paper: 15qns were there but i could recollect only 8 The questions are 1) A battery source

of 10V is connected to two resistors R1 and R2 of 10 kilo ohm each. The Second Resistor R2 is connected with Inductor L1 and a capacitor C1. Find the value of the Voltage across the Resistor R1 and R2? Ans: R1=10V and R2=0V.

2) A voltage source is connected with a current source and a Resistor R1. Find the Current flowing through the Resistor? Ans: Use kirchoff's law or superposition theorem

3) A Network consist of eight Resistors. The Resistors are connected some in series and some in parallel to one another. A capacitor is connected in parallel to the Resistor. All the resistance values are given. Find the Total Resistance. Ans: Use Network Reduction Method 4) This question is based on the third question. The value of Total Resistance is given. But one of the path containing the resistor is shorted or opened. Find the Resistor value and find whether the path is shorted or opened. Ans: Use Network Reduction method 5) There are two loops in a circuit. Each loop consist of a source and a resistor connected in series to it. The two loops are separated by a resistor R3 connecting the two loops at the bottom. Find the value of the current passing through the resistor. Ans: Use kirchoff's law or Superposition theorem 6) A diode is connected in reverse bias with a source. A capacitor is connected in parallel to the diode. What will happen? choose the correct answer a) the depletion region increase b) the depletion region decrease c) the depletion region remains same

7) A Current Mirror Circuit is given. The Base-Emitter Voltage is given. The Base current is given. Find the value of the Collector Current? Ans: Use the formula of transistors. 8) A Material is made up of three different resistivity materials. It was connected concentrically. The Area was given and the Length is same for all Materials. Find the Total Resistance. Ans: Use the formula R=PL/A

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