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Sri Ramakrishna Institute of Technology, Coimbatore -10

Final Year BE Mechanical Engineering Industrial Robotics Internal Test III (October 2013) Year &Sem: IV / VII Portion &Time: 2 Units &1 Hours Date of Exam: 26/10/13 Max Marks: 50

Answer ALL the Questions Part A (5 x 2 = 10) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. What is the continuous path programming? What is teach pendant? Write a note on ROI method. What is AGV? What are the different methods of economics analysis? Answer ALL the Questions Part B (2x 20 = 40) 6. (a) Derive the expression for direct and inverse kinematics of 4 degrees of freedom robot manipulator. (b) With an example differentiate forward and inverse kinematics. or 7. (a) Explain lead through programming methods. (b) Briefly explain the economics analysis of robots in detail. 8. Explain the Logical sequence of steps in implementing robots. or 9.(a) Briefly explain the work place design consideration for safety of robots in detail. (b) (i)Show how joint angles can be calculated for three degrees of freedom manipulator? (ii) Write a note robot kinematics. (8) (8) (4) (10) (10) (20) (12) (8)

Sri Ramakrishna Institute of Technology, Coimbatore -10

Final Year BE Mechanical Engineering Industrial Robotics Internal Test III (October 2013) Year &Sem: IV / VII Portion &Time: 2Units & 1 Hours Answer ALL the Questions Part A (5 x 2 = 10) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. List any two unique features of a stepper motor. Classify the position sensors. Define sensors and transducer. What is a RCC device? For what purpose is it used in a robot? Write the characteristics of actuating systems. Answer ALL the Questions Part B (2x 20 = 40) Date of Exam: 26 /10/13 Max Marks: 50

6. List the commands used in VAL II programming and describe its functions. or


7. With suitable sketch, write a critical note on the features, relative merits and demerits of RGV and AGV. (20) 8. (a) List and explain indirect costs and savings in a robot applications project. (b) Write a critical note on any two methods for economic analysis of industrial robots. or 9. (a) Derive the forward and reverse transformation of 2-Degree of freedom and 3- degree of freedom arm. (b) Explain Motion, End Effector and Sensor commands with example. (10) (10) (10) (10)

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