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TPAMMATHKA AHTAHKACKOrO fo 38 BK A gan B,J, KAYUINECKAS, P. 1 KOBHED, 0, H. KOREBHIIKOBA, Bb, HPOKGGLEBA, 3. M. PATHEG, CE, CKBHPCKAM, 8.5 nuiPamA FOREWORD Ths obec ofthe Bek oie coma of Engh rina esas sesmting sng lgiog ‘Te ak capes Spny, ts aie athe "Pn mia the Bok sen wed fr miny_ yet a echog e- uae ie Bote tottus Foci Language {HS ae att fi ttf ee the etal hve center cared {Exrcocr or allot dtm the manual ace putin a sepiete sau rege hac wih cay of poset Sp ator wiht "Aeonldge Urabe p te teicher ofthe "AS ela ot etch Pedagegllrt Eu ant at aege, ue! have Towed “eb and ses nate Deptt Fer a St cline Incest nee. e_pars of speck ad mere fire anne oe ‘yt etucmes“taken fn El ad Aran sho eet iy poping ta ati ar ie ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS ixmepuerion| cami tc he gl language eo 5 © Park aceIDENCE ‘octal lstention of the parts of sec eee Y chapter 1. THE NOUN 5 Setetee a araaale 5 Clantieatia nr : & 1 Betton epic aie i 2 FE ke of aan ; ‘The segy ot ne 3 Chapter HH. THE ARTICLE 1, Gee pation neces eevee eee eo Seah eins ‘Gr rn 15 at 2 tra Ly us Pies 1, Names f etl, paves ‘il iets iia. 1% Now medics Spon axai See owe d are lh none a tri SESE "She dit Sele wih rin in a x BESSEEE 19. Fh af the dis ie vth a n't ions Nasal srigieistsiis ieee BS The oot USS wilh Geom wha, ely, fed, 'pr 4 Te la les ete” ae Eee oy Sa REE ca [Eee icine Me : 30: Arent the other pee eye a Begg Sere S BREE RESUS? § onal Be ae 220 Ee PE Ria aches : 44 Spell es a fe SS cea aS | ERS sees ag A $b amie s ba a 4 Reise frenmune & Ee : ES 3 : : 3 tee eree : a 15 Negmive ponoene 2220S 3 fete cesses [eis pee Ea Si = iSHUEocoauvaag & Chapter th Won of HE caEUORY OF sre Teta cess 2 sa atid ai: Be hepter Vil THE VERB 1, Baimion Rea dik & evel chalet a eA Steet eta reas tg Aci oe initiate presente Ei HAS ce’ inns taints». Ate a ret itt qi ‘ib Eat nants 7 ef Fe os se Bak ini’ 22> Fe te Past Insite : 1h USE ae ete farmalin of the Future indie ty ike’ Pst Te Renan Cte Te EN ra oe ecacl‘Chitnaeat Thee cade hd ae fi pete git Geto © HEARS sored he Ba centr A Ee i ert etna IE We Sera tulie Einar the Pel « vara! a Ge Con rm : ‘roe Bi ae zl “Te Bea Reed 1 a ols a ed TH wa Seal eet : 1B, HE Bas indian te Prd ieie einai’ of We’ Bait ete 2 yf ean of he Tee i fe in ST cr tefare Pet he Pats ‘oy, fret Cae rm Eee "rhea Mere Cun, : TERS Kai ie Pind eet ‘Cenas © S Sh The gd the nt Bret Cetin 5B fs Bea Bat” trl er sn feast sede Wicd Pe Gina ei ise. ieee (ei 2tiee)) 12a emi eee | aeee a BBB 811 2 Pes Sia ae isk fect Cnt SHG Ric‘eot"Gantonn cae lt Pa in Ww Ph Pee - mH Beckie ure oie partite : 1B evr iinchine i {oe Stet 18 Eesti oP gle wey rs) ‘Tae Fate Patt Gots i he SAU TR ae Hed Connie 3 Te ee is Wns Sena ii pee’ 8 mh fect ete i fects eri ited ee te 36 the fometon kth Paen Perr Contes ihe Pi The Site Patil Conca 8 BP aad Sec a FE ERIN SSIES aacig 0H ee ia: Eien Giger: LRG eects we : bested ® EB Seo tte Pane on ea 8 EUS SORES Us ctiaets aia Be i‘ : Se Mee hehe e oe feed eer] Modal Ve tintin" [ Prereeees : Prodiestise conatrections with the gerund < Hee : eee 8 He fomirgumemmige OUD BB Feed oe ee i ea fetes ma oe ES Ser indo tte 2220 : el distecne i : : : ‘Re use oT Uniti witout tie article 1s fe eee er eee Rieter oo Ed th pe ay ea Nunn Bh The Satjetve ntive Cotucion ore End Woe : Ho bebe esa 2 dena eatin, HES Wve oh he expresso Bsa 6b aad! 308 & Mytea er 4 The Toms oF instieé Meawe Wea tne Sane Chapter 1X. THE ADVERE Iscing ols expr by the Sabri Sito sae The wee Rend ae Bea desis mo Pima eT ame a eMSaP Ser cet Chapter X. THE MODAL WORDS oo: Adve Gages ng and ie -- 3 Lh Beate A eee ib Seige 15S : ieee : Too i ca B i Adsptes cls Si ina nac eh Chapter XI. THE INTERIECTION aa i bitin en Peseessy a i BRE a i . ERs : ENRON i pias 2 Se sagas 00 Si WBNaii ica ecaias cscs URiieaaasaassetccciati: tps adie in” nica poe : Prenton and pusipsiny ns Chapter AIL. THE CONUNeHION 1 Rett , i: Ro dic 7 { Gecltigsejclid eee 1 Stivedinting seein 7 Chapter XIV. THE PARTIeye Me Bites Sts Part IESYNTAX Venpter XV, THE SIMPLE Styrence [eBieeceos “te Te pape eee : Pe ie ed Leas cee ee Fete creek deees olay ie ean yt z= Scrmfour verbal ct rea oe ad Dy Hale apcent 2 Nee TS ei i ee aly “aie ona (pute Ste” Ae Pei cee BB ocd is wd: Pee Phe as : ER anse Ee 1: Wop of pig te ante Bie 23 FS Bog stitial moliier sn Ta Tee Gt Doinieien and clasiicatcn "Mie Poteet Sl ee) Sa tae ‘bite SR el bl lic ‘Te aces sete R Pucibete : : AEST iecsu : Chapter XVI. WORD ORDER Siete ete of nis Ebel ce oc Piste “to ei’ Shake of adel moar (Chapter XV11. THE COMPOUND SENTR sce ‘AND THs COMPLEX SENTENCE ee 5 . 2 Shp eens 200002 The Spice 7 f Sie ds : Pats j } EM Fett caes 2 altiuttegppestie coms Hee Sane ad 1. deri | 5 12, Advil aoe of ane : 15: Abvebit seus 1 ple: i: Advert owes of ae 3 Aerial Gaunt of ppd HIE Uncen Sieces Eeois Es Sy Se [A BSE aS fee U2 gee oe oe gate ae PR ~ chepter XVIIL. THE SEQUENCE OF TEyces Dye shea Br cB BR ae m BiB BiB BSE) 8) BBB ES o HS [URE Renmelies oe cswaaw amc | 1 Re gues es ea ii === — SE boas a = chapter A1% Noir SPEC a & Pe we a ais 2 PS SER Ease a so = 8 Greetings and leave taking sto Chapter Xx. PUNCTUATION fo Ser temas con GRAMMATICAL STRUCTURE OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE ‘he sate cette De y iewsaet : 4 1 Languages may te sytetic and anal airing fo E Recccd diaie S22 El ia te, f iciections . : ‘In synthetic languages, such a3 for instance Russian, the gram- depand one matical felations. between words sre expressed by means of fle Toe cpu sete Fina dase on ei tions e.g. qpuua ae Seale Ge fa Sepals nici © aie "hn analytical languages, such a= English, dhe grammatical rela, 2 Glesinate Sauer June by aint ones 38 tions Venn words“ are txpreseed by means of form werds and HG ise iy ical ett nog = NE URS he of te hte te Sel ste omy bet poh Sees be Ss I 4 2 Analytical forms are mostly proper to verbs, An analytical Breese eas ‘ver8-orm consists of ene or more form words, which have no lexi- . a fal meaning and. only eapress one or more’ of the grammatical Rite ee = gories of person, number, tense, aspel, vOlee, mood, and one ple eg ile i HE Objet dane ae Sees a 38 notional word, generally an infinitive or’ Get ‘Siting io i ges fas come, fe rain. 12, Dati solitary iene ‘The ana! fonts ae 2} Soin coreg i = iene ard Aspect "verbs he Cantina ar om shay set suing, the Pertct Tors T hae writen, the Peet Contins 22 Cel a oe ee Tora? hace teen erring the Future ndelinite: 1 shall writ, all he other forms of the Future, also the Interrogetive and the egnive forms of the Present and Past Indefinite Does he singe Fides sl ing 2The Pastve Volce: / as inited tothe ther 3. The analytical form of the Subjunctive. Mood: F should go tere Tad tine all thee anaytieal forms the form word i an auelary ver. (€or elaied Wedtment sce chapters on the verb) $8. However the structure of a language Is never cle ea i : pee i eae aaE GRE 1, Endings: , fn the thied person singular in the Prevent Indi “in the pleral"of rower: ables Sein the genitive ease: my brother's bunk: “ed ia the Past Indefinite of regular verbs: mated. 2"tnner Tlexions! man mon; speak ~ sole 3. The aye fers the Subjctive Moods were, te, aoe ele § 4. Owlng to the scarcity of synthetle forms the order of ors, whic is Tixed in. English, aequlres extreme importance The jisherman caught 2 fish. ‘A deviation tram the geveral principle of word order 1s pos sibje_only in special cass (Por detalles tretipent see Chapter XVI, Word Order.) § 5. One of the marked features of the English language isthe extensive tse of substitutes. A word substitute saves the repetition fof = word In ceriain conditions, Here belong one, tat, ‘One replaces clss nouns in the singular and in the plural: ‘Thanks for the compliment fit is ome. The nowrs te spent with ath were the only tappy ones Hehe, tn they ‘wer ol al apn. (London) ‘ht generally substitutes nouns, epelally sbstract nouns and routs of atrial followed by an astute, stony Intoduced by the pepeon of ‘He (Martin) wutebed the easy watk of the other infront of tm, Yor the fst time resized that walk wee teen fron that of otter men (London) Almost every doy thucaler Mrs, Stllow would go for & ide in her ov car of that of Castleman. (Dretser) Do substitutes verbs You tow your law bette tha I do. (Galsworthy) Fevgive se for spesking wi raat fanknesy, I only €o 40 bee suse I cae. (Aleeander) Part I ACCIDENCE GENERAL CLASSIFICATION OF THE PARTS OF SPEECH According to their meaning, morphological characteristics and syntactical Tunetions, words fall under certain clases called parts oF speech ‘We distinguish between notional and structural parts of speech. ‘The notional parts of speech perform certain funetions in the sen. fence! the fuetions of subject, predicate, attribute, object, oF fsdverbial oder “The notional parts of speech are (the nour, 12) the adjective (3) the promos (@) the Buel; (8) the verb: (6) the adverb: (the words of the category of state; (8) the mocal ‘words; (8) the tnteretion ‘The structural paris of speech either express eelations helen words or senlees' or emphasize the meaning of words of sertenes Pies ever sir any indepenen arto I the sntence, Here longs (1) the preposition: 12 fhe cent; 18) the particle: (@) the article Chapter t ‘THE NOUN 4, The noun is a word expesing substan in the widest caf Te oe ac ieneneel inthe concert of sabstance we isle not oly names ftv elas (bl gr hry sad les fs oie Set i ot fat ets". uli ay pala nes, strength, ‘sleep, fear, conversation, fight), abstracted of ee oe be ie LE in ge cL ra ae ete SER way on pemnaiy ate ware Engi, the sux expesing fenine genic. It's not widely der hens Post — poctess ctor soteess (waitress ost hostess 3. The noun tas eran sotactial caraleritin. ai Satna rare, those of the subject and the jt Aa ‘hss othe sabjct andthe object) But if may aso Ue ed os Te sgn i spend bee, (Dlcens) acm Toy gta Yc tlonea te tarts (yay ese, 1 Gononyy vas mn aehect° (Onfeorgy okseanve 1 Sender, th dutnetion df saat nto maxi, en say te Cipriani fee And nate, pro : ty ee eat a ee PGs SSR hy pe egy pues pronoun ieee ede of fe oun, trough [2 the ft of 8 tay and with I 2 lass, tow! Ma (Monet) iran the noe glass Is Fee eed yl of cowe, Ht vcd Kom Bs father's res Pehiates) vem: the wou father Te used 10 he ealtve cae) |A noun preceded by ¢ preposition (a prepositional phrae) may toe Sued'ss Mtebute, prepositional Indirect objec ant adverbial trader. Seo ali (wm arab ace ences Se i a et Sg bo ced ne seen oun geeclly asclated with the arlcl, Because of te Comparative Nery ef oorpholiea dictions in Engle Itc cses nly artes show tha the ward Is @ ot Rheum tan be moliied by an adjestivn, pronoun, Ky another oto by verbs 4 Morhnorel compotion of nour Reccrlng fo tele rmphologcal composition we distinguish sips, divine tnd compound ous. "Simple nis arenas wh have tithe prefiaes nor su- tins They ar ndocomporale: chr table, np fh rt , Devvsive oun are ume hich hae” derivate’ clement (pines wifes o bth raaer, salon bltimess, coed, Sisenduct, Inxperione Prective noforming satis ae: “ts reas, techs, worker Se Tommunittegapol, dana “Ze Teen, Rtn set “yet etsy, Naas “Ee soli aionns, Ingen Unproductive suffixes are: stood: childhood, manhood om frelon “sti endsip, ettionstip iment: develo “ance! inpotance “emer dependence “ye eneety sige gontoaty 3. Compound nouns are nouns built front two ce more lens, Compound "nouns. citen ‘have ‘one stress "The. meaning & Gane pound often lifes from the mianings of Her elements ‘The main types of compound nouns areas follows (@) noun-stem-+ rounstem' oppletre, srosbul, (0) adectivestemn-+ noun stem bcdbird, barbell {© serbstem noustem: plctpmcet; tne stem’ of gerund of @ participle may be the frst eomponeft of 2 eontpound* nous Aining-oom, reading:hal, dancing-gids $5. Classification of nouns, Nouns fal! under’ to" classes: (A) proper nouns; (B) common Along es ln ame ve tmp pro ox ings Ms regars thelr meaning groper nouns ay be peroed ames (itary Peter, “Shatspeore) geographies ne London: the Caucasus), Whe ones of Une nants ard oh he ane oF ik br, na. aft aie ine suber a pons ow prope were orignal eats nous (Bren, Smut, Aan) PO ° Proper nos may’ change ibsie meaning and become common George west over to the tble end took a sandwich aad of champagne, (Adingon) B, Carano nouns re names that cn be apotied to any tnfita al of a claw of persons or hinge fe. et dog ba) as tions of similar thdivduals or things Seared “a sec (© ke possantry. fay. materials fe. fst, iran, eaten Alfa notions (¢g. adres, delypnti ‘hus thee are afirent groups of toon, now sollctve nouns, nouns Feria a abaae Nouns may alto be clase trom another. pont of view: guns denoting ns the weed hing i wad ta hond vena) tat toy courte are called countable moans, nouns Senting tinge ad camot‘be counted are called uncountable nous. SS OE 1. Giss nouns denote persons or things belonging to class, They are countaes atl have two numba sangete ast “pes ‘The ae generally used with am erucie a RMSE ad 7 rac tp en te perenne ri eee ts ‘mars that which share by several tng inet poss SEACSaE Py ts wn dan av cage ty rote (Mansfield) ' Heese port oft town where the shops ae (Lessing) a. cave nas dee nie er elton of sina eee te a ineCollective nouns fall under the following, grot ber of cots Leon ie steal Sling 2 me oe, Seat fgnter aa regrted Single Obs fot, Res follage. (London) tt ety Ue lity wists an duet tr an, wa lpr! Cue) (0) nouns whlch are singula In form though plural in meaning: tte, pote gentry. They ate usualy called nouns Free ot hen te abet of the sentence a hou of l= fade the ver used as predicate is in the plural: vs er iy og Se) Eo oh sa a ey sel a NS SM a FU A sat xed sed a es ae. Oa) ASTAgy tot ete het, ag te dct ic eke of acton, Wonate wich crowds of People wert Stet pouing fom vaely of unter. (Dickens) 3, Nos of material denote materials ron. gold, paper, ten wir eae “unountaies snd re general bed whoa sy fe." There wos 4 sent of Boney fom the fetes orn "ee was coffe sl tn he a. (Wels) ye. (Oats Nouns of material sre used in the plural to denote dillerent sorts‘of'a Elven materi). {tat hs senior counted upon Bim ia this entree, ad had oowignd quantaly of ste wines to Bim... (Thackeray) (One se of alles wit nurs of merit se Chapler My $5.6 7. ” \ [Nouns of material may turn into clase nouns (thus. becoming Sountables) when they come to express an Individsal object af fetinite shepe. Compare: To the left were clean panes of glas. (Ch, Bron?) site came io," sid the walter Tooking atthe light through e tabi, “ordered a glass of thi ale" (Dickens) But the petson the glass made e face of ere ond Miss Moss went eu (onset) sci nomy ects oe cul, ale, ato o dg indies sadness. igh. They” ae “usally ‘neural, Ta {ome'ot ‘tem ‘may be countable: te. ia how) “Thecloe when the youngsters saw that mother looked nether ‘ngitened nor eended they gathered new courage. (Dodge) Accustomed to Jom Reeds abuse I never had an Mea of iyi tok (Gh. Bron) these people with fited Meas, (Galsworthy) Abstract nouns may change thelr mesning and become class nouns: This change ie 'marked by the nef the ariel and of the plural number Demy a beaaty ents sea sen itt He was espns Wo Beauty aad re was cause to respond (London) mm S'S beauty. (Dieters) bo ae Tt of thse Motd regula beatles. (ldgton . $6. The category of number. English coulable moana have two numbers ~ the singular aid the pla rent ln type of he pla forms of Engh noins ae a J. 1, The general rule for forming the plural of English nouns is by adding fhe ending -s (es) 10 the singular; “ste Wronaunted in diferent ways 2] alter sibilents: nes, horses, bridges, le] alter voired consonants olher than sibilant and after vowels Hawes, bets, doves, bes, ts. [s] after Woleeless consonants other than sibients: caps, bots, hats, ifs. * Oh fhe ase fares with abit fours see Cape Mh, § 8, 8, 10, ti, ® say -sh ch orth, the pr the oun ents in a on hy ho sa Robe ings the Sn fuses box —boves esi bose beach — bens snatch — mst i low lasses 43, If the noun ends in -y preceded by a consonant, y is changed into 7 before “6. fy —fles proper names, however, the ple 1 formed by adding the coding’ the singular Mars. Mars. ot {s pce by a vowst the plural fred by sty Note Ginga to tae angele. py —nys purty wae Boe us 1 gun ein pret by con, he ts grwally formed by aling’ vex. On Few nouns ending’ in STEN Stel aE Oe Sa a ap -aee polsto— potatoes fh echoes, bt pao —penos Plo photos AIL noura ending fa -o preceded by a vowel form the plural Ins and not in ee ‘uckio —cuekoos Botlotio— porttotos ‘There are 9 few nouns ending in -o which form the plural both In ad ss mosguito—stosqitos oF osgitoes 5. With certain noune the final voiceless consoraots are changed tne corresponding voiced consents when the out tales the Bata forme Me ® (The following neans end a mute e) cha if into e (both in in'the pias He © oh “Ls cow Speling” an pronucltin) thier thieves call esives fat Shatven seat saetves * feat — eaves oi — waive There are some nouns oat! ‘ending in +f which have two forms in the sear scarves” whet whats oF wheres (8) Nouns ening in 1 of (2) In provuncatin chia Aetna apne * nt (| — ts has ss ft (=a But) stot to ys retafned efter consonants (inetuding 7) and sity site fog > nt mont fy Bib sme any San oe (Sel esta ht ete (© One noun ending in fs} changes i nto [2] (n pronunelation) owe (ht) —tous ae U1, The 7 totais ithe ape sion n the at ove plural forms of some nouns are survivals of earlier rouns which form the plural by changing foot Sheer toot teeth oose ~ gees frotse— mice ge Hee 2. There are two nouns which form the plure in sn id eden equ fre bs, Hsie eta pla oom, eters, nae Note ~The tee ck ited ee tn teal ona chai le in i Ges oe of ee a nt eae hss nies wus! plral form cs, n pura Ain, Tigi ee pot sce ous ie pl fm des nat der am te ott Bs the ae, Fit Ty sone words orved tom alin or Gack heap thelr alte Sate eS oP Ratasom, phromay tek ata fle fo mae Fa ee es aad Eglo eee cea fn ndet ot eae ge se ti st tenn sence i sic, tt i ction ad eal English sc a en ot te elt th a el ce vo pal os ae er us eae ae) IV tn compound nouns the plurals formed in diferent ways War alla eompound ‘noun forms the plural by adding “+ to te head word: sitonsneict othe Tooker iors niet 2, in some compound nouns the final element takes the plural tor " tad bed —ady ids : 31 tte tno smumstem Inthe compound, 16 added {0 tae it ent forgetincaot forse Se pitta otgeomine Ie 0 o | ¥- Some nouns fave only the plural form |, rowers spear, brace, csr fous, felis Thee axe Tor the most “part names ef things whicicimply plurality ot Consist of two or fore parts, 272" atirdss barracks, works, These, nouns may be treated as Singutars, We may say: a chemical works, @ barracks, te id Words ike puna, pss, politics. optics, ele. are usually freated as singulas except fn some special eases, 1 sas not practical poles! (Qalworths) Ait purty polities are cop dress. (Qadworthy) 4. The word news is treated os @ singular. Wen she goes to make little purchase, thet ey ti gs ith Mere IS RO news fr ‘The news be give then was to (eekams Ee thin was 60 be real Im the tnestations i eaten aE AE ten oF pone Ml things) "have two" coca ited en ne i a ts i a cel ge \hevis cet to the neuf in te forms ending’ in ss, formed by adding “+ (ie apostrophe» ‘only “(ihe epearopho te pace SnouLAs a girs book Note 1.—Nougs tring thie lara ‘ese sa ey ote gn ote 2 Besa rina te gee cae fo ways Dien Murals & gtr sehoot anne the tet owe! lak te veut mon’ he Th pontine etc ed sane ras Ue orn oe at 0 the late i rma late sep a ed nant len Se er ot (3 vei concn ST ants othe than st lants: Smith's, Note. Wil soars cote tks and (tt Se, ag ce SO Sita oe rated 4 Stan tie aw sok Ram RRS a, on eae eo of the group need not even bee noun {hall be back se AS to its use the genitive case fll unde: (A) Tne Dependent Gane see (6) The Absolute Genitne The Dependeat Genitive is used cot BEM the we th he a mts inolute Genitive may be separeed from ie noun i modes "* "OM SY mou or be 2 [A. The Dependent Genitive. 1. The chief messing ofthe genitive ease is that of possession: yoang. man and 2 girl came out of the solleltor’s oie. first esa eumny's tt (att) 2, Very los 1o the mieabing of pomesson stat of pat (0 a ste ‘A hin eh come on Vitra’ ae Seay heme ewe uiorng) Wis "ners gene ob ef a cea aoe ‘nel aan to Too a Fe (atoray) ne was adding op 4, The Dependent Genitive may express the doer of an action iq sous nahjective genitive) be sow thal sae person i the GePt the action (ie ecatie objective genitive 1k was Tom's sep le, that Muggle Berd em testes (Et) Gventote'sreipion J the elgouriood Tailed her enc’ Sspetatons (246) 4. The num in the genitive ease may denote qualitative rela tin He looked ever, so much amiter fp his new officer's clothes inthe lille ise ohevroa-- (Adlagton) ‘The use of the genitive cate of nouns denoting inanimate things and abstract notions Is rather limited ‘The genitive care of nous denot ig inanimate things may denote ‘the relations between a part and the whole the siddeo staking of on aspea's lenees inthe pulls of iooae tht roe slong the rivers. (Gaisworthy) lepped on the tuck's running. board tapgiag oa with his ‘rae (Hes) «,, Ths genitive case of nouns expresing (ime, space and weight te de ase. Yom te dept he was set to te oes” taling camp fe diye ‘eave {aldngon) ‘yh atta gl and ung He, mom ewe fe Hs ood tne. (Adingon ice is «oun sof tat year's golden casters (Eien The threo of as hal Had diner, DSatiy chet tlds a wad down ps ihe ets colts RAINE Se md cae tee: he gS SENG St ott am st gre: ber ‘The Absolute Genitive, 4. The Absolute Cenitive may be used anaphorielly, Moe, Moss face bore a ne ore faded resemblance to ter The face Michael trew begen aly te gan br ene Mlle’ and eed by 2. The Absolute Genitive may 00 the haber te anaes me eng BNE he tin ly on 2 slice of Rony-cake she secoed tom ridges, ‘The Absolute Genitive may be introduced by the preposition of Ste is relation of the Colonel's. (Austen) Chapter It ‘THE ARTICLE Geneeal_ notion, ere refers] part of speech used with nouns, There Tae ate Nor Eis: Ue init article and. the ‘Site article ie ee rlcle hss the forms a and a. The form @ sey ere wont beginning with a ensonant Sound (a Bok, a si oe erate form ch used belere words egning Bo A lun an opera, an apie, om tur). The atc wth oF a anon sete 6 pronaunced (20, rae Ail Cee has ane. graphic, fom they whch i, br uit tae [6], oes rove! sun [7p] [8 ela consonant sound (29a 2 ate te te dco from the OM Engl me rere ake) ond as teal of he ergin I used only with roa te singular. Td actinite stele has developed from the OM Enis demon strat ono teand haem ees tas preserved hs demon Salve traning im Moder Engle Hee re fe nlite ace plies that the objets re sented a= belonging to 2 las ied Spice ie tte atcte shows that a partleular object is sant AP absence of acticks with class gouns in the plural with sostct noun ons ef mae ha rama Signfleance: dows that the nouns re used na geal et TEAS tans inthe plural swe Toffen used, Some as wall te wine of ates wit clan nuns Inthe ply the eur tee the indie article in the singular." Sow if wed shen {it speaker wants to empl the iden of ue. Some is al trod wath nouns, of materia ithe ideo cf quantiy implied, Swe has the meaning of voeveral™ wih cess nous, anda tle Sr dans teri, Somes hardly ever translated into Russian. USE OF ARTICLES WITH CONNON NOUNS cass NOUNS §.2. The we ofthe indefinite article with class oans, ih apo ewe di AE “rate speaker presents the object expresed by. the noun as bstontng 1 oerti caso this cave the indie article fas ihe sg aos b, kaxotr, ch ( he meaning ot vet s See Es BS se In the unit plral mo article fused this case. If the fea of Implied the noun is preceded ‘by the pronoun sate 1 Mid the coom because there were lowers it fave brougit you some owes ol haa cide eset ye nA Mate to west Hower 2, With a prediative noun, when the spe jee senshi nou ines tsa Se Met he ‘Miss Sharp's father was an anit, (Thackeray) our father anagrectie ae Pegurgo™ sxrctale mah fo eons" PSHE? “OM wt She works "as a chenith (Cron) 4m the plural neither the article nor the pronoun some is used ‘They He good children, wo do. (E. Bronte) vs: they were business en when {as int . wee eo F wae tn the mareey” (Vey. Alter the conjunc cut Mtr ths Goniunetion as a predicative noun is citen used with ‘Ste was engeged as governess cone eA the noun is wed in a general sense. What is. std of one Fepresentative ofa class can ber applied to all the repremcio the class. The article has the mesning of “every ‘A drowwing man caches a stew. Im the plural neither the article nor the pronoun sume is use, Rett fends sould have evrything In commen, (Wilde) A. There are cases wien the evil MS, acts when the indie article preserves ils od Astle in tine save nine He Bad ty spoke word since they Ik Riis door. “his meaning Is seneray found wil Gone debating tne, mesure and weight, ‘A.weck or two pussd. (Ch. Bronte) riloverske you tb a misate sid Godtey. (Elot) (©) the numerals. hundred, thousand, million and the nouns dozen, sce He seems to have Halt a donee Yanguages at his fingertips, (vosmch) With nouns in the plural some is used. Cive’s sobs checked hs attrsnce for some minutes. (Dickens) 1, The use of the definite article with clase nouns. lace nouns afe ined with the delnite article: 1. When the noun denotes an abject of objets which the speak- er singles out from al the objects ofa given class. : “hn object is singled out ia the following’ cases {ay when the speaker and the hearer know wit particular ob Jet is meant. No! special Indication (6 necessary How did yom tke the play? hve got the magazine. Yin ects 30? AION (AYA y HOE. 1 sb rn mind al ris as tan boing NAT So are to eo ‘hm Br. E'heve never seca hee. 2B. Bat dy al ow the nk Re Sec al Bi Wet ae vote, 1 ET nin ol teh fe ep SAS Sane eet {the bearer merely at ove of 8 clk, oo De facet article ts we (©) when the speaker uses an atribute pointing out a partcaler pbject. ‘This i the House that Jack ball (For dotaed tfoatment seo § 4) {e) when the situation iseit makes the object definite 2 When an object fs singed out from all the objects of a given las the definite etcte retains its demonstrative tivening, an! tie English use the definite grticle much tener then the demonstra Lie reno hs or thal. Ths te Rusa sentence de ae samy fru shouldbe rendered In English by Let me hae the took As a rule the definite ticle isnot translated into Rossin However, there are cates when it must be rendered Ly nom, Yos told me telore you wishet to bi s goverens: bu, ny dem, 5H you remener, I didnot encourage the Hes, (Ch Bros scm Me O406pHea STY sche 2 When the noun devotes a thing unique (the sun, the muon, the inere) OF 8h ene The sun was geting warmer, (Abrahams) The bourgeoisie ie cowacdly: (London) Zhe indetnte article can be used when we mean a ertin es Beet in which the sun, moon and sky appear to us; a cetata state ‘of the sn, Ihe moon, the sky. in this ease an atiibute fe wsede A pearunite moon smiles though the geen tees. (Ch. Bronté) 5 Wh nuns sud in genre sen oun wed'n generic sans deness gens taken asa whole, a thing taken as a type, a genre. " The tiger ss always tad the ceputtion of being a manester The iciephone wat inverted in te TOI centers ‘Tho tragedy and the comedy it apprarce tn Greece JWhen the noun man is wed i a gentle sense no atile i used. a Stns felt tht his trast in man tad been crslly destroyed. (Et) Whe the oan zoman 9 ued ino generic sense i i wed withthe definite aiele or occasionally without ani He tad stvays ben Inteted in tat mysterious lng ~the ‘woman. (Bennett) a . Worn Sema tepnate A noun used in a generic sense should not be confused with a rout Used a. genetal sense A noun ‘used“in a general seme denotes an objet cegsded ‘#8 an individual representative of a class. “= A eteclve story Hes fo while avay the tie Ey vety of any detective story is meant here) . SP n'a gonerte sense denote” the whole class Conan Doyle fs 4 master of the dtcctive story. ‘he detective story is regarded here as a certain genre.) ADDITIONAL NOTES: ON THE USE OF THE DEFINITE ARTICLE lle aller med Tyssith eta mositie’ ty actives tm the superlative. de Miss Tox id the sottst voice tat cver was hoard (Dicken) wi nouns in wordroups the ts compondt of which is” sane? maa," non, tant ac send 4 nw withthe pepe Sten of ost of fhe gentlemen looked both agry ax€_ uncomfortable (Caynteh) €) with nouns nodied by the pronoun same and the adj: tis ar ee sok nat eye ey wenn en oT eh “To al iittons te tepliod Wit Me sane courteous aod post Tb Sin ve ad tot opel he door of the song oe SRAM? putowt excitmed the Dien, “the vey pesos 1 TaN 1 ea pas 1%) seme, warp me ape Sige Cisse ated” Gemma Torte very expaion ot Ber ‘Gomope Tpacu wramess Dewy 28 enoe supexce 6 4) with substantivized adjectives and participles (see page 52, '§'% partially substantivized adjectives), ‘Only the simple and the hurble were stzoad at that early bow. Cre cehecjet some ct is fore of the best to Conperwend Frc tees noted something beyond the usual in is voice (Gatssortiy) ne Note Mi somite aia mouns the we fhe te the same i acai en I nly ore cold cary out. oye) $4. Te ase of articles with class nouns mated by ated. Je date article is wed when a noun We nocd by an at toa ih in tia bj sma. By at firibute which ight be Called partieutarizing atti. A par alrite ned fo ingle ost oe om ee jects ef ie clave, 0 point out one particular objet or group Shfete. The we f'a paticularaing site haps ede ot Sor, Nowps “iweino om, tor “kpartleulasaig’attebuie cn’be expressed by an of phase ot an asibutive clus. 1 alas ted iy post itn He tnocked at the door of a very neat house. (A@arrsat) ‘The letters that ¥ have Bere fave cone to me quite by accident, (Oretser) A particularizing attribute should not be confused with a de seripilve alrbute ‘Rdcxiptivealleibute is used to describe en objector to give some sitions! innation abt it taro Ja fortnight 1 got a tong teter, whieh (©. Bronte) ‘Te post on tor el was occupied by Mr. Erskine of Tienes, An od gentleman of considersble chim and cults. (Wilde) considered_oft The use of a descriptive attribute docs not affect the use of the article, Tue same arlicles would be used if there were no aflibute whatever, (One day in Jantary he ealed at the seminary to return a book whieh he had borrowed. (ayn) ve fist spoken to te woman, who scons to have changed ber min (Bennet) ‘They went side by sid, tard tm bad, silently towerd the Redes, Mb the May flower, both plak and" white, when fall Soom, (sineortny) Inthe first example'the indefinite article i weed with the noun ‘out because the abject denoted by itis presented = belonging {oa clas, The noun woman is wsed ‘with the delinite article be: cause the Speaker and the bearer” know what pacticuler persone Teant. The noun fedge is used with the delinite aicle” because the siiuation makes the objet definite, NOUNS OF MATERIAL 5. With mu of material used in geeral ens, when & peckit uteri Sach Hemet, aces tree Honey is wholesome, 1} On tkarng shut tad bapponed ste (Katie) an for warm water... S Wosmch) 46. When 2 definite part of the substance is mesa (when the $5 medics bys gatealarizing atirivute or 1s made defile Foote situation, the delinte ail 1s use. JT hee ts good a White Fang was tangy. (Lown) Wii “Tie use is very care. ABSTRACT NOUNS §.8 When abstract nouns are used in a gene article is wed. Wale thee i tte there is hope 7 abstract nouns are ‘modified by a particularizing astdodie “rune the sation makes the des definite, they a ‘fed th tbe deliate ate. (Coerwood) as. the cnrge snd ce of hi tthe, the whist aad cpreruaiy of tis hothew the hope of siden, sent RO outance of he Cowperwood tame. (Dreier) BSW teal Caron an ened the mas ld be bela miod ha bat pours mole bya ciate, eta riety ty ode ESSER Dana” ate Sali lite shen Sot Note. Nate BoM stat oto eat see el wh gine wi TE re Welles, (Ch, Brome Whey he tous Soe Is set it's geared sem the cline The 4 ft wn ha he et cae pgs 4,40 Atsract nouns can be used withthe inden te his case the. abstract nour demas cern a Gate of 8 quality, feeling, state, ete. ‘The nous re of a quali, eng, sates ee arly always hee How clever you ara Me. Hopper. You tave a Hos seer 3g as Me. Mopper You hve a cleverness gute ot be eyes there was an eagerness, which could hac without delight (Anton) aeien ees In the use of articles with countable abst on (ths les with countable abstract nouns ste nate § 11. The indefinite article is used with the lation,” distance, i vith he nouns period, pop lation,” disonce, height, selary, etc. followed by of 4 numer ‘Simpson was out of the city fora period of ten day. (Dretser) USE OF ARTICLES WITH PROPER NOUNS. $12. Names of persons, 4, Names of persons are used without articles, Sil Tooked st Lanny and Celi. (Abratams) aniZieh th devoting the whole family ate weed with the dette ‘The Dostwoods were now said st Berton. (Anston) 3. When names of persone are used to denote of a Tamily, the Indetiite article is used, rn Hlorence will never, sever, mover bea : aes rt, never be a Dome.” sald Mrs 4. Names of persons modified by a ae TRE ee seaNs adie by a particlariing attribute Yowire not the Andrew. Manson 1 marred. (Cronin) ‘he ‘tal broad “mat ot forty i nol mich hung a from the Gedtrey'Caws of sbcandtwenty. (aes) et te 4, Names of persons ated st common nouns take the article according 10 the fener rule-on the ase eres. Sithin said apd coding at Hosimney sald, “Woy, you are Nonte Crista” (Galsoorthy) ns Teen called the Raph of asic 6 Nouns denoting military ranks and tiles such as academ sia professor dvtot (both 4 profession snd {ite}, eat, ford, Se flowed” by names of persona do Wot Take the afte. In ici “tases only "Ihe" proper noun Is Stresed) Colonel Brown, or Sian Perm nouns devoting prfesions followed by names of per song ae generalised wile he dtiite rte," this ease oth noun ate stesed. ‘The palntr Grineborogh Bas ett many fine pictoes Note. Hore the nae of «pon nome awash he ca Men ae ea sate fo sl TC ihe Seliay be dated: Ife Bron. 7, Nouns expressing relationship followed by names of persons do not take ie article Aart Polly, Uncle James. She tursed to Cousin Clixom. (Beret) Nouns expresing relationship nol followed by a proper noun andthe rouge ture, coo, baby "do nok take the aile When tied by members of the familly. : 1 tke to see Mother” sid Emily. (Glsaorthy) other people's relations ate meant, the article fs used. The sow is as clover a5 the fother 8. The use of articles with names of persons modified by ad- jective I varied retta most eases no article is used with names of ‘persons modified by the adjectives ald, young, poor, dary ite, Aoest, lazy she Ie the widow of poor Giovanni Balls... (Vaynleh) ie Sew that olf Chopin osteo orale 8 Tie. (Dreter) Ween moditied by other adjectives and participles names of perons take the definite article He tought Amelia worthy even of the bilint Geodge Osborc. nateray) $F seoihed Toa could wot say 3 word oe 2. Names of persons moditied ty the adjective certain are used with the indeinfe eric 1 beard from a certain Ne, Brown, $1 Otoraphicel names Geogcaphical ames ike atl the oter proper nouns ate use without les England, Pane, Rae Poop The Same olds good when a geographical name fs modified by am attribute in preposition: Set Russa Wh ead Loti Americ, Cetra de AE Soe Uno, te Unto Sit pe saays we 2 Geographical names modiied by a partictarzing attribute ane'ised i the die anes 2 The Philudtphis into whick Frank Atgernon Cowperwood wns bora was city of two tended and ity thausand and mone (Dae 3. With names of oceans, seas, rivers the definite are is usd the, Pasfie\ Ocean (the Pai), ihe Blak Soe fe Thee the Ohio Rice. {Names of takes do not take the article if the word tate is sed which 8 nearly always the cast; Hit Is not mectinted wo finde definite ail: Lae Windermere Lake Oneriar e oe §, With names of mountain ehains the Ulinte arcle ge se Urals the Alpe ith names 6 mountain peaks no arile is used: Btbres, wre 5, Wh names of groups of islands the definite article i us eta ert j With muinesof single flan thee i no elite: Madagascar. The. names of the. following tonne, counties an hen gfeved with the definite article’ she Hague, Ue Wetorbocke ae Weat Indies’ the Ruhr, the Rivera, the Crimea, the her, Gancass, the Congo. "The Lebaron ie" generally ‘ad Cae delizte article, occasional without theeartile 8. Names’ of strsts and. squares are ised” without articles: Osford Steet, Wall Sire Trofagar Squares Russa Suc There e's few exceptions th High Sit the Soda Gl: Names of hotes, ships, newspapers and magiznes, Names of hotels ‘ships, Mewspopers and tagnebes sewed with the dsinite ail 2 ‘A ie added that the Independent tad sccepted etd was about {0 polish two oems which te hud beer atic lo write teres oF her (Dreterr re ‘he thes men came fo the tien atthe comer ofthe Grosvenor Hotel (teens) nat points 15 AaTapes stent penis the definite alice Is wet: Ser te Wes, Es, — the Mert cats ftom Eas fo Was, frm North fo South aries us i. $16, Name eh manta days are tse without anit. May Bea sceng month Ay day oft Esc When tes nouns are modted by a partiularizingatiribate the deine aril i osed oy of 1910 wl sane coat i my emery. Bee Teacbal Ca one Peony Das ar bom Pepe Tent gary wen he Gmc eo Mosc, bat Invewe waren & Sond. Names of months are used with the indefinite artile when modified by a deseiplive attribute. A cold May isthe wou thing io Lenlnga te of ats wth nouns mode by proper sn. $17 Sn Motted y's oroper noun in te rm article se met Robert's fhe. A noun modified by a proper naun in the common case used with ie dente ari summer | vse the Tetyshoy Oatley SEE Sire if ban eT egtrsae y the Mout Baste: (Vay) * » EOF ARTICLES WITH NOUNS IN SOME SET EXPRESSIONS. cat TH Of the ae article with nouns ta set 2. fn by soponre ” ings dove te hey ae do ate ‘badly. van eee ve 4 mind fo do some: 1 hae’ great mind to have RIB SAE it See Se Te Roane on ein RIES ss) Se nw SRNL can in 1 tales 4 fen na SE at Hm # ty NPOHMINYTHCR cmarHeR, nO: "a eens ee 1 PO ESS oP Dest pe ne S7pe may (oth con 4 te spe to get 2 gee fon mone WEE ey Soham feanaaa eae mime ET ae poetry. ™ rae eener fe goon bart, EE ee Mitt momet PUBR— a ems get ge eng moe Saar 11 i @ plese — npasevo 12, a8 2 result = peayaszane cxpkesdegd™ M86 Of the dtnite anche with nouns in set 1.1 ont of the question — 06 i out of the question 06. “Wil you go to the the ‘ere pet nt” faa of ine ga, ve tots of tinge to dar . 8 10 do ie the toutie to do You tad ifn text to antte nd you id ot fe he woble 1B chorale the stony. ‘Yoo row English wel ee t0 ead Dick he orig dt piay tbe piano be win, She py te plato Sry sl fhe) aian Pm 0 Ta BE house cers Ste neo cold and wil ae to Keep son “ve basse fora couple of ae AO" oy the bel —co6aoaame Shu hat ad co sd wi have fecresbmlk gem Tce the be fora enupe ot iy. Feet ee ueaon On ihe shale Tom Is pessat Telow, "bot somstines Be hos me tne ii th other dp. © a Bog norpymict su in the egial 8 opine the other day (Cefers (0 the AR RTeSC ttn the ater On the oe hard he caty 3 ev crepemlsesé lea sunpcon, Dt othe Othe rye croyome fond ne have wot oo eM vam nc ea i, (ain) to tet (fo spesk) the truth— Heatmaps speaks (els) Ee ra 10. to eo re) HS fie Te el te ath | ot te he roe agus renoph sree ae ee aaie deanna slmostere of the proxy Peper Sinton of tis come, but te Soe oleae ett coos Ae prone detinary. 20. Nouns in set expressions used without aa article 1 eat of doors —a ape, 4a The eilren spent most of the time Yrs, se ut of dos 2. 1o"tGie to art —epunmare Dost tale things fon much to her. fomato copay a fo ate offence etinxerues IC be fi decd your remark He “oul fave then cence 4. to give (fo. get to as) ger. 1 ahod permision oe the book ‘lon —anr (oapent apo. a Hie ong Eon) popeene 8. fovioge Beat repars nyae- He fund the eject very ist ‘Soy puna yon at Tel Bt he di ot one eat Se eat on working tard sd finaly mastered te 4. st present —n acromnee opens Yo may go Rome, we dont want So at present at ight ec Hewored ete garden from ‘worn i ah 7. rom mon ‘ipa zo evepa ® om bes to Toot rosoahl She was dressed in furs fom hesd oor to foot 8, Hom beginning to ead—c mae The whele story is te from te. ‘an ao komt sinning tena 10.3 et He fe Tove with te at fist ‘eit “They met quite by chasce The rout the wrong book by aictae. He coal read for Rowe. have not son yot for ogee 1 tke ating by see, 11 BF ence cayroto 12. ate cumoce 1B, for tones — saan 14 forages —esy0 seasoers 18 by at by tr, by ea cy. ea, No noaayy, Nope 16, to go to seamcraty nopenon My sat wants to be 2 doctor, ‘and my Letter wants fo qo ts We spent hows on deck Her titer Keeps hone for he 17 en deck is aaayoe 8 to keep hse eer sont 12, a sunrise na pacesere 20; at Sunset sonore 21, at work as pesorah We let the town at sunrise We arived atthe vilope st sonet Whetever I come, he always at work, We seat to be at peace with st counties, Hi eat Seowball_by mame, was laying onthe cape, mer alcavber Wes alkays in debt 22. at peace —» mape 23, by name—no rent 24. in dobt— sosey USE OF ARTICLES IN SOME. SYNTACTIC RELATIONS : $24 The we of articles with preieative nouns. 5 siated above (Gee §2)'a predictive town I used with the Indelinite aeuste Hf the speaker states that the objet dewey te th pions Yo a eta ln , 3 predicative noun is modified by a particularzingalteibute, the dette article suse. 7 * He is the student you wanted to spesk to Ia predicative noun denotes a post which ean be ectupied by one person at'@ time, either no aisle or Ihe detimte seis ‘Me Mendeeoa ia manager, not underamatager ay lage. (Lindsey) Monten was decor of the heongled ema sk it ‘Comat X's the dean ot ‘on faa * used with preicative nouns after the verbs fo 0 atta f0 opp, 10 le. turns to cornet, ed eer wens tre er ESS can eee Beaty wuss a een isa searches TE coum raps pasar oun sometimes, has an, adjectival character, end aanh sdte ae ade ts tae wi Wt " a Bolla isn't foo! enough to believe that tort of st Coreen 6 ayn, @to6n nonepit noaostoMy er cou meron 9m en vAverial clause of concession when a prediative mur in an adverbial claw of ‘ithe Coase, ss ped te ie _ nat eae ey aor hi ope way Dvd sdf at eae a eat man Sat tae fa pede ox nomen 0 Rome essay ake the Te, meuns sor and dower wed predcatvely ake the de ite tie" ied by ano ph TAC ATESS pushes inthe lami Tamonosov os the 0 of tee, iy Sow he vee to ait we go et ag are teed with te indetnte tcl the speaker sales that he sd See oat go a {want to intosuce you to Comrade B, a great tend of mine 4m he plural no article Is wed. [want o introduce you to Comades B. and D. great fends of ‘uns in apposition or nouns forming part of an. apposition acl Me ete mike thy de routed By ye Aicuarizing atribute, Comaie , the student you have mentioned, hes come, 1 the moun denotes well-known person or work of art, the etnite arte is generally sed, Postikn, tho geet Ressian poet, died tn 1832 Hamiet, the inert! teagedy by Shukespere, was written in the Fins yeurs of the 1704 cen But i the person or the work of artis not widely known the Indefinite artite is used. Pereles, a comedy by Shakespere, fe hardy ever staged Nol gerry ed wth noun I ppasticn when th ppoition expres a fst wich can be oEEpled by One peso alltime. Ocesionally the datinie arcle Suge Professor Petrov, dtttor (the divecto) ot he Medica stitute, fs going to daiver 9 lecture, Gomrade Simos. deat (he dean) of the English depute, os at tor Moscow $29 Class nouns used In aderess take no ectile Come dowestais, chit, (Vagwieh) $2. Place of the artite. Zhe usual place of the article is beiore the noun if 8 not motiled by an attribute; it tha neun i moditied by an atetbure, the article 1s ‘placed belore the later. However, here ie cae ‘hea the arte follows the atnibute, 1. "The ‘dtiite article follows the attribule expressed by the ronduns to, al Both the stvios wore intersting All the stores were intresting, 2, ‘The indefinite artile foviows the sttibule expresed by an adjective after 50, fo, as. * Ne. Pickwick could aol resist so tempting an opportunity of ‘dying man ature (Oledens” SEPINE 4 oPportuty You compel me 10 tell You Thal ths i foo serous & matter to be treated In sich a fashion. (Dre) 1 wae as black Bouse Ini to oul. (Dickens) ods The indetnie artic fotows quite, such, what (ohat In exeian story sentence) ‘Sb is geile a eit Te never eatd of such @ thing What a woadetl pice of Taal os or flows ter tnd ale eer pe aan eel te repel In ter « le 08 Or te cebange a alber Rested ook. (Dickens) Faeyr atop nd ites ve ways of expressing the eaning of the English aries tn eg ft Enh le ny samen be xr ie Ae hao Oe water Into the glass. Ye Minti Hasene sony 1 anetve soase 9 eran wort te Y wan came up to me and asked what time it was, fama craw opecae RTO aE ioeater ar wg oe ii AP ut ase Mena tm fo, the words oun, sonnet ace Rar Nene the gt tment Be Bee nd an Nee ow ape sa 2 ath amon, tom eased (the delnite a SPrCIAL DIFFICULTIES IN THE USE OP ARTICLES 4§ 26. The use of articles with the nouns day, might, morning, ree uns day, night, morning, evening are wsed without ax tices ‘sigh end night and evening 1G) day nd morning, ean it and night and seit darknes' oF IT they denote a certain part o ‘Toe sun tod gone and aight ad come (Abratams) fy i ean or wor, might foe le has Cent the ver ws telte es. (Dele) (©) in the expressions by day, at might, from morning titi night. 1 ie easier o-worc by day than ot gt, iid by The dente ait i sed when these nous ae lie Dy a patclssng ste or whe he station makes then ae Me wit aever forget the dy wen be met Te tt sv nn testy sie (Po) The detinite article i also used In the expressions; in the morn ing. in the afiernaon, ithe evening. ‘he indent. aticle is wed when the nou is modified by ddsriptive attribute 1 speat a sieples night When the nouns morning sod evening are moditied by the a fete ead and "tale articles are tied because thle ae es do not describe the moraing et night, hut ony show the tin, 1k wos carly morning wien the tain pulled into the tte sd fg Clbrahams). The use of articles with mames of seasons. sof seasons ate used Without tiles If they show a cer tain thie of the yeu Te wos aprng. 1 ke eprng, The delinite article is used when these nouns are mevliled by 4 peticlaiaing stibute or when the station maker them dell 1 happened in the sping of 1930 ‘The spring wan cold tnd rt, ‘The indefinite article Is used when these nouns are modified by a desriptive attribute, 1 wae a cold pring. : Yen names of seasons are madifad by the sdjetives a ‘oF Jate, no articles are used. a 2 “ Te was eaty pring. § 28. The use of articles with the nouns school, college, bed. prison, jail The RoUurs school. college, bed, prison, jall ate uted without an article when they Tose their eoneete metning end expres the Purpose Tor which the objects denoted by fhe nurs sen ‘When these nouns denote concrete objeets Ihe aici are us sccording fo the general principle, (@) Schoo, ettege. fo be at setoot tego to ecuot | 10.88 8 Schoolboy (Stoogit) e a cole —to be 3 studeut of eotege {2 $68 Aon ip tah top ones stacs Soot bons at fe 7 HeYcohege tthe Nowe (Gow ant Usseu) Se ert uate schot Dod be lated the Kat 4 Pe re a wn ot Se Need Aa Seo! i Sib, Bet Pe co bed — romances ee Met en nore ; ‘ea nou halter go ob. Gaoseh (Vom) f fo Be the Bel a arc of furs is meant . {o be on the bod : Mer portit was ot the wall beside the bed. (Vogt) tion a ein as (ft) 6» pe Seer ed oe cesta a a ay & amt (biting oat ‘he ton pope dtd hom 22 (Dreber _ ses) The ase fares with the noun foe, 2 en oe ae td Ni peptions dos not take en uct (o) when we mean the nearest town (if we live Jn the country) othe town we ive In You canat go to town Lomowom: (Aten) Whit tan yr nave To don towe? (Aten) (©) when the noun town fs opposed {0 the noun country ee was not used £0 country fe, having spent twenty yeas tox,

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